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Who are the Indigo Children?

“Indigo Children” or “Indigos” are the terms used for children and youngsters born between 1995 and 2004. These terms were first used by Nancy Ann Tappe, a teacher and counselor, who studied the human auric field. Through colors in the aura, she instituted a shockingly accurate and revealing way to psychologically profile a person using her new auric color method. What she noticed was also that 80 percent of the children born after 1995 had a new deep blue colored auric field, called in fact “indigo”.

Humbug or science?

The concept of indigo children then gained popular interest with the publication of a series of books and movies in the late 1990s and the following decade. A variety of material has been created surrounding belief in the idea of indigo children and their nature and abilities, which varies from their being the next stage in human evolution, possessing paranormal abilities, to the belief that they are more empathetic and creative than their peers.

Do some soul searching

So in the common imaginary an indigo child is a gifted soul, on a clear mission to challenge and shift reality, an highly driven and creative person with a perception that sees through the established norms of society. Old souls indeed, their mission is clearly to shake up the modern world and pave the way for future generations to create greater peace and harmony for all. If you wonder if you might be of this distinct soul lineage, here are a few traits which may feel familiar:

  • You feel entitled. You were born feeling special and you know it.
  • You are destined to be here. You are confident, even arrogant at times.
  • You have high expectations of yourself and others. This can make for a challenging relationships and interactions. You see only the best and expect others to live up to it. Toward yourself, you can be unrelentingly self critical.
  • You are perceptive, you see the world differently. You often think your way is right and are offended if others cannot see, much less take action, on your point of view.
  • You question authority, often rebellious and critical of those in power.
  • You want to overturn the man. Difficult and rigid systems seem foolish to you and you often become antagonistic to what others experience as normal.
  • You are creative, musically and/or artistically talented.
  • You are a change maker, you are a magnificent leader, offering better methods of business, society and ways of being.
  • You are a lost soul. You feel out of place with others as you recognize you are different than most people. You can tend toward being a loner or rebel, unwilling to compromise just to fit in.
  • You are driven. As the indigo soul mission is encoded in your very being, you are unwilling to back down from confronting what feels out of integrity.
  • You are passionate and focused. You are not one to be still or in silence.
  • You are highly psychic. This gives you an advantage in reading others with ease and seeing through masks.
  • You feel often frustrated, especially with society and others who are not shifting quickly enough. Patience is something that should be developed.

Keep an open but critical mind

Many people criticize the indigo child concept as being one that can be misused by parents seeking to make their children look special, particularly if they have special needs. Others claim that signs of being an indigo child are so vague they can apply to anyone.

From my personal point of view, I am kind of in the middle. I like to think that people born in a certain era or time period have similar potentials, aims, powers and characteristics, and maybe they are part of the same group of souls which hopefully will bring human beings to a brighter future, following the path of empowerment, improvement and abundance.

But generalising everyone under the category of “indigos” or “rainbow children” or something else is a bit too simple and dry-hippie. But I do believe that there are some common traits that these souls share, which they are here to teach us, as all other souls, for the better of our societies.

I hope I have given you some material to think about, and if you wish just contact me to share your ideas or give me a feedback!

Discovering your Life Path through Numbers

I bet that some of you have already heard something about “Numerology”. You can call it as you prefer, an art, a science, a faith, but basically when we talk about “numerology” we refer to belief in the divine, mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. It is also the study of the numerical value of the letters in words, names and ideas. It is often associated with the paranormal, alongside astrology and similar divinatory arts.

Skeptics argue that numbers have no occult significance and cannot by themselves influence a person’s life. Skeptics therefore regard numerology as a superstition and a pseudoscience that uses numbers to give the subject a veneer of scientific authority. Whether you are part of this group or not, you can certainly not deny that sometimes the word “coincidence” is really forced in.

If you would like to believe or even if you are just a bit curious, there are many many exercises or tests you can do with numbers. I will talk about these again but today I chose to focus on the “numerology life path”.

The most important date in your life for numerology purposes is the day of your birth.  The also called “Number of Destiny” is a number that is obtained by adding numbers of your birth date: day, month, and year. In the Western numerology, it is called “The Life Path Number”. The numbers used in numerology to indicate one’s life path number run from 1 to 9 and Master Numbers 11, 22, 33.  Master numbers have double power of single digits. These numbers are given more challenges and, in return, have greater potential.

Your Life Path Number is something you were born with, it is indicating what you should do about your life. It shows you what your nature is and what capabilities you have to work directly with the flows of the universe.

The method of Life Path calculation is based on the theory that the path consists of Three Cycles, which are represented by the year, month, and day of your birth. They represent the later, middle, and early part of your life, respectively. Your Life Path (or your life’s cycle, as it is often referred to) is described by a single digit number. It is influenced by all the traits and properties revealed in each Cycle.

It is very easy to calculate your Life Path number, you just have to reduce each unit of your birth date (month/day/year) to a single-digit number or a Master number (remember, Master numbers are 11, 22 and 33!). Next, add each of the resulting digits (or Master numbers) together and reduce the total again to a single digit, or a Master number. For example, if you were born on October 12, 1936, you would calculate your Life Path as follows:

Month: October is the 10th month of the year. 10 reduces to 1 (1 + 0 = 1).

Day: The date of birth is 12. 12 reduces to 3 (1 + 2 = 3).

Year: The year of birth is 1936. 1936 reduces to 1 (1 + 9 + 3 + 6 = 19, then 1 + 9 = 10 and finally 1 + 0 = 1).

Now add the resulting single-digit numbers: 1 + 3 + 1 = 5. The Life Path number in this case is 5.

Let’s see the messages for each Life Path. I encourage you to do your own research, so you will be able to learn even more about yourself and your path.

Life Path 1 – Leadership

Your purpose is to develop and master innovative creativity, confidence, independence, originality, and achievement. Understand that these “themes” will be reoccurring issues throughout your life. Your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about. So while you’ll display innate gifts and talents in the areas of emphasis, you’ll also experience some consistent obstacles as you master your life’s purpose.

Life Path 2 – Peacemaker, collaboration

Your purpose is to develop love, harmony, balance, cooperation, and diplomacy. Understand that these “themes” will be reoccurring issues throughout your life. Your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about. So while you’ll display innate gifts and talents in the areas of emphasis, you’ll also experience some consistent obstacles as you master your life’s purpose.

Life path 3 – Creativity

Your purpose is to develop creative self-expression, emotional sensitivity, joy, and inspired communication. Understand that these “themes” will be reoccurring issues throughout your life. Your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about. So while you’ll display innate gifts and talents in the areas of emphasis, you’ll also experience some consistent obstacles as you master your life’s purpose.

Life path 4 – Practical, trustworthy

Your purpose is to develop process, security, stability, and work hard to meet your goals. Understand that these “themes” will be reoccurring issues throughout your life. Your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about. So while you’ll display innate gifts and talents in the areas of emphasis, you’ll also experience some consistent obstacles as you master your life’s purpose.

Life path 5 – Freedom, adventures

Your purpose is to develop fearlessness, adventurousness, resilience, and the constructive use of freedom. Understand that these “themes” will be reoccurring issues throughout your life. Your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about. So while you’ll display innate gifts and talents in the areas of emphasis, you’ll also experience some consistent obstacles as you master your life’s purpose.

Life path 6 – Humanist, family

Your purpose is to develop nurturing, balanced responsibility, acceptance, service to others, and visionary pursuits. Understand that these “themes” will be reoccurring issues throughout your life. Your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about. So while you’ll display innate gifts and talents in the areas of emphasis, you’ll also experience some consistent obstacles as you master your life’s purpose.

Life path 7 – Explorer, knowledge

Your purpose is to develop spirituality, data-driven analysis, intuition, trust, and openness. Understand that these “themes” will be reoccurring issues throughout your life. Your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about. So while you’ll display innate gifts and talents in the areas of emphasis, you’ll also experience some consistent obstacles as you master your life’s purpose.

Life path 8 – Wealth, power

Your purpose is to develop your positive relationship with money, power, control, and authority. You’re here to experience the satisfaction that comes with financial abundance and material achievement. Understand that these “themes” will be reoccurring issues throughout your life. Your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about. So while you’ll display innate gifts and talents in the areas of emphasis, you’ll also experience some consistent obstacles as you master your life’s purpose.

Life path 9 – Philanthropy, compassion

Your purpose is to develop spirituality, humanitarianism, creativity, wisdom, and integrity. Understand that these “themes” will be reoccurring issues throughout your life. Your Life Path number indicates what you’re evolving into, developing, aspiring toward, and learning about. So while you’ll display innate gifts and talents in the areas of emphasis, you’ll also experience some consistent obstacles as you master your life’s purpose.

Life path 11 – Spiritual Messenger

With the 11/2, it’s all about experiencing intensely challenging circumstances in your life and coming out the other side stronger, more spiritual, and ready to help others who have experienced similar issues. It won’t be easy and yet it’s profoundly deep and gratifying when you tap into your high-level of artistic creativity and psychic gifts. Understand that your contribution is through the experience you provide for others, which is almost impossible to measure. You must learn to trust that the “butterfly effect” you have on people is immeasurable and that you’ll never know the way in which you change people’s lives through your loving heart, intuition, and artistic expression.

Life path 22 – Master Builder

With the 22/4, it’s all about breaking out of your safety and security zone and making more of an impact in the world around you. Know that this is rather scary and somewhat foreign for you because you gravitate toward the tried-and-true and erring on the safe side. Yet know that the Master Number 22/4 is the most powerful number in Numerology. (Did I just hear you “gulp?”) Yes. It’s a rather big deal. You’re meant to achieve and build something that makes a difference on a grander scale —and that won’t feel comfortable. You must blast past your childhood wounds, through and around your very real (and also your self-imposed) limitations, and work tenaciously to define and achieve your goals.

Life path 33 – Master Teacher

With the 33/6, it’s all about coming to terms with your need for perfectionism and control and instead using your talent for inspired creativity to help and heal others—wherever they happen to be in their life journey. Honestly, I find that this Life Path number is tremendously challenging and can try the patience of a Saint—because let’s face it—it’s a rather “saintly” job description! It’s a delicate balance between your over-weaning sense of responsibility (or irresponsibility) and joyfully diving into using your emotionally sensitive and creative gifts in the service of others. This is an intense Life Path and takes a lifetime to understand and act upon in a constructive way. It’s not only service-oriented, it’s also highly creative.

A spiritual life lesson from the Nodes of the Moon

Speaking just in astronomical terms, the moon’s Nodes are not physical planetary bodies but the points of intersection between the earth’s orbital path around the sun, the ecliptic, and the moon’s orbital path around the earth.

Rahu & Ketu

The symbols of these two astonomical points are: A36_153.gif (north node/ Rahu), called also “Caput Draconis” which means dragon’s head, and A37_153.gif (south node/ Ketu), know as “Cauda Draconis” or dragon’s tail. That’s because astrologers of the past envisioned the earth as surrounded by a cosmic dragon who swallowed the sun or the moon during an eclipse. This imagery also appears in Indian Astrology with Rahu, the dragon’s head, and Ketu, the dragon’s tail. Both parts of the serpent are immortal, however, and capable of concealing the light of the sun and moon.

In fact, the moon’s Nodes, as the points at which the paths of the sun and the moon cross, represent a symbolic merger of the sun and the moon, or the meeting of two (masculine and feminine) poles which are trying to find their respective balance. But this two opposite poles have even more symbolic sense and karmic purpose to give us.

A blast from the past

From an astrological point of view, your life purpose is encoded in the North Node and South Node of the moon. The first one represents our karmic paths and the lessons we came here to learn. It stands for the future or direction in which the person should develop, a direction that may be similar to the rest of the chart, or it may suggest new and unfamiliar territory. The South Node instead reveals the challenges and gifts we bring in from the past, whether in the sense of the influence of past lives in this incarnation or our past in the present life, such as one’s inherited traits and childhood.

It’s about balance

The main challenge we experience is not to leave behind the South Node but to achieve a balance between the two, whereby the experience gained at the South Node can be used to further the development of themes represented by the North Node. Working on these life lessons can bring us to increased happiness and fulfillment. However, if we over-emphasize and fall back on the qualities of our South Node, at the expense of developing our North Node, we may have a difficult time feeling personally successful.

If we over-focus on the future of the North Node without considering the lessons learnt from the past, we may make again the same mistake and being caught in a “karmic loop”, recalling to ourselves the same situations until we have learnt and improved. Anyway, it is important to understand that whether or not we consciously work on these lessons, events in our lives are likely to force us to confront them.

At the time of our birth both Nodes are in a specific astrological sign, obviously one the opposite of the other. For example, if your North Node is in Aries, then the South Node is in Libra, or the North Node in Cancer and the South Node in Capricorn, etc. It is easy to calculate your moon Nodes position online, following this link:

Find your North and South Nodes


Dear Abundy's supporters and friends, It is with sadness that I have to announce the temporarily closure of Abundy Studio due to unexpected circumstances. During this time you can stay tuned and read the Abundy blog, but all the treatments will be suspended until further notice. Hopefully we won't stay close for long! Thank you for your understanding and support. With Love and Gratitude.