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The Archer – Book review

“Each arrow flies differently. You can shoot a thousand arrows and each one will follow a different trajectory: that is the way of the bow. […] Each arrow leaves a memory in your heart, and it is the sum of those memories that will make you shoot better and better.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Way Of The Bow, The Archer

Published in the autumn of 2020, this book is a short (about 160 pages), allegorical and philosophical story. Full-page illustrations by Christoph Niemann cut the number of actual text pages, making the reading even more quick and simple. Coelho’s writing style is easy, not elaborate, but yet warm and cosy, as usual.

In The Archer‘s prologue we meet Tetsuya, a man once famous for his prodigious gift with a bow and arrow but who has since retired from public life, and the boy who comes searching for him. The boy has many questions, and in answering them Tetsuya’s teachings are divided in different parts: allies, the bow, the arrow, how to hold the bow, how to draw the bowstring, the moment of release, and repetition.

In the epilogue, Tetsuya finally shares how he learned to master the art of archery and he relays why he has kept his skill a secret, before blessing the boy and sending him off with a new found wisdom.

Although sometimes these lessons remind of step-by-step instructions, Coelho uses metaphors and similies for giving the reader life lessons and long-lasting advice. Such simplicity in storytelling disguises a more complex message. This is a clear example of provoking a deep, strong reflection long after you have closed the book: “Just as the arrow seeks the target, so the target also seeks the arrow, because it is the arrow that gives meaning to its existence.”

In this book Coelho also provides the framework for a rewarding life: hard work, passion, purpose, thoughtfulness, the willingness to fail, and the urge to make a difference. The story suggests that living without a connection between action and soul cannot fulfill, that a life constricted by fear of rejection or failure is not a life worth living. Instead one must take risks, build courage, and embrace the unexpected journey fate has to offer.

With that said, I enjoyed reading The Archer. I think that Coelho’s fans will enjoy the story as with previous works. Afterall, The Alchemist followed a similar style of providing life advice through a fictional story, but you may also need to be in the right mood for The Archer. You need to be ready to embrace life lessons and willing of improvement and moving on.

One lesson in the allies section reads: “Join with those who do their work with enthusiasm, and because you could be useful to them as they are to you, try to understand their tools too and how their skills could be improved. The time has come, therefore, to meet your bow, your arrow, your target, and your way.”

Who is a doula?

In the last few years I have lived abroad I have increasingly heard about “doulas”, whose existence and role I admit previously I did not know. However, having recently talked to some of my foreign non-italian colleagues who trusted in the doulas during their gestation, I was intrigued and wanted to find out more.

The doula’s role

Doula means “servant”, and is an ancient figure that can be found already from Ancient Greece. In Italy it is about 10/15 years that this profession properly started, while in the rest of Europe or in the USA it has been much longer. The doula is a non-health professional figure for the emotional and practical support of the family and particularly of the pregnant mothers until roughly the child’s first birthday.

For example, emotionally she can help the mother to look for the positive side of the situation, give her attention and make her believe in her strength. On the practical side the doula is not a cleaner or a housekeeper, but if the mother needs it she can certainly help keep the house clean. She is not a babysitter but can watch children while the mother washes or eats in peace. The doula is above all a non-judgmental figure who respects the choices of the mother and the family, an emotional and practical help you can count on.

When the doula enters the scene

  • Pregnancy and pre-birth

One of the fundamental roles of the doula is to help the mother to make the “birth plan“, that is the whole list of things that the future mother wants in the hospital (or at home). The doula helps to make these wishes come true and directs the family to the centers or health experts suited to their choices. Then almost at the 9th month, about 10 days before the birth, the doula organizes the “blessing way“: a Navaho tradition ceremony to welcome the mother who is born, because as per Native American tradition when a baby is born a new mother is also born. This celebration of life is usually celebrated with friends and loved ones, doing rituals that the mother chooses: for example, you can create essential oils or scented salts to take home as a souvenir, create handmade gifts for the mother and the baby, burn fears and sing songs to the sound of shamanic drums, make a cast of the belly, braid hair with fresh flowers and many other activities that suit the future mother’s likings.

  • Labour

If the mother believes that the father is unable to support her during labour in the hospital, the doula can enter the delivery room as a replacement, otherwise she can watch the other children outside. During home birth the doula can help prepare peoperly the place and the necessary to support the mother during birth (for example by massaging her feet).

  • Post-partum

Especially if it’s the mother’s first child, she may have different fears and insecurities after giving birth (how do I change the diaper? Why doesn’t the baby sleep? And if I can’t breastfeed? etc ..). Breastfeeding especially can be a critical point for several women, but the doula will help find health workers to support the new mother. About other insecurities the doula will work as emotional support and if necessary suggest some psychological support or groups to the mother and / or family.

The relationship with healthcare professionals

Let’s dispel one of the many myths: the doula does NOT want to replace anyone. As mentioned above, the doula is not a health figure but an emotional (NOT psychological) and practical support. Fortunately, several health workers (doctors, midwives, nurses, etc.) accept the figure of the doula and indeed, advise the new mothers to contact them. Others do not welcome the doulas, but I believe it is certainly because they do not understand this role. Because different support figures exist, they can all work together to better help mothers and for the babies and families’ best interest.

How to become a doula

There are many schools around the world that can teach you how to become a doula, some of the courses last 9 months, others are shorter. Check online which is the closest school in your area and if your state requires an enrollment in a specific professional body. It is then at the discretion of the person to feel competent and ready to start practicing the profession. I guess one becomes a doula if you feel particularly connected with pregnacy and the motherhood world, if you want to combine practical and emotional help and support and make it your call, doing all of this with joy in your heart.

ThetaHealing: un’Intervista a Sara Montanari / ThetaHealing: an Interview with Sara Montanari

Bilingual article, for the English version scroll down!

Articolo bilingue, per la versione Inglese scorrere in basso!

Nell’ultimo periodo sono stata molto fortunata, perchè diversi operatori olistici di luce mi hanno contattata per avere un piccolo spazio sul blog di Abundy. Grazie a loro, Abundy ma soprattutto la mia e la vostra (cari lettori!) conoscenza e connessione si potranno espandere sempre di più! Oggi sono qui con Sara Montanari, che non solo conosco e stimo da anni, ma che è stata anche una mia personale Maestra e ora con immensa gioia posso definire collega. Sara è una fantastica ThetaHealer (clicca per saperne di più), che mette discrezione, gentilezza, amore e tanta tanta passione nel lavoro che fa. Ma lascio a lei il piacere di raccontarvi di più:

  • Ciao Sara, grazie ancora per aver accettato di farti intervistare per Abundy. Ti andrebbe di parlarci un po’ di te e di come ti sei avvicinata al ThetaHealing?

Ciao Laura, grazie mille a te per questa opportunità. Ho conosciuto il ThetaHealing nel 2014, attraverso una mia amica che mi ha presentato una ThetaHealer, inizialmente in realtà per il Reiki degli Angeli, poi ho provato una sessione di Theta di cui mi sono profondamente innamorata…il caso che non è mai un caso!

  • Dunque nel tuo studio olistico “Onde di luce” proponi principalmente come tecnica il ThetaHealing. Ti capita di usare altre tecniche durante la seduta con una persona?

Di solito applico principalmente il ThetaHealing ma in parte finale qualche volta uso il Reiki degli Angeli apponendo le mani nelle zone colpite o contratte, in base ai consigli “dall’alto” diciamo.

  • Vedo che sei molto attiva sui Social Network e Youtube, ad esempio con i tuoi interessanti video. Hanno questi video un filo conduttore comune o un argomento che ti piace particolarmente trattare?

Si, il filo da cui sono partita nei miei video è lo studio profondo dell’inconscio, per poi sfociare nei disagi e nelle malattie che può creare. A tratti procedo anche a spiegare altri argomenti rilevanti che tratto in seduta, ad esempio la paura, il karma o blocchi fisici.

  • Puoi spiegarci meglio cosa è il subconscio e cosa significa lavorare con e su di esso?

Il subconscio è una grande macchina che contiene il 90% delle nostre informazioni e programmi (quelli che nel ThetaHealing possiamo chiamare convinzioni, sia negative che positive), che sovente sfociano in blocchi generatori di disagi e malattie. Possiamo dire che il nostro inconscio è il nostro bambino interiore.

  • Quindi cos’è, o meglio, chi è il bambino interiore?

Il bambino interiore siamo noi stessi nel più profondo delle nostre emozioni, spesso limitanti, che auto creano blocchi e disagi altrettanto profondi sin dalla nascita o addirittura da prima, nell’utero materno, e trattiene tutto ciò che gli è stato insegnato in famiglia, nel nucleo e nel DNA.

  • Quali sono principalmente i motivi che spingono una persona a prenotare una sessione con te?

Di solito chi mi contatta ha notevoli movimenti interiori che generano situazioni difficili che compromettono la loro vita quotidiana, o più semplicemente magari vuole fare un percorso di crescita personale ed evoluzione profonda.

  • Ho visto che fra i tuoi eventi recenti c’e stato un workshop molto interessante: “approfondimento sull’Amor proprio e sull’Anima gemella”. Di cosa si tratta?

Si, il mio workshop del 27 Dicembre prevedeva un’immersione profonda nell’Amore in tutte le sue forme, soprattutto fari puntati sull’amor proprio che arricchisce dentro per creare fuori la strada verso l’ anima gemella compatibile.

  • Parte del tuo lavoro a “Onde di Luce” consiste nell’insegnamento. Quindi è possibile per chiunque imparare e praticare il ThetaHealing?

Certo che si, chiunque può connettersi all’energia creatrice e al Divino. E’ la prima cosa che insegno: siamo tutti scintille di Dio.

  • Raccontaci dei progetti futuri per te e per lo studio “Onde di luce”.

Ultimamente ho strutturato e creato in connessione col Creatore, un seminario propriamente diretto a cambiare consapevolmente il proprio Karma. Si chiama “Allineamento Karmico del maestro consapevole”.

  • Quindi questo corso lo hai ideato tu? Come e in cosa consiste?

Si è tutto partito dallo studio dei capisaldi e di un ottimo lavoro di consapevolezza, toccando l’inconscio, l’ego e il proprio Karma, e attingendo all’aiuto dalla sorgente… il resto sarà una sorpresa! Sappiate che lo calendarizzerò a inizio Febbraio. Tutti possono accedere a questo corso, senza prerequisiti.

  • Ok, grazie mille Sara per il tuo tempo e contributo ad Abundy. Parlaci dei tuoi prossimi eventi e dove possono trovarti i lettori.

Il mio prossimo evento sarà a Reggio Emilia per il seminario DNA Base per poi procedere con il mio nuovo corso “Allineamento Karmico del maestro consapevole”. A seguire e chiudere a Gennaio con l’Abbondanza manifestata dall’alto.

Mi potete trovare sul web su www.ondediluce.it oppure su Facebook in Onde di Luce di Sara Montanari.

Dal 2020 anche in un altro luogo che sarà una sorpresa… spero di essere più chiara quanto prima verso Febbraio. Grazie mille per questa possibilità che mi hai dato per parlare un po’ di me e del mio meraviglioso lavoro, che prima di tutto è una grande passione.

In the last period I have been very lucky, because several holistic light operators have contacted me in order to have a small space on Abundy’s blog. Thanks to them, Abundy and above all my and your (dear readers!) knowledge and connection will be able to increase more and more! Today I am here with Sara Montanari, whom I have not only known and respected for years, but who has also been my teacher and now with immense joy I can call colleague. Sara is a fantastic ThetaHealer (click to learn more), which puts discretion, kindness, love and a lot of passion in the work she does. But I leave her the pleasure to tell you more:

  • Hi Sara, thanks again for agreeing to be interviewed for Abundy. Would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself and how did you approach ThetaHealing?

Hi Laura, thank you very much for this opportunity. I met ThetaHealing in 2014, through a friend of mine who introduced me to a ThetaHealer, initially actually for the Angel Reiki, but then I tried a Theta session that I deeply fell in love with … the case that is never a coincidence!

  • So in your holistic study “Onde di Luce” you mainly use the ThetaHealing technique. Do you happen to use other techniques with your clients?

Usually I mainly apply ThetaHealing but in the final part I sometimes use the Angel Reiki by placing my hands in the affected or contracted areas, based on the advice “from above”, as we say.

  • I see that you are very active on Social Networks and Youtube, for example with your interesting videos. Do these videos have a common thread or a topic that you particularly like to talk about?

Yes, the thread from which I started in my videos is the deep study of the subconscious, to then lead to the inconveniences and diseases it can create. Sometimes I also go on to explain other relevant topics that I deal with in the sessions, for example fear, karma or physical blockages.

  • Can you explain better what the subconscious is and what it means to work with and on it?

The subconscious is a large machine that contains 90% of our information and programs (what in ThetaHealing we can call beliefs, both negative and positive), which often result in blocks that generate inconvenience and disease. We can say that our subconscious is our inner child.

  • So what is, or rather, who is the inner child?

The inner child is ourselves in the deepest of our emotions, often limiting, which self create blocks and discomforts equally deep since birth or even before, in the womb, and retains everything that has been taught to him in the family, in the nucleus and in DNA.

  • What are the main reasons for a person to book a session with you?

Usually those who contact me have significant internal movements that generate difficult situations that compromise their daily life, or more simply, maybe they want to make a path of personal growth and deep evolution.

  • I saw that among your recent events there was a very interesting workshop: “approfondimento sull’Amor proprio e sull’Anima gemella“. What is it about?

Yes, my workshop on December 27th provided a deep immersion in Love in all its forms, especially focused on self-love which enriches inside to create in our lives the road towards a compatible soul mate.

  • Part of your “Onde di Luce” work is teaching. So is it possible for anyone to learn and practice ThetaHealing?

Of course, anyone can connect to the Source and the Divine. It is the first thing I teach: we are all sparks of God.

  • Tell us about the future projects for you and for “Onde di Luce”.

Lately I have structured and created in connection with the Creator a seminar properly directed to consciously change one’s Karma. It is called “Allineamento Karmico del maestro consapevole“.

  • So did you create this course? How does it work?

It all started with the study of the cornerstones and an excellent work of awareness, touching the subconscious, the ego and one’s Karma, and drawing on help from the Source … the rest will be a surprise! Keep in mind that I will schedule it in early February. Everyone can access this course without prerequisites.

  • Ok, thank you so much Sara for your time and contribution to Abundy. Tell us about your upcoming events and where readers can find you.

My next event will be in Reggio Emilia (Italy) for the DNA Base seminar and then proceed with my new course “Allineamento Karmico del maestro consapevole“, following and closing in January with the Abundance manifested from above.

You can find me on the web on www.ondediluce.it or on Facebook in Onde di Luce di Sara Montanari.

From 2020 I will be also in another place that will be a surprise … I hope to be clearer as soon as possible towards February. Thank you so much for this chance you gave me to talk a little about myself and my wonderful job, which is first of all a great passion.

How to Cleanse your Crystals – Come Pulire i vostri Cristalli

Bilingual article, for Italian scroll down! Articolo bilingue, per l’Italiano far scorrere in basso!

Today I’d like to talk to those who regularly use crystals for regression, holistic therapies, meditation, etc. and give you some advice on how to cleanse them, purify them and recharge them with new energy once they’ve been used. All these precious information were provided to me by Federico Cella, whom I warmly thank!


After we have bought our crystals it is necessary to clean them and one of the fundamental methods is with the element of water. Running cold and clean water over the stones (the ideal would be pure water from a stream, but also tap water is fine) for a few seconds on the left hand, then dry with a cotton cloth. We should not use this method with all the stones, because contact with water can make some of them opaque and lose their shine: azurite, turquoise, chrysocolla, cyanite. In addition, these stones contain copper and may oxidize with water. Same thing for hematite, pyrite and magnetite containing iron, so in these cases use other methods listed below.


We put the crystals or stones in a crock, glass or wood and cover them with coarse sea salt. Let them rest for one, three or seven nights (these are three esoteric numbers, we choose the time to use based on our feeling). Once this is done, we place the entire container under a stream of running water which we let run for 30min / 1H, then dry it with a cotton cloth. If we have purified stones that do not “love water” we obviously remove them before rinsing. This procedure is not indicated for: cyanite, opal (loves water but not salt), azurite, aragonite, selenite, dioptase and other very delicate stones. Also remember to be careful when purifying jewels containing silver and copper that oxidize with water and salt. WARNING! THE COMBINATION OF WATER AND SALT TOGETHER CAN BE CORROSIVE FOR MANY CRYSTALS


We put our crystal on a window or rather in a garden or in a vase of plants / flowers and leave it there for at least three days, it is not important to collect them for the night. In resonance with the sun very dark minerals linked to the earth are perfect, such as obsidian, tourmaline, jasper etc. We pay attention to transparent colored crystals: do not expose them to direct sunlight, because they will tend to lighten, so we possibly use other methods for these crystals.


This is a great method not only to clean the crystal but also to boost it to maximum energy. During the waxing moon or the full moon night we put the stones near the roots of a tree or in a vase that we have on the balcony, or otherwise on a cotton cloth and leave them there all night long. If you want to maximize the crystal, perform the treatment for the whole crescent moon phase, placing the stones during the day, for example in a box, and handle them as little as possible. This method is used to purify and recharge the stones and crystals that are considered “feminine”: the amethyst, the moonstone, the celestine, opals, chrysoprase (all methods applicable to this stone), damburite, dioptase, fluorite (azure-violet), kunzite, meteorite, hyaline quartz (all methods applicable to this stone), so all transparent, blue, violet or stones working on female emotions: sensitivity, dreams and perceptions.


The longest but also the most complete treatment consists in burying the stones during the new or full moon and letting them rest for the entire moon phase, or 28 days. This process unites the energies of Mother Earth with those of Heaven. There are also various types of clay, the most readily available and least expensive is the ventilated green clay, available in all herbalists. We put the stones in a crock, glass or wood and we cover them with clay, for three, seven, nine or eleven nights (they are other esoteric numbers, we choose which ones to use based on our feeling). After the days we have chosen, we remove the clay (which we can throw away or recycle using it as soil) and put the stones in a clean container, always in natural material, letting a stream of fresh water flow for about 1H. Then we take the stones and dry them with a clean cotton cloth. WARNING! This method with earth and / or clay is not recommended for particularly porous stones, as the clay or earth could stick in the micro-cracks with remote possibility of recovery. This method is good when the stones are not too “discharged”, as it helps them to discharge the accumulated negative energy. Never use hot water as it could crack the crystal, making it lose energy.


With the first level it will be sufficient to give Reiki to our crystal for a period varying from 15 to 30 minutes. With the second level, through the use of symbols, treatment times are shortened to 5/15 minutes.


To all the stones we can sprinkle the sacred smoke of the holy pole or sage for at least 1 minute with rotary movements or with the figure of “8” horizontal, or the infinite, which is one of the main symbols of healing and energy.

Oggi vorrei rivolgermi a coloro che utilizzano i cristalli per terapie olistiche, regressioni, meditazioni ecc e darvi alcuni consigli su come pulirli, purificarli e ricaricarli di energia nuova una volta utilizzati. Tutte queste preziose informazioni mi sono state fornite da Federico Cella, che ringrazio di cuore!


Dopo che abbiamo comprato i nostri cristalli è necessario ripulirli e uno dei metodi fondamentali è con l’elemento acqua. Far scorrere sulle pietre acqua fredda e pulita (l’ideale sarebbe l’acqua pura di un ruscello, ma anche del rubinetto va benissimo) per qualche secondo sulla mano sinistra, poi asciugare con un panno. Facciamo attenzione a non utilizzare questo metodo con tutte le pietre, perchè il contatto con l’acqua può renderne alcune opache e far perdere lucentezza: azzurrite, turchese, crisocolla, cianite. Inoltre queste pietre contengono rame e al contatto con l’acqua potrebbero ossidarsi. Stessa cosa per l’ematite, pirite e la magnetite che contengono ferro, quindi in questi casi ricorrere ad altri metodi sotto elencati.


Mettiamo i cristalli o le pietre in un recipiente di coccio, vetro o legno e copriamo con sale grosso marino. Lasciamoli riposare per una, tre o sette notti (sono tre numeri esoterici – scegliamo in base al nostro sentire il tempo da usare). Fatto ciò poniamo l’intero recipiente sotto un filo d’acqua corrente che lasciamo scorrere per 30min/1H, poi le asciughiamo con un panno di cotone. Se abbiamo purificato delle pietre che non “amano l’acqua” ovviamente le togliamo prima del risciacquo. Questo procedimento non è indicato per: cianite, opale (ama l’acqua ma non il sale), azzurrite, aragonite, selenite, dioptasio e altre pietre molto delicate. Ricordate inoltre di fare attenzione quando purificate gioielli contenenti argento e rame che con acqua e sale si ossidano. ATTENZIONE! LA COMBINAZIONE DI ACQUA E SALE INSIEME PUO’ ESSERE CORROSIVA PER MOLTI CRISTALLI.


Mettiamo il nostro cristallo su una finestra o meglio in un giardino oppure in un vaso di piante o fiori e lasciamolo lì per almeno tre giorni, non è importante ritirarli per la notte. In risonanza con il sole sono perfetti minerali molto scuri legati alla terra come ossidiana, tormalina, diaspro ecc. Facciamo attenzione ai cristalli colorati trasparenti: non esponiamoli alla luce diretta del sole, perché tenderanno a schiarirsi, quindi utilizziamo possibilmente altri metodi per questi cristalli.


Questo è un ottimo metodo non solo per pulire il cristallo ma anche per potenziarlo al massimo di energia. Durante la luna crescente oppure la notte di luna piena mettiamo le pietre vicino alle radici di un albero oppure in un vaso che abbiamo sul balcone, o in mancanza su un panno di cotone e lasciamole li per tutta la notte. Se si vuol potenziare al massimo il cristallo eseguire il trattamento per tutta la fase di luna crescente, riponendo le pietre durante il giorno ad esempio in una scatola, e di maneggiarle il meno possibile. Questo metodo viene utilizzato per purificare e ricaricare le pietre e i cristalli per così dire “femminili”: l’ametista, la pietra di luna, la celestina, opali, crisoprasio (tutti i metodi applicabili a questa pietra), damburite, dioptasio, fluorite (azzurro-violette), kunzite, meteorite, quarzo ialino (tutti i metodi applicabili a questa pietra), in pratica tutte le pietre trasparenti, azzurre, violette o che lavorano sulle emozioni femminili, la sensibilità, i sogni e le percezioni.


Il trattamento più lungo ma anche il più completo consiste nel sotterrare le pietre durante la luna nuova o piena e lasciarli riposare per l’intera fase lunare, ovvero 28 giorni. Con questo procedimento si uniscono le energie di Madre Terra con quelle Celesti. Esistono poi vari tipi di argilla, quella più facilmente reperibile e meno costosa è l’argilla verde ventilata, disponibile in tutte le erboristerie. Mettiamo le pietre in un recipiente di coccio, vetro o legno e le copriamo con l’argilla Per tre, sette, nove o undici notti (sono altri numeri esoterici, scegliamo in base al nostro sentire quale usare). Trascorsi i giorni che abbiamo scelto togliamo l’argilla (che possiamo buttare via o riciclare usandola come terriccio) e mettiamo le pietre in un contenitore pulito, sempre di materiale naturale, lasciando scorrere un filo acqua fresca corrente per circa 1H. Successivamente prendiamo le pietre e le asciughiamo con un panno pulito in cotone. ATTENZIONE! Questo metodo con terra e/o argilla è sconsigliato per le pietre particolarmente porose, in quanto l’argilla o la terra potrebbero attaccarsi nelle micro-fessure con remote possibilità di recupero. Questo metodo va bene quando le pietre non sono troppo “scariche”, in quanto le aiuta a scaricare l’energia negativa accumulata, mai usare acqua calda poichè potrebbe incrinare il cristallo, facendogli perdere energia.


Con il primo livello sarà sufficiente dare reiki al nostro cristallo per un periodo variabile dai 15 ai 30 minuti. Con il secondo livello,attraverso l’uso dei simboli i tempi di trattamento si accorciano a 5/15 minuti.


A tutte le pietre possiamo cospargere il fumo sacro del palo santo o salvia per almeno 1 minuto con movimenti rotatori o a figura di “8” orizzontale, ovvero l’infinito, che è uno dei principali simboli di guarigione ed energia.

Your tongue speaks for your health

“Stick out your tongue!” This is what a traditional chinese medicine (= TCM) pratictioner will say to you as soon as you are checked. But don’t worry, he is not making fun of you.

Your tongue does more than just taste food and articulate words, and that was well known since ancient times. Back then doctors had to practice the “tongue diagnosis” to check the overall patients’ health, when x-rays, MRIs, and CT scans did not exist.

But even now it is a very usefull diagnostic tool, because once this check is done and other aspects of the patient’s status are evaluated, the TCM practitioner may recommend treatment with such therapies as acupuncture, herbal medicine, diet and/or massage.

Why the tongue exam assess the overall health

In TCM, it’s thought that different areas of the tongue reflect connections in the body, both to the meridians and the 5 major internal organs (liver, lung, spleen, heart, and kidney). Therefore, it is very useful and important for confirming or not a diagnosis. It can show also strong visual signs of a person’s overall energetic balance or imbalance.

What to look for

There are mainly 4 features in a tongue that should be examined:

Color: An healthy tongue looks pink and vital. Of course the natural tongue color can vary individually, but taken in conjunction with other information, it is still a very good indicator of what is happening inside your body. Changes in tongue color are said to be te sign of a chronic illness.

Shape: Normal tongue shape is neither too thick nor too thin and the body is smooth with no cracks. This feature tells the amount of the fluids and moisture running through the whole body.

Changes in its shape may include a swollen or puffy tongue, presence of cracks and curling at the sides of the tongue.

Coating: Normally your coating is thin and white/yellowish, but if you are getting sick, you may see a thicker coating developing. The consistency of the tongue’s coating also indicates the state of the fluids and heat in the body (more or less dry tongue).

As the coating is the feature that changes more rapidly, it provides an indication of acute illness in process.

Cracks: When ulcers, wounds or open areas appear on the body tongue areas usually indicate an imbalance problem (deficiency) in that organ and/or meridian. For instance, horizontal cracks are commonly associated with Yin deficiency.

Some tips and key point

  • Remember that some disorders don’t show up in the tongue, and that’s why the TCM pratictioner evaluates the patients’ health considering more diagnostic tools.
  • The tongue should be examined for no longer than 15 seconds at a time, otherwise the extending position may cause changes in its shape and color.
  • Color can be changed by food and beverages, smoke or lack of personal hygiene. Please brush your tongue and avoid oral intakes such as coffee, green tea, beet, or artificially colored candies before your assessment.
  • Patient’s age, gender and weight can influence the tongue look. For instance, overweight patients can show a larger and lighter color tongue and infants tend to have white thick coating that is easily removed, or commonly peeled tongues.
  • The season of the year can affect the look of your tongue. Infact it should be normal during spring, but it may tend to be more dry during summer or more damp in the winter.
  • The time of the day could also be an influencing factor. The coating of the tongue usually becomes thinner as the day progresses, while the color becomes more red and shiny.

I bet now you are very curious to look at your tongue in front of the mirror and check your health. So…which tongue are you?

Read about the Akaschic Records

First of all, sorry if it took me a while to come back to my blog, life got a bit hectic. But today I am back to write about the Akaschic Records, a very “mystical” topic which is usually complicated to explain without being looked at like “you are a bit crazy, eh?”.  Anyway, if you are reading this you must have been curious to know more so…

Akasha” is a Sanskrit word meaning “sky”, “space” or “aether”, from whom the Records took their name, because they are generally known to be a collection of mystical knowledge that is encoded in the Universe. But let’s take a step backwards to the origin of these books.

Akashic Records: The origin

From a theological point of view, the Akashic Records are understood to have existed since the beginning of the Creation and even before. Just as we have various specialty libraries (e.g., medical, law), there are said to exist various Akashic Records (e.g., human, animal, plant, mineral, etc) containing universal traditions, knowledge as well as all phenomenal experience.

Culturally speaking instead, some state to have proofs (I invite you to search for them) that they were accessed by ancient people of various cultures all around the globe in different times, including the Indians, Moors, Tibetans, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Chinese, Hebrews, Christians, Druids, Mayans and many others. Then this concept was passed towards our time and now is prevalent in the New Age discourse and holistic philosophy.

A database of the souls

So, following this notion, it can be said that the Akashic Records are nowadays known to be the energetic records of all events, our collective wisdom and all souls about their past lives, their presents and possible future lives. Basically everything you can think of. No matter how new or ancient your soul is, the Akashic energy (which is stored in the “Hall” or “Library” in the Universe) holds all your thoughts, feelings, actions and decisions from each lifetime, like a series of books with each book representing one lifetime. Some people also look at the Records as a computer with all your info stored in the hard drive.

Great thing is, you can actually read your Akashic Records and they are a great resource, but it’s only a resource. How you utilize it in your life is up to you!

When you realize that you came into life with a plan, it becomes very useful to access information about that plan, especially when we feel a bit lost, as we all do at some point of our lives. We might came to complete some Karma, fulfill our past life vows or to be with someone special and so on, but we won’t remeber clearly, as the human challenge is that as soon as we are born we forget this plan.

But don’t worry because accessing the Hall (or the Library) of the Akashic Records is not difficult, you do not need to be a guru or special, and there are many ways to access. Just choose the approach and the ritual that feels comfortable and efficient for you.

How can you use it?

I suggest you to start reading the Records that are relevant to you (and not your girlfriend/ boyfriend/ parents etc.), simply because it comes easier since you already carry a copy of your Records. Also, start your reading with an intention or a clear goal, otherwise a mere curious question like “I want to see what I was doing in my past life” (which one of the many? why? etc.) can lead to rejection or misinformation and misunderstanding.

Anyway, you can find on the web different ways of diy your reading and many people who are able to help you (including me), so I will let you search for your right path. I hope you had and will enjoy you reading!

Your eyes’ color reflects your health

If you have never heard about a complementary discipline called “iridology“, very briefly, it is the study of our eyes’ iris (the coloured part of the eye) as associated with diseases or potential developing illnesses.

Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, first described it and it was rediscovered in 1860 by Ignacz von Peczely who devoted his life to this study. Iridology can help you understand what ‘optimum health’ means for an individual person, which behaviour you should stop or pick up for a better health condition and so on. The iris infact displays a unique insight into our health potential and disease dispositions and its patterns and pigmentation reveal the history of our genetically inherited health.

In this article I will talk briefly about the iris main pigmentations (colours) and their meaning. As you may know, the final adult colour is not present at birth, when it actually is either blue or slate grey depending on ethnicity. An individual’s true colour develops between 3 to 5 months and generally does not change, just variations in lighting can give an illusion of change of colour. Only some conditions that cause a dispersion of pigment or use of certain drugs may cause a colour change.

Iridology basics

There are three primary colour groups: blue, brown or mixed. Within each of them there are many different shades and all irises can be placed in one of these color groups. I know it can be hard to believe, but green eyes do not really exist as the green appearance of the iris is usually due to discoloration or yellow patches in a blue or mixed color iris. Let’s have a closer look at these three groups:

Blue Iris

Called also “lymphatic“, the colour can vary in shading from blue to blue/grey. Blue eyes are associated with fair complexions, often with blond hair. Young people with blue eyes tend to have ear, sinus, throat and breathing problems, such as asthma.

In later life these people may develop conditions such as arthritis, rheumatics and/or osteoporosis as they age. The lymph system of the body is often overloaded and this is a good reason why lymph drainage massage works well for people with blue eyes. The kidneys can be sluggish and this may lead to water retention.

Brown Iris

We associate brown eyes with people who have an olive complexion and dark hair and from physically strong ethnic backgrounds. Known also as “haematogenic“, brown eyed people are generally prone to have digestive disorders and gastrointestinal weakness.

People with deep brown eyes usually need more vitamins and minerals in their diet. This genetically low mineral status often leads to glandular disturbances, which can lead to blood and circulation disorders, such as varicose veins or haemorrhoids, and problems such as anemia.

Mixed Iris

Mixed colour, also called “biliary“, is a combination of blue and brown and can appear to be various shades of hazel, green and/or with a visible blue base. People with these eyes have a tendency towards sluggish liver and gall bladder conditions and have an emphasis on digestive weakness.

This group often suffers from blood sugar imbalances, particularly connected to the liver and gall bladder and pancreas function. Fluctuations in blood sugars may cause hypoglycemia (diabetes), with its symptoms of sudden, extreme tiredness, chocolate cravings and mood swings, among others.

From just color alone, the iris reveals much information. But remember the eye is a complex structure, a web of fibers forming a unique pattern of lacuna, defects, pigment spots and other iris markings. It is this the very individual pattern that is studied by an iridologist, and not only the particular type of structure marking is noted, but also its location on the iris chart is important to establish the iris/body connection and other individual information you will give before your consultation.

To read more about iridology itself: A look into Iridology

To find an iridologist near your area, check online in their professional body The Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists: Find your Iridologist

Who are the Indigo Children?

“Indigo Children” or “Indigos” are the terms used for children and youngsters born between 1995 and 2004. These terms were first used by Nancy Ann Tappe, a teacher and counselor, who studied the human auric field. Through colors in the aura, she instituted a shockingly accurate and revealing way to psychologically profile a person using her new auric color method. What she noticed was also that 80 percent of the children born after 1995 had a new deep blue colored auric field, called in fact “indigo”.

Humbug or science?

The concept of indigo children then gained popular interest with the publication of a series of books and movies in the late 1990s and the following decade. A variety of material has been created surrounding belief in the idea of indigo children and their nature and abilities, which varies from their being the next stage in human evolution, possessing paranormal abilities, to the belief that they are more empathetic and creative than their peers.

Do some soul searching

So in the common imaginary an indigo child is a gifted soul, on a clear mission to challenge and shift reality, an highly driven and creative person with a perception that sees through the established norms of society. Old souls indeed, their mission is clearly to shake up the modern world and pave the way for future generations to create greater peace and harmony for all. If you wonder if you might be of this distinct soul lineage, here are a few traits which may feel familiar:

  • You feel entitled. You were born feeling special and you know it.
  • You are destined to be here. You are confident, even arrogant at times.
  • You have high expectations of yourself and others. This can make for a challenging relationships and interactions. You see only the best and expect others to live up to it. Toward yourself, you can be unrelentingly self critical.
  • You are perceptive, you see the world differently. You often think your way is right and are offended if others cannot see, much less take action, on your point of view.
  • You question authority, often rebellious and critical of those in power.
  • You want to overturn the man. Difficult and rigid systems seem foolish to you and you often become antagonistic to what others experience as normal.
  • You are creative, musically and/or artistically talented.
  • You are a change maker, you are a magnificent leader, offering better methods of business, society and ways of being.
  • You are a lost soul. You feel out of place with others as you recognize you are different than most people. You can tend toward being a loner or rebel, unwilling to compromise just to fit in.
  • You are driven. As the indigo soul mission is encoded in your very being, you are unwilling to back down from confronting what feels out of integrity.
  • You are passionate and focused. You are not one to be still or in silence.
  • You are highly psychic. This gives you an advantage in reading others with ease and seeing through masks.
  • You feel often frustrated, especially with society and others who are not shifting quickly enough. Patience is something that should be developed.

Keep an open but critical mind

Many people criticize the indigo child concept as being one that can be misused by parents seeking to make their children look special, particularly if they have special needs. Others claim that signs of being an indigo child are so vague they can apply to anyone.

From my personal point of view, I am kind of in the middle. I like to think that people born in a certain era or time period have similar potentials, aims, powers and characteristics, and maybe they are part of the same group of souls which hopefully will bring human beings to a brighter future, following the path of empowerment, improvement and abundance.

But generalising everyone under the category of “indigos” or “rainbow children” or something else is a bit too simple and dry-hippie. But I do believe that there are some common traits that these souls share, which they are here to teach us, as all other souls, for the better of our societies.

I hope I have given you some material to think about, and if you wish just contact me to share your ideas or give me a feedback!


Dear Abundy's supporters and friends, It is with sadness that I have to announce the temporarily closure of Abundy Studio due to unexpected circumstances. During this time you can stay tuned and read the Abundy blog, but all the treatments will be suspended until further notice. Hopefully we won't stay close for long! Thank you for your understanding and support. With Love and Gratitude.