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5 Common Myths about Yoga

This is a guest post written by Emily Lopes (find out more). Thanks for this great article and for collaborating to Abundy Holistic Studio’s purpose!


Yoga has been making its way to the mainstream. According to a survey from the Yoga Journal and the Yoga Alliance, the yoga industry is booming in America. It grew from an approximate of 20.4 million in 2012 to 36.7 million yoga practitioners last 2016 in America alone. This 2019, the yoga industry is transitioning to be at the top of the fitness trends. The yoga revolution will continue to take place from 2019 to 2020, making the revenue projection to an approximate $11.6 billion in 2020.

But despite the rapid growth yoga shown within the years, there are still a lot of people who have a tweaked view about this practice. Here are the most common myths about yoga:

  1. If you’re not flexible, you can’t do yoga 

You have to do some stretching in yoga. That’s a fact. Practicing yoga regularly can improve your flexibility. But flexibility is not a prerequisite. With patience and dedication, you will become more flexible. No matter what your skill level is, you are always welcome to do yoga. Besides, nobody said that you have to be ripped or fit already before going to the gym. 

  1. Yoga is for the young

There is a stereotype that yoga is for the young, the slim, the active, or the beautiful. Since people think that yoga is for flexible people, there is a weight, body physique, or age requirement – which is generally incorrect. Just because we usually see people deemed to be perfect in figure or young and active individuals posting on social media, doesn’t always mean you have to be like that. While it is attractive and inspiring, it can be misleading. Yoga is for everybody. No matter what size, shape, color, or race, you are welcome to enter the world of yoga. 

  1. Yoga is not for men

In connection with the myth above, yoga has been associated with women. There are instances that when you visit a yoga studio, it is flocking with women. But to tell you the truth, yoga was pioneered by men. According to history, most of the best yoga teachers are men. In today’s time, more and more men are finally engaging and participating in yoga classes. The list includes Tom Brady, LeBron James, and Kevin Love. So if people say that yoga isn’t ‘manly’ enough, prove them wrong by joining a class or two. 

  1. Yoga is expensive 

If you’re worrying that you do not have the ‘right look’ for yoga, throw it away. You do not need a collection of branded outfits just to practice yoga. Yoga doesn’t care about who you wear. It cares about how you perform your salutations, how you keep up with the pace, and how great it is that you’re going to experience the amazing benefits of yoga. Though having such pieces of clothing can make you look good and feel good, yoga is not about the looks. As long as you are in your comfortable self in comfortable and yoga-appropriate clothing, you look good already.

In terms of yoga classes, there are a lot of studios from all over the world that provide free to less costly trial classes. Most of the yoga studios offer packages that help you save more than purchasing a single class from time to time. You can also attend yoga classes offered by different retreat venues for hire. The most important thing that yoga practitioners wanted you to know is that yoga is not an expensive practice. 

  1. Yoga is boring because it’s too slow and takes too much time

There are various formal yoga classes that run from 30 – 90 minutes. There are also lots of online yoga classes that you can try for 5 minutes or so. A class in a few minutes is not enough to unlock the whole package of benefits yoga has to offer. All good things take time. If you also worry that pace is too slow for you, you can find different yoga types that are more rigorous and that have more challenging styles and poses. 

Here are other misconceptions about yoga. Yoga is neither magic nor a religion. It is not just for the ‘hippies’ or the ‘cool ones’ but for everyone. Yoga is more than just an exercise or a body of work but a combination of it with psychology and spirituality. Yoga has a lot to offer and is best to experience for yourself. May we have the courage to debunk these beliefs if we hear them from someone somewhere.

Your tongue speaks for your health

“Stick out your tongue!” This is what a traditional chinese medicine (= TCM) pratictioner will say to you as soon as you are checked. But don’t worry, he is not making fun of you.

Your tongue does more than just taste food and articulate words, and that was well known since ancient times. Back then doctors had to practice the “tongue diagnosis” to check the overall patients’ health, when x-rays, MRIs, and CT scans did not exist.

But even now it is a very usefull diagnostic tool, because once this check is done and other aspects of the patient’s status are evaluated, the TCM practitioner may recommend treatment with such therapies as acupuncture, herbal medicine, diet and/or massage.

Why the tongue exam assess the overall health

In TCM, it’s thought that different areas of the tongue reflect connections in the body, both to the meridians and the 5 major internal organs (liver, lung, spleen, heart, and kidney). Therefore, it is very useful and important for confirming or not a diagnosis. It can show also strong visual signs of a person’s overall energetic balance or imbalance.

What to look for

There are mainly 4 features in a tongue that should be examined:

Color: An healthy tongue looks pink and vital. Of course the natural tongue color can vary individually, but taken in conjunction with other information, it is still a very good indicator of what is happening inside your body. Changes in tongue color are said to be te sign of a chronic illness.

Shape: Normal tongue shape is neither too thick nor too thin and the body is smooth with no cracks. This feature tells the amount of the fluids and moisture running through the whole body.

Changes in its shape may include a swollen or puffy tongue, presence of cracks and curling at the sides of the tongue.

Coating: Normally your coating is thin and white/yellowish, but if you are getting sick, you may see a thicker coating developing. The consistency of the tongue’s coating also indicates the state of the fluids and heat in the body (more or less dry tongue).

As the coating is the feature that changes more rapidly, it provides an indication of acute illness in process.

Cracks: When ulcers, wounds or open areas appear on the body tongue areas usually indicate an imbalance problem (deficiency) in that organ and/or meridian. For instance, horizontal cracks are commonly associated with Yin deficiency.

Some tips and key point

  • Remember that some disorders don’t show up in the tongue, and that’s why the TCM pratictioner evaluates the patients’ health considering more diagnostic tools.
  • The tongue should be examined for no longer than 15 seconds at a time, otherwise the extending position may cause changes in its shape and color.
  • Color can be changed by food and beverages, smoke or lack of personal hygiene. Please brush your tongue and avoid oral intakes such as coffee, green tea, beet, or artificially colored candies before your assessment.
  • Patient’s age, gender and weight can influence the tongue look. For instance, overweight patients can show a larger and lighter color tongue and infants tend to have white thick coating that is easily removed, or commonly peeled tongues.
  • The season of the year can affect the look of your tongue. Infact it should be normal during spring, but it may tend to be more dry during summer or more damp in the winter.
  • The time of the day could also be an influencing factor. The coating of the tongue usually becomes thinner as the day progresses, while the color becomes more red and shiny.

I bet now you are very curious to look at your tongue in front of the mirror and check your health. So…which tongue are you?

Discover the properties of Hawthorn

Hawthorn, also known as Mayblossom or Mayflower, is a medicine for the heart on all levels and one of the oldest known medicinal plants. Centuries ago tribes across the northern hemisphere, from North America to China, used this small thorny tree as a wonderful treatment. For instance its berries were the favourite of the Native American Indians as a heart tonic and used against gastrointestinal complaints.

But hawthorn’s effectiveness as an heart medicine was first described by AncientGreek physician, Dioscorides, in the first Century AD. Medical herbal research then has validated this use nowadays, and we can all benefit from it.

How does it look like?

 All the parts of this amazing plant (leaves, berries, and flowers) except for the root, can be used to create an herbal medication. As a plant species, hawthorn was only native to the northern hemisphere, where there are a variety of different types, which produce slightly different fruits. The most common hawthorn fruit is quite small, has a berry shape and is tart, red to pink in color. If you noticed, I did not say that they are berries, but that they have a “berry shape”. This is because they contain a single seed stone inside, much like peaches or plums.

How does it work?

Physiologically hawthorn can help improve the amount of blood pumped out of the heart during contractions, relax the the blood vessels further from the heart, and increase the transmission of nerve signals. It seems that all these effects are due to a component called proanthocyanidin.

Research also suggests that hawthorn can lower the accumulation of fats in the liver and the bloodstream levels of cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL, or “bad cholesterol”), and triglycerides (fats in the blood). All these thanks to the increase of the excretion of bile, the reduction of the formation of cholesterol, and the enhance of the receptors for LDLs. It also seems to have antioxidant activity.

In 2002 a 10 week study was conducted on 38 volunteers who had been diagnosed with high blood pressure. Half of the subjects were given 500mg of Hawthorn extract and 600mg of the mineral Magnesium daily, while the other half received a placebo.

After 10 weeks, the Hawthorn/Magnesium group showed a significant reduction in diastolic blood pressure, whilst the placebo group did not improve. Additionally, the Hawthorn/Magnesium group reported an improvement in mood as well as lower anxiety levels.

The benefits

  • Improves heart health
  • Stabilizes blood pressure
  • Reduces chest pain
  • Boost the immune system

In addition to the antioxidants eliminating dangerous toxins from the body, the vitamin C contained in hawthorn also helps in boosting the activity of your white blood cells to increase your overall health.

  • Reduces anxiety

Very often, this herb was offered to people who had recently had a broken heart, a loss of a family member, etc. because it was said to improve mood and mend a broken heart. Enzymatically, it turns out that hawthorn may have an impact on our hormonal levels, which then would explain why in the past it was believed so.

  • Increases energy

Hawthorn is known to expand the coronary blood vessels, which allows for more blood to be circulated through the body, which can result in a higher level of energy or alertness.

  • Improves digestion
  • Helps against skin conditions

The antioxidant content in hawthorn makes it useful for applying topically to the skin, particularly on burns, sores, or acne.

On an energetical level, this amazing herb can be used as an energy medicine for the heart. Infact as a flower essence, hawthorn helps open the heart to giving and receiving love, and can help in healing heartache. It encourages self-love and self-acceptance. As with many heart-acting energy remedies, hawthorn helps us to develop courage.

Interactions and side effects

Hawthorn is a gentle medicine that, when indicated, is safe and effective for long term use. It is also safe to use with common cardiovascular medications, but in some people, hawthorn can cause nausea, stomach upset, fatigue, sweating, headache, dizziness, palpitations, nosebleeds, insomnia, agitation, and other problems.

This herb is definetely not indicated if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or you recently had or are going to have surgery.

Hawthorn can also interact with prescription medications (such as digoxin or some beta-blockers), so you must always check with your doctor or medical herbalist before embarking on an herbal treatment plan!

Past life regression in Brighton and Hove

Past Life Regression: a journey into your soul’s memories

The belief in reincarnation is as old as humanity and linked to some religions too. It is based on the principle that the soul is immortal and travels through times and bodies, experiencing and learning to progress each time it decides to reincarnate. This will definetely change your attitude towards death, which is then no longer your final destination but the closure of just another chapter in your soul’s journey. But how can you access those previous chapters?

Well, if you think about your soul as an energetic “body” that relates to the physical one in order to connect with life, it becomes easier to imagine that this body can also have memories. Your soul can actually remember images, tastes and smells of what has been experienced before, and those memories are kept in a secret drawer, very hard to access. That’s because although these memories can actually influence our present, our mind doesn’t have the capacity to access them and our brain catalogs them under “unusable information”.

A bit of history

Thankfully with time, a bit of luck and a lot of spirituality and faith, people have managed to access these past chapters. The most common method used is hypnosis.

During a hypnosis session the client falls into an altered state of mind, where her focus moves to different details and her inhibitions are lowered down. Hypnosis always went hand in hand with psychotherapy, and the ultimate example of that is the famous psycho and hypnotherapist Dr. Brian Weiss. He always used hypnosis during his treatments and discovered access to past life memories by luck during a normal psychotherapy session. Dr. Weiss wrote several books about past life regression, such as “Same soul, many bodies” and “Many lives, many masters”. You can find more about his work here.

My personal experience and the role of crystals

Since I was a kid I embraced the spirituality of our world, the belief that there was something more than what we could actually see. I always knew I had lived before. Somehow it was such a “normal” statement in my mind, as simple as saying the sky was blue. It was nearly obvious. But since my path never crossed the one to hypnosis or psychotherapy, I had to wait few more years before I got to know another way to access my soul’s memories. This method is called crystal layout and it is very much connected with Thetahealing, the actual energy healing method I was approaching.

The crystal layout, also called crystal remote viewing, is a technique that induces a deep meditative state. It does so by placing crystals on certain parts of the body. Through that you will connect to the memories of your soul. This deep relaxed state of mind is created thanks to the energetic vibrations of the crystal and your chakras.

A focused and insightful journey

I have experienced this technique myself many times, and what makes it special every time is that the client herself is able to witness, sense and feel her past experiences. She is only guided by the practitioner to focus on some details or moments of that life. It certainly makes the journey through past lives more exciting, involving and drama-less. In fact, during these sessions you are always in control and aware of what is happening. You are never left alone experiencing bad memories, but always guided through by the practitioner.

You should always start your past life regression session with an aim, as you only have 90 mins per session and the first times you may be able to see only one or two lives. Being focused on one objective also helps you in terms of finding out the lives that are really linked to that matter, instead of journeying around in many other lives that have nothing to do with it.

The benefits of past life regression

I bet you are asking yourself now, why try past life regression? What benefits can give to me?

The answer is: nearly countless.

Negative experiences from past lives affecting this lifetime can be detected and resolved. From this starting point, you can solve anything you want that you don’t like in your life. Can’t find abundance in this life? Maybe back in the days you were a poor man that cursed money. Can’t find your soulmate or love? Maybe you were cheated centuries ago and decided you would never trust again a potential partner. And so on.

But there is more. You can also:

  • Bring back knowledge, talents and skills from another lifetime to help you now
  • Break patterns of pain, disease, fears, phobias, negative behaviours
  • Meet again people and souls you met in this lifetime
  • Understand why you have certain unexplained feelings towards a particular country, culture or religion
  • Bring more clarity and love in this life-time and receive spiritual guidance

This amazing technique can really help to overcome blockages and change your life to another magnificient level. If you are a very logical and rational person and find hard to experience this meditative state, it may require a couple more session to proper let go your body and mind. But remember there are no disadvantages in past life regression.

No matter what have brought you to experience this, or how enormous the problem is to overcome, at the end of the session you may receive further healing, but you will always leave refreshed and grounded like a big weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

Massage Techniques – Part 2

There is a lot of misinformation and prejudice towards Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and oriental techniques in general. Since this is what I specialise in I decided to talk about few manipulative techniques that can be used together (or separately) to restore the natural energy balance and body wellness.

Hopefully this small contribution to the body of knowledge on the web will help setting the record straight about the true and proven benefits of TCM.

This is the second part, and if you missed the first one you can find it here.


Cupping therapy might be trendy and “new agey” now, but it is definetely not new. It goes back to ancient Chinese and Middle Eastern cultures, described first also in an Egyptian papyrus dated 1,550 B.C. This therapy consists in placing special cups, heated with fire using alcohol or herbs, on the skin for a few minutes to create suction. The cups can be made of glass, bamboo or silicone, and the session can be described as “wet” or “dry”.

During a dry session of cupping only suction is used, and the cups can be removed and replaced quickly or simply dragged along your skin. During the wet cupping instead a tiny cut on your skin is made and the suction of the cups is used to drag out a small quantity of blood. Your practitioner, your medical condition, and your preferences will help determine what method is used, but to be honest I have never seen wet cupping being used in a Western country.

At the base of cupping’s principles there is the belief that the suction facilitates the healing with the flow of blood and “qi” in the body. This may relieve local muscle tension, but generally improve relaxation, overall blood flow and promote cell repair. It may also help form new connective tissues and create new blood vessels in the scars. Cupping has been used to treat a wide range of conditions, including migraines, anxiety, fertility, rheumatic disease, blood disorders, skin disorders etc.

Before you get concerned, I must say there aren’t many side effects associated with cupping. But the ones you may experience will typically occur during your treatment or immediately after. These includes feeling lightheaded or dizzy, sweating or nausea. If you will experience wet cupping there is an higher risk of infection, burning or bruising, although some red bruises left by the cups are perfectly normal and will disappear in maximum 3 to 4 days. Extra caution should be taken also for children, seniors, pregnant or menstruating women, but generally always check with your GP or pratictioner first.


Gua sha is a natural, alternative therapy coming from ancient China that involves scraping your skin with a massage tool to improve your circulation. The name comes from the word “gua”, that means “scraping” and “sha”, which are the transitory therapeutic petechiae intentionally created by the pratictioner with the tool.

Usually before the session the pratictioner applies massage oil on the skin, then starts scraping it with short or long strikes and always towards one direction. Generally gua sha is performed on a person’s back, buttocks, neck, arms, and legs, but a gentle version of it is even used on the face.

This technique is intended to address stagnant energy, qi, in the body responsible for inflammation. Rubbing the skin’s surface is thought to help break up this energy, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. That is why it is usually used to relieve muscle and joint pain and relief musculoskeletal disorders. But gua sha can also boost the immune system healping treating a cold, fever, or problems with the lungs, and other benefits include helping women during menopause, insomnia, anxiety and fatigue.

But, does it have any side effect? As a natural healing remedy, I can say gua sha is safe. It should not be painful, but because it involves rubbing or scraping skin bruises can occur, although you should not bleed. Bruising usually disappears within a couple of days, but if you take blood thinners or had recent surgery you should not have the treatment done. As always, check with your GP and pratictioner.

Moxibustion stick burning and glowing

Massage techniques – Part 1

There is a lot of misinformation and prejudice towards Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and oriental techniques in general. Since this is what I specialise in I decided to talk about few manipulative techniques that can be used together (or separately) to restore the natural energy balance and body wellness.

Hopefully this small contribution to the body of knowledge on the web will help setting the record straight about the true and proven benefits of TCM.


The term “Tui Na” (pronounced “twee naw”), which literally means “pinch and pull,” refers to a form of Chinese manipulative body therapy often used in conjunction with many other therapies, such as moxibustion, acupuncture, cupping, herbalism, etc.

During a Tui na session, the pratictioner may use a variety of manipulation methods, from gentle to very firm, such as brush, knead, roll, press, and rub the body areas. Tui na is not generally used for pleasure and relaxation, but rather as a treatment to address specific patterns of disharmony and iillness. Infact, like acupuncture, Tui na aims to harmonize yin and yang in the body by manipulating the Qi in the acupuncture channels. It also includes what is popularly known as “acupressure,” where practitioners use finger pressure instead of needles to stimulate the acupuncture points.

In ancient China, medical therapy was often classified as either “external” or “internal” treatment. Tui na was one of the external methods, although it can be used to address both internal diseases and external injuries. Many people seek it to relieve multiple disorders including insomnia, constipation, headaches, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, premenstrual syndrome, and emotional problems. It can also treat disorders related to digestive, respiratory, and reproductive systems, stiff neck, distension of shoulders, sciatica, and sore back.


Moxibustion (or “moxa”) is a form of heat therapy in which dried plant materials are burned on or very near the surface of the skin. Usually the material used is Chinese mugwort (aka Artemesia), but it can be made of a mix of other substances as well.

Moxibustion can be direct and indirect. During direct moxibustion, a small, cone-shaped amount of moxa is placed on top of an acu-point and burned. This type can be scarring and non-scarring, depending on the fact that moxa stays on the skin area until it burns out completely, or it is removed before it burns the skin. I must admit I have never seen a scarring moxibustion technique in Western countries, while in China was quite common.

Infact indirect moxibustion is currently the most popular form of care because there is a much lower risk of pain or burning. The practitioner lights one end of a moxa stick, roughly the shape and size of a cigar, and holds it close to the area being treated for several minutes until the area turns red. Another indirect form combines moxa on top of acupuncture needles.

Benefits of moxibustion

The general purpose of moxibustion, like several forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is to strengthen the blood, maintain general health and stimulate the flow of qi. That is why it is very common for patients receiving moxibustion to report a sudden flowing of warmth that quickly radiates along a specific pathway, away from the site of application. This is a good result, as it indicates the arrival and flow of the Qi in the freed energy channel. Usually the patient also experiences a pleasant heating sensation that penetrates deep into the skin, but should not feel any pain, blistering or scarring unless the moxa is left in place for too long.

Moxibustion can be used for several general diseases as well, such as pain due to injury or arthritis, digestive or bowel problems, gynecological conditions (quite common breech presentation in late term pregnancy), protection against cold and flu strains, and many more conditions that follow a “cold pattern” and naturally feel better after heat application.

Moxa can be easily used at home and itt is not uncommon for some practitioners to train their patients to use moxa on themselves to strengthen the effect of the clinical sessions between appointments. But although it is a very safe practice, to gain the best benefits from a Tui na and moxibustion treatment right for your condition, it is always better to check with a professional pratictioner first.



Photo: G. Olivetti

Read about the Akaschic Records

First of all, sorry if it took me a while to come back to my blog, life got a bit hectic. But today I am back to write about the Akaschic Records, a very “mystical” topic which is usually complicated to explain without being looked at like “you are a bit crazy, eh?”.  Anyway, if you are reading this you must have been curious to know more so…

Akasha” is a Sanskrit word meaning “sky”, “space” or “aether”, from whom the Records took their name, because they are generally known to be a collection of mystical knowledge that is encoded in the Universe. But let’s take a step backwards to the origin of these books.

Akashic Records: The origin

From a theological point of view, the Akashic Records are understood to have existed since the beginning of the Creation and even before. Just as we have various specialty libraries (e.g., medical, law), there are said to exist various Akashic Records (e.g., human, animal, plant, mineral, etc) containing universal traditions, knowledge as well as all phenomenal experience.

Culturally speaking instead, some state to have proofs (I invite you to search for them) that they were accessed by ancient people of various cultures all around the globe in different times, including the Indians, Moors, Tibetans, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Chinese, Hebrews, Christians, Druids, Mayans and many others. Then this concept was passed towards our time and now is prevalent in the New Age discourse and holistic philosophy.

A database of the souls

So, following this notion, it can be said that the Akashic Records are nowadays known to be the energetic records of all events, our collective wisdom and all souls about their past lives, their presents and possible future lives. Basically everything you can think of. No matter how new or ancient your soul is, the Akashic energy (which is stored in the “Hall” or “Library” in the Universe) holds all your thoughts, feelings, actions and decisions from each lifetime, like a series of books with each book representing one lifetime. Some people also look at the Records as a computer with all your info stored in the hard drive.

Great thing is, you can actually read your Akashic Records and they are a great resource, but it’s only a resource. How you utilize it in your life is up to you!

When you realize that you came into life with a plan, it becomes very useful to access information about that plan, especially when we feel a bit lost, as we all do at some point of our lives. We might came to complete some Karma, fulfill our past life vows or to be with someone special and so on, but we won’t remeber clearly, as the human challenge is that as soon as we are born we forget this plan.

But don’t worry because accessing the Hall (or the Library) of the Akashic Records is not difficult, you do not need to be a guru or special, and there are many ways to access. Just choose the approach and the ritual that feels comfortable and efficient for you.

How can you use it?

I suggest you to start reading the Records that are relevant to you (and not your girlfriend/ boyfriend/ parents etc.), simply because it comes easier since you already carry a copy of your Records. Also, start your reading with an intention or a clear goal, otherwise a mere curious question like “I want to see what I was doing in my past life” (which one of the many? why? etc.) can lead to rejection or misinformation and misunderstanding.

Anyway, you can find on the web different ways of diy your reading and many people who are able to help you (including me), so I will let you search for your right path. I hope you had and will enjoy you reading!

Your eyes’ color reflects your health

If you have never heard about a complementary discipline called “iridology“, very briefly, it is the study of our eyes’ iris (the coloured part of the eye) as associated with diseases or potential developing illnesses.

Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, first described it and it was rediscovered in 1860 by Ignacz von Peczely who devoted his life to this study. Iridology can help you understand what ‘optimum health’ means for an individual person, which behaviour you should stop or pick up for a better health condition and so on. The iris infact displays a unique insight into our health potential and disease dispositions and its patterns and pigmentation reveal the history of our genetically inherited health.

In this article I will talk briefly about the iris main pigmentations (colours) and their meaning. As you may know, the final adult colour is not present at birth, when it actually is either blue or slate grey depending on ethnicity. An individual’s true colour develops between 3 to 5 months and generally does not change, just variations in lighting can give an illusion of change of colour. Only some conditions that cause a dispersion of pigment or use of certain drugs may cause a colour change.

Iridology basics

There are three primary colour groups: blue, brown or mixed. Within each of them there are many different shades and all irises can be placed in one of these color groups. I know it can be hard to believe, but green eyes do not really exist as the green appearance of the iris is usually due to discoloration or yellow patches in a blue or mixed color iris. Let’s have a closer look at these three groups:

Blue Iris

Called also “lymphatic“, the colour can vary in shading from blue to blue/grey. Blue eyes are associated with fair complexions, often with blond hair. Young people with blue eyes tend to have ear, sinus, throat and breathing problems, such as asthma.

In later life these people may develop conditions such as arthritis, rheumatics and/or osteoporosis as they age. The lymph system of the body is often overloaded and this is a good reason why lymph drainage massage works well for people with blue eyes. The kidneys can be sluggish and this may lead to water retention.

Brown Iris

We associate brown eyes with people who have an olive complexion and dark hair and from physically strong ethnic backgrounds. Known also as “haematogenic“, brown eyed people are generally prone to have digestive disorders and gastrointestinal weakness.

People with deep brown eyes usually need more vitamins and minerals in their diet. This genetically low mineral status often leads to glandular disturbances, which can lead to blood and circulation disorders, such as varicose veins or haemorrhoids, and problems such as anemia.

Mixed Iris

Mixed colour, also called “biliary“, is a combination of blue and brown and can appear to be various shades of hazel, green and/or with a visible blue base. People with these eyes have a tendency towards sluggish liver and gall bladder conditions and have an emphasis on digestive weakness.

This group often suffers from blood sugar imbalances, particularly connected to the liver and gall bladder and pancreas function. Fluctuations in blood sugars may cause hypoglycemia (diabetes), with its symptoms of sudden, extreme tiredness, chocolate cravings and mood swings, among others.

From just color alone, the iris reveals much information. But remember the eye is a complex structure, a web of fibers forming a unique pattern of lacuna, defects, pigment spots and other iris markings. It is this the very individual pattern that is studied by an iridologist, and not only the particular type of structure marking is noted, but also its location on the iris chart is important to establish the iris/body connection and other individual information you will give before your consultation.

To read more about iridology itself: A look into Iridology

To find an iridologist near your area, check online in their professional body The Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists: Find your Iridologist

Who are the Indigo Children?

“Indigo Children” or “Indigos” are the terms used for children and youngsters born between 1995 and 2004. These terms were first used by Nancy Ann Tappe, a teacher and counselor, who studied the human auric field. Through colors in the aura, she instituted a shockingly accurate and revealing way to psychologically profile a person using her new auric color method. What she noticed was also that 80 percent of the children born after 1995 had a new deep blue colored auric field, called in fact “indigo”.

Humbug or science?

The concept of indigo children then gained popular interest with the publication of a series of books and movies in the late 1990s and the following decade. A variety of material has been created surrounding belief in the idea of indigo children and their nature and abilities, which varies from their being the next stage in human evolution, possessing paranormal abilities, to the belief that they are more empathetic and creative than their peers.

Do some soul searching

So in the common imaginary an indigo child is a gifted soul, on a clear mission to challenge and shift reality, an highly driven and creative person with a perception that sees through the established norms of society. Old souls indeed, their mission is clearly to shake up the modern world and pave the way for future generations to create greater peace and harmony for all. If you wonder if you might be of this distinct soul lineage, here are a few traits which may feel familiar:

  • You feel entitled. You were born feeling special and you know it.
  • You are destined to be here. You are confident, even arrogant at times.
  • You have high expectations of yourself and others. This can make for a challenging relationships and interactions. You see only the best and expect others to live up to it. Toward yourself, you can be unrelentingly self critical.
  • You are perceptive, you see the world differently. You often think your way is right and are offended if others cannot see, much less take action, on your point of view.
  • You question authority, often rebellious and critical of those in power.
  • You want to overturn the man. Difficult and rigid systems seem foolish to you and you often become antagonistic to what others experience as normal.
  • You are creative, musically and/or artistically talented.
  • You are a change maker, you are a magnificent leader, offering better methods of business, society and ways of being.
  • You are a lost soul. You feel out of place with others as you recognize you are different than most people. You can tend toward being a loner or rebel, unwilling to compromise just to fit in.
  • You are driven. As the indigo soul mission is encoded in your very being, you are unwilling to back down from confronting what feels out of integrity.
  • You are passionate and focused. You are not one to be still or in silence.
  • You are highly psychic. This gives you an advantage in reading others with ease and seeing through masks.
  • You feel often frustrated, especially with society and others who are not shifting quickly enough. Patience is something that should be developed.

Keep an open but critical mind

Many people criticize the indigo child concept as being one that can be misused by parents seeking to make their children look special, particularly if they have special needs. Others claim that signs of being an indigo child are so vague they can apply to anyone.

From my personal point of view, I am kind of in the middle. I like to think that people born in a certain era or time period have similar potentials, aims, powers and characteristics, and maybe they are part of the same group of souls which hopefully will bring human beings to a brighter future, following the path of empowerment, improvement and abundance.

But generalising everyone under the category of “indigos” or “rainbow children” or something else is a bit too simple and dry-hippie. But I do believe that there are some common traits that these souls share, which they are here to teach us, as all other souls, for the better of our societies.

I hope I have given you some material to think about, and if you wish just contact me to share your ideas or give me a feedback!

ThetaHealing Explained

Have you ever wondered whether your beliefs may be preventing you from living the life you want?

Not many people have, as there is a tendency to blame your problems on other people, let negative thoughts control your reality and not take account for your own actions. But it doesn’t have to be this way. If there is something about your life that you want to change, chances are it’s your own beliefs that are preventing you from succeeding. ThetaHealing can help you replace these sabotaging beliefs with new, empowering ones!

Everybody benefits in some way from every session and sometimes the positive outcome may come in ways you do not expect. This type of healing empowers you to re-create your life exactly as you choose. Sounds too good to be true? Let’s explain better what exactly this meditation technique is and how it works.

Miraculous ThetaHealing

ThetaHealing was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995, when her own journey back to health with conventional medical treatment had failed. She was suffering from incredible pain, and nothing seemed to be helping, but deep within she believed she already knew how to heal herself. During this time, Vianna continued to work doing intuitive readings. While in this state, she found she could communicate with the Source (the universal life force), and be given answers to her questions. Her right leg, which had shrunk three inches shorter than her left leg, returned instantly to its normal size. The pain was gone, and her leg was healed. Since that time, Vianna has travelled the world to teach people how to use this powerful technique to transform their lives.

Brain waves and healing

How is that possible? You may not know but there are five major frequencies in the human brain: Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta. These brain waves are all being used at any one time, but depending on the situation one frequency is always dominant. The Theta wave is the dominant brain wave during very deep meditation, when drifting off to sleep or while under hypnosis.

Scientists have discovered that the Theta brain frequency has been found to alleviate stress, reduce anxiety, facilitate deep relaxation, improve mental clarity and creative thinking, reduce pain, promote euphoria, and provide access to instant healings. When doing Theta Healing, the brain instantly goes into a Theta wave state. It is when in this state you are able to work directly with Source, Spirit, the Universe, God or Creator of All That Is, (depending on your spiritual and religious beliefs), to facilitate powerful healings. Everyone can learn to achieve this state easily.

ThetaHealing in practise

A certified ThetaHealing Practitioner will help you identify unconscious beliefs that are holding you back, or that can lead to physical unease in your body. Many people may be aware of conscious “limiting” beliefs, fears or doubts that prevent them from achieving what they desire. However over the years, we have discovered that there is often an unconscious belief or program that is at the root of the problem.

Once the Theta Healing Practitioner has helped you identify the root belief by “digging” for it, they will then use the Theta Brainwave to go to the Energy of All That Is, and command and witness an instant change to that belief. Once the witnessing is complete, the root belief and all beliefs that have arisen from it like a chain, are changed instantly. The effect can be felt immediately, and the client’s relief is fast and permanent. You will also notice immediately changes in the belief as it will be tested through a “muscle test”.

Create the life you deserve

The possibilities for using ThetaHealing are truly infinite and are really only limited by your imagination and desire to “try it” in any given circumstance! For instance, it has been used in such diverse areas as healing the physical body or rifts in relationships, gaining confidence for public speaking, helping secure new jobs, manifesting the ideal home and partner, improving sales performance and business relationships at work and much more!

You do not need to do anything in preparation for the session. You can use this technique on yourself, your friends and family and even your animals. Remember also that Thetahealing is a technique, not a religion and it is open to all people.

ThetaHealing is a simple, practical, straight-forward technique that is easily learned and refined through repeated use. The more you use it, the more you develop your conscious awareness of the day to day things around you, as well as your unconscious consciousness of the intangible world.

Wheter this is just placebo effect or true, I will let you decide. But I tried it on myself and other people and it always had a great outcome and a positive effect. For more info, finding a practitioner or a course to become a ThetaHealer: Thetahealing.com


Dear Abundy's supporters and friends, It is with sadness that I have to announce the temporarily closure of Abundy Studio due to unexpected circumstances. During this time you can stay tuned and read the Abundy blog, but all the treatments will be suspended until further notice. Hopefully we won't stay close for long! Thank you for your understanding and support. With Love and Gratitude.