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Behavioural Iridology: Can your eyes show your personality?

For those who have followed my blog so far, you have probably read the article about Iridology. For those who don’t know what I am talking about, please have a look at it, but in the meantime I can tell you very briefly that iridology is a method used in alternative medicine to analyze the health status by studying the colors, marks and signs in the iris and the whole eye in general.

I bet you’re asking: What is the difference between “normal” iridology and the behavioural one? Well, originally they were completely distinct from one another, because there was a common will to departure from the world of pathology and medicine. Although with time in the early 90s, from the “only” concept of the iris as health indicator, researchers began to step forward, and link the iris to our DNA, as indicator of “genetically inherited” constitution. From the idea that the constitution is not only a product of physical, but also psychological, manifest or latent characteristics, it has been believed so far that through the study of the iris, iridolgists can also “scan” and analize the behaviour and personality of a person. From here all the differences schools of thought in behavioural iridology started, such as Deck, Heller, Wolf, Rayid and Verghis.

Although the categories of personalities changes from schools to schools, it is possible to distinguish 2 different types of “primary structures” or main personality characteristics.

  • The Emotional Type or the Flower

In the iris it appears as an open structure with the presence of lacunae (=absence of substance). Infact, they can genetically carry or develop conditions caused by “lack” of something, such as poor immunity, loss of organ function, hormonal instability, depression, poorly defined personal boundaries, mood swings, emotional negativity, loss of direction in life.

They also have lots of qualities like receptivity, open mindedness, creativity, emotional honesty, selfawareness, flexibility, versatility, spontaneity, instinctual intelligence, opportunity for healing. What are for these people the lessons to be learned? Self-control, focus, consolidation, thinking and centredness.

  • The Thinking Type or the Jewel

This type shows itself in the iris with the presence of pigment spots, so “accumulation of color”. This accumulation reflects also on their health, developing conditions like accumulation, sluggishness, crystalization, deposition, toxins, deposits, lithiasis (e.i. kidney stones). They are quite susceptible to enzyme and digestive problems.

In terms of personality, they usually experience caution, reserve, mistrust, unexamined emotions and withdrawal, but they can also have very high intellect, organizational and logic abilities, verbal skills, attention to detail and planning. The lessons to be learned in this case are certainly trust, delegating, flow, release and feelings.

In addiction to these 2 main categories, 2 more “secondary structures“, also called “modifying”, can be found.

  • The Empathic Type or the Stream (none of the above)

It has a very dense iris structure and contains neither of the above mentioned signs (spots or lacunae). As persons, they tend to be grounded, compassionate, sensitive, empathic, practical, carer, networker, methodical, honest, reliable, and able to carry out tasks to conclusion but requires direction. Out of balance they can show exhaustion, depression and indecisiveness. Trust, release and find a purpose are definetely lessons to be learned.

  • The Driven Type or the Shaker (both the above)

It has a very variable iris structure and contains both flowers and jewels’ signs (spots and lacunae). They can be fiery, challenging, progressive, pioneer, inventor, leader, unpredictable, good at initiating and inspiring but not so good at completing tasks. Out of balance they can be a bit reckless, isolated and extremist. Consistency, moderation and stability are definetely lessons to be learned.

If we mix all these structures, we obtain 4 behavioural types, which can define personalities in a more specific and detailed way:

  • The Stream Jewel Type
  • The Shaker Jewel Type
  • The Stream Flower Type
  • The Shaker Flower Type

…I let you discover them by youserlf! I also invite you to have your eyes checked, because although behavioural iridology doesn’t medically diagnose or treat any disease, it addresses most physical and behavioral conditions. Because those missing pieces are identified and the whole person is treated holistically, several aspects of your life can improve. Behavioral iridology offers explanations for situations that are happening in your life today, and it can definetely help knowing a bit more about yourself!

How to read your eyes? Find an iridologist (UK) or try online!





Photos by: Intro to behavioural.key, CNM uk
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