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Testimonials on Past Life Regression

I have recently had several requests from people asking me for a session of past life regression, or simply looking for more information about it, especially considering the method I use and what to expect during the actual practice. For all that concerns the regression in general, you can visit this other article on my blog, where I explain in a detailed way (but not at all boring, promised!) everything about this wonderful technique.

But today I would like to tell you more about my personal experience, and that of some people who came to me to try regression. People with a story, a past, a present, different demands and objectives, but all united by the will-power to improve themselves and to dissolve those karmic chains that bind us in a negative way to the past of our soul.

Consent has been obtained and the names have been changed with respect to privacy.

From rags… to riches

Anyone approaching regression for the first time, obviously daydreams about the possible people, perhaps famous, rich and important, that could have been. But soon we realize that the reality is quite different. Usually “perfect” lives in which everything is beautiful, harmonious and flowing happily without problems are excellent for making “downloads” of talents or emotions that we want to bring back here and now. But they are also quite rare. The lives in which we have suffered, fought, and have really learned something essential are those that are difficult and harsh, and they are those that we must certainly resolve.

I remember one of the first sessions I did and, as a jumper, I could see 3/4 lives in less than an hour. How glad I was to have discovered that I was a Roman senator! Or a scientist during the Enlightenment! Or a Middle Eastern princess! Don’t get me wrong, they were all lives that I had to resolve, also because they were full of important moments, talents to download and experiences to internalize. Not all that shines is gold.

I then wondered if it was all true what I had seen, or if I had simply made it up in my mind. I did some research, discovering that the Roman senators really did speak ancient Greek during official meetings, and that those strange drawings I had seen were Torricelli’s projects. I was deeply moved. I wanted to try again to regress to other lives, this time with a totally different goal. I wanted to work on abundance and was initially taken to a time when I was a rich merchant. Of course, I thought, how many talents this man must have had to create his fortune! Then, I experienced only lives of great poverty, of hard work and hardship, but all in all happy in their simplicity and indigence.

I was a senator, a princess, a scientist and a rich merchant. Yes, but I have also been a nun with votes of chastity and poverty, a peasant woman deprived of her family and her land, a fisherman who has known true labor and what it means to have a broken heart. I have been many things, but first of all a human being who has lived, even literally, from the rags to riches. And it was illuminating and beautiful.

Client: “Are we sure that I didn’t just imagine everything?”

Me: “If you imagined everything, why didn’t you choose to see something beautiful, instead of these traumatic events?”

Customer: “Good question …”

Fly like a bird

I have noticed over time and after having made many people regress, that obviously not only the experiences change, but also the “way” of experiencing and seeing them. I’ll explain. When entering the regression, it is like jumping into a scenario. Most of the time people see themselves inside another body, so looking down they just see their feet and clothes of that time and around them a landscape with a point of view at eye level.

However a couple of people proved different in this respect, and as soon as they entered the life they wanted to see, they saw themselves from above. As if they were birds flying over the country and the people below them. But it was clear to them who they were among the crowd, and they followed their person wherever he/she moved. For these people it may be more difficult to “go through themselves” to capture an emotion, but besides this I haven’t noticed any other differences. I still can’t explain why some customers have this point of view compared to others.

Client: “I see myself, but like … from above. I mean, I know that I am that monk who is walking down the street, I recognize myself, but I see my head and everything else. I feel like I’m flying like a bird!”

The eyes are the mirror of the soul

Many people ask me to work on the relationship with their loved ones in this life, and to do so we must resolve the lives in which those souls have known each other. You will wonder how do you recognise people during the regression. In ancient times the Romans said “the eyes are the mirror of the soul” and they were right.

When you want to recognise some poeple of this reincarnation during the regression, look at that person in the eyes. You will feel a very strong feeling of knowing who they are, of having already seen them and of knowing them deeply. The name will come to your mind immediately. It happened to me and to many others.

However, a strange thing happened to a client of mine, and in my opinion it was fantastic. She recognised her daughter during the regression because she saw two faces overlapping, as if one overlapped like a ghost over the other. At that point she was 100% sure that this was her daughter. This client of mine is very physiognomist, she does not remember the names well but faces very well and in fact she could also see the details of the faces during the regression, something that is more difficult for me personally. I think this helps to make the vision more detailed and particular.

Customer: “I see her, who she is … Clarissa! She is my daughter but she is also that woman! It’s so strange, the two faces overlap like two spirits in one”

Feel on your skin

Regression can also help improve a physical state of illness or just achieve perfect health. A client of mine improved the frequent headaches from which he suffered, discovering that in the past he had to wear a heavy mask as a chief priest of a temple. Even the weight of being a leader (ie boss, head) was too much for him. During the session he felt a strong sense of heaviness in the head, which then faded away and in time reduced even the frequency of his migraines.

Many other customers had physical sensations during the regression, but never intense or unbearable pain. Someone while he was running in the past life had shortness of breath. One person felt his arm tingle and a heavy weight in his chest when he was about to die of a heart attack. Another, who died by hanging, a sense of tightness around his neck. Of course this can be all our mental influence, but nevertheless I find it very interesting.

Client: “Can we leave this moment please? I don’t feel my arm anymore and I have a weight on my chest … I feel weak”

Me: “I’ll take you away immediately, don’t worry, you’re safe”

A look to the past and one to the future

Few know that the crystal layout technique also allows you to go and work on your future in this incarnation. This allows the person to eliminate the blocks that hinder him/her now, and to create the life that he/she wants. I should remind you that we can all change our future, and that if we work on our fears, traumas and blocks we can achieve our goals.

Customer: “It’s beautiful, it’s a fantastic house! And I like the job I will do, I want it. But I don’t want to be alone … let’s change this, I want a family and a companion. I can have both… I want everything”

Testimonianze sulle Regressioni alle Vite Precedenti

Di recente ho avuto diverse richieste di persone che mi chiedevano una sessione di regressione alle vite precedenti, o semplicemente cercavano maggiori informazioni al riguardo, in particolar modo sul metodo che utilizzo io e sul cosa aspettarsi durante la pratica. Per tutto quello che riguarda la regressione in generale, potete visitare quest’altro articolo sul mio blog, dove vi spiego in modo dettagliato (ma per nulla noioso, promesso!) tutto ciò che riguarda questa meravigliosa tecnica.

Oggi però vorrei raccontarvi la mia esperienza personale, e quella di alcune persone che si sono rivolte a me per provare la regressione. Persone con una storia, un passato, un presente, richieste e obiettivi differenti, ma tutte accomunate dalla forza di volontà di migliorarsi e di sciogliere quelle catene karmiche che ci legano in modo negativo al passato della nostra anima.

Il consenso è stato ottenuto ed i nomi sono stati cambiati in rispetto della privacy.

Dalle stelle alle…stalle

Chiunque si approccia alla regressione per la prima volta, fantastica ovviamente sulle possibili persone, magari famose, ricche e importanti, che è potuto essere. Ben presto però ci si accorge che la realtà è ben diversa. Solitamente le vite “perfette” in cui tutto è bello, in armonia e scorre felice senza problemi sono ottime per fare “download” di talenti o emozioni che vogliamo riportare qui e ora. Ma sono anche abbastanza rare. Le vite in cui abbiamo sofferto, combattuto, e abbiamo davvero imparato qualcosa di essenziale sono quelle difficili ed aspre, e sono quelle che dobbiamo certamente sciogliere e risolvere.

Ricordo una delle prime sessioni che ho fatto e, in quanto jumper, sono riuscita a vedere 3/4 vite in meno di un’ora. Come ero contenta di aver scoperto di essere stata un senatore romano! O uno scienziato durante l’Illuminismo! O una principessa mediorientale! Non fraintendetemi, erano comunque tutte vite che ho dovuto risolvere, anche perchè ricche di momenti importanti, talenti da scaricare ed esperienze da interiorizzare. Non è tutto oro quel che luccica.

Mi sono poi chiesta se era tutto vero ciò che avevo visto e provato, o se semplicemente me lo ero inventato. Ho fatto delle ricerche, scoprendo che per davvero i senatori romani parlavano greco antico durante le riunioni ufficiali, e che quei strani disegni che avevo visto erano i progetti di Torricelli. Mi sono commossa. Ho voluto provare di nuovo a regredire ad altre vite, questa volta con un obiettivo totalmente diverso. Volevo lavorare sull’abbondanza e inizialmente sono stata portata a un periodo in cui ero un ricco mercante. Ovvio, ho pensato, quanti talenti deve avere avuto questo uomo per creare la sua fortuna! Poi, ho provato solo vite di miseria e povertà, di fatica e di stenti, ma tutto sommato felici nella loro semplicità e indigenza.

Sono stata un senatore, una principessa, uno scienziato e un ricco mercante. Sì, ma sono anche stata un suora con voti di castità e povertà, una contadina privata della sua famiglia e della sua terra, un pescatore che ha conosciuto la vera fatica e cosa vuol dire avere il cuore spezzato. Sono stata molte cose, ma prima fra tutte un essere umano che ha vissuto, anche letteralmente, dalle stelle alle stalle. Ed è stato illuminante e bellissimo.

Cliente: “Ma siamo sicuri che non ho immaginato tutto?”

Io: “Se hai immaginato tutto, perchè non hai scelto di vedere qualcosa di bello, invece che questi eventi traumatici?”

Cliente: “Bella domanda…”

Volare come un uccello

Ho notato col tempo e dopo aver fatto regredire molte persone, che ovviamente non solo le esperienze cambiano, ma anche il “modo” di viverle e vederle. Mi spiego meglio. Quando si entra nella regressione, è come se si saltasse dentro uno scenario. La maggior parte delle volte le persone vedono se stesse dentro un altro corpo, quindi guardando in basso vedono i propri piedi e vestiti dell’epoca e attorno a loro un panorama con un punto di vista ad altezza d’uomo.

Tuttavia un paio di persone si sono dimostrate diverse sotto questo aspetto, e non appena sono entrate nella vita che volevano vedere, si sono viste dall’alto. Come se fossero uccelli che volano sul paese e sulle persone sotto di loro. Ma era comunque chiaro a loro chi fossero fra quella gente, e seguivano la loro persona ovunque si spostasse. Per queste persone può riuscire più difficile “passarsi attraverso” per carpire un’emozione, ma oltre a questo non ho notato altre differenze. Non so ancora spiegare il perchè alcuni clienti hanno questo punto di vista rispetto ad altri.

Cliente: “Mi vedo, ma tipo…dall’alto. Cioè so che sono quel monaco che sta camminado per la via, mi riconosco, ma vedo la mi testa e anche tutto il resto. Mi sembra di volare come un uccello!”

Gli occhi sono lo specchio dell’anima

Molte persone chiedono di lavorare sul rapporto con i loro cari in questa vita, e per fare questo bisogna risolvere le vite in cui si sono conosciute quelle anime. Vi chiederete come si fa a riconoscere le persone durante la regressione. Anticamente i Romani dicevano “gli occhi sono lo specchio dell’anima” e avevano ragione.

Quando durante la regressione volete riconoscere qualcuno di questa reincarnazione, guardate quella persona negli occhi. Sentirete una sensazione fortissima di sapere chi è, di averla già vista e di conoscerla profondamente. Il nome vi verrà in mente immediatamente. A me e a tanti altri è successo così.

Tuttavia a una mia cliente è successa una cosa strana e a mio avviso fantastica. Lei ha riconosciuto la propria figlia durante la regressione perchè vedeva le due facce sovrapposte, come se una si sovrapponesse tipo un fantasma sopra l’altra. A quel punto è stata sicura al 100% che quella fosse sua figlia. Questa mia cliente è molto fisionomista, non ricorda bene i nomi ma molto bene i volti e infatti riusciva a vedere anche i dettagli dei volti durante la regressione, cosa che a me personalmente riesce più difficile. Penso che questo contribuisca a rendere la visione più dettagliata e particolare.

Cliente: “La vedo, è lei è…Clarissa! E’ mia figlia ma è anche quella donna! E’ così strano, le due facce si sovrappongono come due spiriti in uno”

Sentire sulla propria pelle

La regressione può aiutare anche a migliorare uno stato fisico di malattia o non proprio perfetta salute. Un mio cliente ha migliorato le frequenti emicranie di cui soffriva scoprendo che in passato doveva portare una maschera pesantissima in quanto sacerdote capo di un tempio. Anche il peso di essere leader (cioè capo, testa) era troppo per lui. Durante la sessione ha provato un forte senso di pesantezza alla testa, che è andato poi ad affievolirsi e col tempo a ridurre anche le sue emicranie.

Molti altri clienti hanno avuto sensazioni fisiche durante la regressione, ma mai dolori intensi o insopportabili. Qualcuno mentre stava correndo nella vita passata, ha avuto il fiato corto. Una persona ha sentito il braccio formicolarsi e un forte peso al petto quando stava per morire di infarto. Un altro, morto per impiccagione, un senso di stretta al collo. Certamente questo può essere un effetto di influenza mentale, ma tuttavia lo trovo molto interessante.

Cliente: “Possiamo andarcene da questo momento per favore? Non sento più il braccio e ho un peso sul petto…mi sento debole”

Io: “Ti porto via subito, stai tranquillo, sei al sicuro”

Uno sguardo al passato e uno al futuro

Pochi sanno che la tecnica di griglia cristallina permette anche di andare a lavorare sul proprio futuro in questa incarnazione. Questo permette alla persona di eliminare i blocchi che la ostacolano ora, e di creare la vita che si vuole. Ricordo che tutti noi possiamo cambiare il nostro futuro, e che se lavoriamo sulle nostre paure, traumi e blocchi possiamo raggiungere i nostri obiettivi.

Cliente: “E’ bellissimo, è una casa fantastica! E mi piace il lavoro che farò, lo voglio. Ma non voglio essere da solo…cambiamo questa cosa, voglio una famiglia e una compagna. Posso avere entrambi…tutto”

How to Cleanse your Crystals – Come Pulire i vostri Cristalli

Bilingual article, for Italian scroll down! Articolo bilingue, per l’Italiano far scorrere in basso!

Today I’d like to talk to those who regularly use crystals for regression, holistic therapies, meditation, etc. and give you some advice on how to cleanse them, purify them and recharge them with new energy once they’ve been used. All these precious information were provided to me by Federico Cella, whom I warmly thank!


After we have bought our crystals it is necessary to clean them and one of the fundamental methods is with the element of water. Running cold and clean water over the stones (the ideal would be pure water from a stream, but also tap water is fine) for a few seconds on the left hand, then dry with a cotton cloth. We should not use this method with all the stones, because contact with water can make some of them opaque and lose their shine: azurite, turquoise, chrysocolla, cyanite. In addition, these stones contain copper and may oxidize with water. Same thing for hematite, pyrite and magnetite containing iron, so in these cases use other methods listed below.


We put the crystals or stones in a crock, glass or wood and cover them with coarse sea salt. Let them rest for one, three or seven nights (these are three esoteric numbers, we choose the time to use based on our feeling). Once this is done, we place the entire container under a stream of running water which we let run for 30min / 1H, then dry it with a cotton cloth. If we have purified stones that do not “love water” we obviously remove them before rinsing. This procedure is not indicated for: cyanite, opal (loves water but not salt), azurite, aragonite, selenite, dioptase and other very delicate stones. Also remember to be careful when purifying jewels containing silver and copper that oxidize with water and salt. WARNING! THE COMBINATION OF WATER AND SALT TOGETHER CAN BE CORROSIVE FOR MANY CRYSTALS


We put our crystal on a window or rather in a garden or in a vase of plants / flowers and leave it there for at least three days, it is not important to collect them for the night. In resonance with the sun very dark minerals linked to the earth are perfect, such as obsidian, tourmaline, jasper etc. We pay attention to transparent colored crystals: do not expose them to direct sunlight, because they will tend to lighten, so we possibly use other methods for these crystals.


This is a great method not only to clean the crystal but also to boost it to maximum energy. During the waxing moon or the full moon night we put the stones near the roots of a tree or in a vase that we have on the balcony, or otherwise on a cotton cloth and leave them there all night long. If you want to maximize the crystal, perform the treatment for the whole crescent moon phase, placing the stones during the day, for example in a box, and handle them as little as possible. This method is used to purify and recharge the stones and crystals that are considered “feminine”: the amethyst, the moonstone, the celestine, opals, chrysoprase (all methods applicable to this stone), damburite, dioptase, fluorite (azure-violet), kunzite, meteorite, hyaline quartz (all methods applicable to this stone), so all transparent, blue, violet or stones working on female emotions: sensitivity, dreams and perceptions.


The longest but also the most complete treatment consists in burying the stones during the new or full moon and letting them rest for the entire moon phase, or 28 days. This process unites the energies of Mother Earth with those of Heaven. There are also various types of clay, the most readily available and least expensive is the ventilated green clay, available in all herbalists. We put the stones in a crock, glass or wood and we cover them with clay, for three, seven, nine or eleven nights (they are other esoteric numbers, we choose which ones to use based on our feeling). After the days we have chosen, we remove the clay (which we can throw away or recycle using it as soil) and put the stones in a clean container, always in natural material, letting a stream of fresh water flow for about 1H. Then we take the stones and dry them with a clean cotton cloth. WARNING! This method with earth and / or clay is not recommended for particularly porous stones, as the clay or earth could stick in the micro-cracks with remote possibility of recovery. This method is good when the stones are not too “discharged”, as it helps them to discharge the accumulated negative energy. Never use hot water as it could crack the crystal, making it lose energy.


With the first level it will be sufficient to give Reiki to our crystal for a period varying from 15 to 30 minutes. With the second level, through the use of symbols, treatment times are shortened to 5/15 minutes.


To all the stones we can sprinkle the sacred smoke of the holy pole or sage for at least 1 minute with rotary movements or with the figure of “8” horizontal, or the infinite, which is one of the main symbols of healing and energy.

Oggi vorrei rivolgermi a coloro che utilizzano i cristalli per terapie olistiche, regressioni, meditazioni ecc e darvi alcuni consigli su come pulirli, purificarli e ricaricarli di energia nuova una volta utilizzati. Tutte queste preziose informazioni mi sono state fornite da Federico Cella, che ringrazio di cuore!


Dopo che abbiamo comprato i nostri cristalli è necessario ripulirli e uno dei metodi fondamentali è con l’elemento acqua. Far scorrere sulle pietre acqua fredda e pulita (l’ideale sarebbe l’acqua pura di un ruscello, ma anche del rubinetto va benissimo) per qualche secondo sulla mano sinistra, poi asciugare con un panno. Facciamo attenzione a non utilizzare questo metodo con tutte le pietre, perchè il contatto con l’acqua può renderne alcune opache e far perdere lucentezza: azzurrite, turchese, crisocolla, cianite. Inoltre queste pietre contengono rame e al contatto con l’acqua potrebbero ossidarsi. Stessa cosa per l’ematite, pirite e la magnetite che contengono ferro, quindi in questi casi ricorrere ad altri metodi sotto elencati.


Mettiamo i cristalli o le pietre in un recipiente di coccio, vetro o legno e copriamo con sale grosso marino. Lasciamoli riposare per una, tre o sette notti (sono tre numeri esoterici – scegliamo in base al nostro sentire il tempo da usare). Fatto ciò poniamo l’intero recipiente sotto un filo d’acqua corrente che lasciamo scorrere per 30min/1H, poi le asciughiamo con un panno di cotone. Se abbiamo purificato delle pietre che non “amano l’acqua” ovviamente le togliamo prima del risciacquo. Questo procedimento non è indicato per: cianite, opale (ama l’acqua ma non il sale), azzurrite, aragonite, selenite, dioptasio e altre pietre molto delicate. Ricordate inoltre di fare attenzione quando purificate gioielli contenenti argento e rame che con acqua e sale si ossidano. ATTENZIONE! LA COMBINAZIONE DI ACQUA E SALE INSIEME PUO’ ESSERE CORROSIVA PER MOLTI CRISTALLI.


Mettiamo il nostro cristallo su una finestra o meglio in un giardino oppure in un vaso di piante o fiori e lasciamolo lì per almeno tre giorni, non è importante ritirarli per la notte. In risonanza con il sole sono perfetti minerali molto scuri legati alla terra come ossidiana, tormalina, diaspro ecc. Facciamo attenzione ai cristalli colorati trasparenti: non esponiamoli alla luce diretta del sole, perché tenderanno a schiarirsi, quindi utilizziamo possibilmente altri metodi per questi cristalli.


Questo è un ottimo metodo non solo per pulire il cristallo ma anche per potenziarlo al massimo di energia. Durante la luna crescente oppure la notte di luna piena mettiamo le pietre vicino alle radici di un albero oppure in un vaso che abbiamo sul balcone, o in mancanza su un panno di cotone e lasciamole li per tutta la notte. Se si vuol potenziare al massimo il cristallo eseguire il trattamento per tutta la fase di luna crescente, riponendo le pietre durante il giorno ad esempio in una scatola, e di maneggiarle il meno possibile. Questo metodo viene utilizzato per purificare e ricaricare le pietre e i cristalli per così dire “femminili”: l’ametista, la pietra di luna, la celestina, opali, crisoprasio (tutti i metodi applicabili a questa pietra), damburite, dioptasio, fluorite (azzurro-violette), kunzite, meteorite, quarzo ialino (tutti i metodi applicabili a questa pietra), in pratica tutte le pietre trasparenti, azzurre, violette o che lavorano sulle emozioni femminili, la sensibilità, i sogni e le percezioni.


Il trattamento più lungo ma anche il più completo consiste nel sotterrare le pietre durante la luna nuova o piena e lasciarli riposare per l’intera fase lunare, ovvero 28 giorni. Con questo procedimento si uniscono le energie di Madre Terra con quelle Celesti. Esistono poi vari tipi di argilla, quella più facilmente reperibile e meno costosa è l’argilla verde ventilata, disponibile in tutte le erboristerie. Mettiamo le pietre in un recipiente di coccio, vetro o legno e le copriamo con l’argilla Per tre, sette, nove o undici notti (sono altri numeri esoterici, scegliamo in base al nostro sentire quale usare). Trascorsi i giorni che abbiamo scelto togliamo l’argilla (che possiamo buttare via o riciclare usandola come terriccio) e mettiamo le pietre in un contenitore pulito, sempre di materiale naturale, lasciando scorrere un filo acqua fresca corrente per circa 1H. Successivamente prendiamo le pietre e le asciughiamo con un panno pulito in cotone. ATTENZIONE! Questo metodo con terra e/o argilla è sconsigliato per le pietre particolarmente porose, in quanto l’argilla o la terra potrebbero attaccarsi nelle micro-fessure con remote possibilità di recupero. Questo metodo va bene quando le pietre non sono troppo “scariche”, in quanto le aiuta a scaricare l’energia negativa accumulata, mai usare acqua calda poichè potrebbe incrinare il cristallo, facendogli perdere energia.


Con il primo livello sarà sufficiente dare reiki al nostro cristallo per un periodo variabile dai 15 ai 30 minuti. Con il secondo livello,attraverso l’uso dei simboli i tempi di trattamento si accorciano a 5/15 minuti.


A tutte le pietre possiamo cospargere il fumo sacro del palo santo o salvia per almeno 1 minuto con movimenti rotatori o a figura di “8” orizzontale, ovvero l’infinito, che è uno dei principali simboli di guarigione ed energia.

Your tongue speaks for your health

“Stick out your tongue!” This is what a traditional chinese medicine (= TCM) pratictioner will say to you as soon as you are checked. But don’t worry, he is not making fun of you.

Your tongue does more than just taste food and articulate words, and that was well known since ancient times. Back then doctors had to practice the “tongue diagnosis” to check the overall patients’ health, when x-rays, MRIs, and CT scans did not exist.

But even now it is a very usefull diagnostic tool, because once this check is done and other aspects of the patient’s status are evaluated, the TCM practitioner may recommend treatment with such therapies as acupuncture, herbal medicine, diet and/or massage.

Why the tongue exam assess the overall health

In TCM, it’s thought that different areas of the tongue reflect connections in the body, both to the meridians and the 5 major internal organs (liver, lung, spleen, heart, and kidney). Therefore, it is very useful and important for confirming or not a diagnosis. It can show also strong visual signs of a person’s overall energetic balance or imbalance.

What to look for

There are mainly 4 features in a tongue that should be examined:

Color: An healthy tongue looks pink and vital. Of course the natural tongue color can vary individually, but taken in conjunction with other information, it is still a very good indicator of what is happening inside your body. Changes in tongue color are said to be te sign of a chronic illness.

Shape: Normal tongue shape is neither too thick nor too thin and the body is smooth with no cracks. This feature tells the amount of the fluids and moisture running through the whole body.

Changes in its shape may include a swollen or puffy tongue, presence of cracks and curling at the sides of the tongue.

Coating: Normally your coating is thin and white/yellowish, but if you are getting sick, you may see a thicker coating developing. The consistency of the tongue’s coating also indicates the state of the fluids and heat in the body (more or less dry tongue).

As the coating is the feature that changes more rapidly, it provides an indication of acute illness in process.

Cracks: When ulcers, wounds or open areas appear on the body tongue areas usually indicate an imbalance problem (deficiency) in that organ and/or meridian. For instance, horizontal cracks are commonly associated with Yin deficiency.

Some tips and key point

  • Remember that some disorders don’t show up in the tongue, and that’s why the TCM pratictioner evaluates the patients’ health considering more diagnostic tools.
  • The tongue should be examined for no longer than 15 seconds at a time, otherwise the extending position may cause changes in its shape and color.
  • Color can be changed by food and beverages, smoke or lack of personal hygiene. Please brush your tongue and avoid oral intakes such as coffee, green tea, beet, or artificially colored candies before your assessment.
  • Patient’s age, gender and weight can influence the tongue look. For instance, overweight patients can show a larger and lighter color tongue and infants tend to have white thick coating that is easily removed, or commonly peeled tongues.
  • The season of the year can affect the look of your tongue. Infact it should be normal during spring, but it may tend to be more dry during summer or more damp in the winter.
  • The time of the day could also be an influencing factor. The coating of the tongue usually becomes thinner as the day progresses, while the color becomes more red and shiny.

I bet now you are very curious to look at your tongue in front of the mirror and check your health. So…which tongue are you?

Past life regression in Brighton and Hove

Past Life Regression: a journey into your soul’s memories

The belief in reincarnation is as old as humanity and linked to some religions too. It is based on the principle that the soul is immortal and travels through times and bodies, experiencing and learning to progress each time it decides to reincarnate. This will definetely change your attitude towards death, which is then no longer your final destination but the closure of just another chapter in your soul’s journey. But how can you access those previous chapters?

Well, if you think about your soul as an energetic “body” that relates to the physical one in order to connect with life, it becomes easier to imagine that this body can also have memories. Your soul can actually remember images, tastes and smells of what has been experienced before, and those memories are kept in a secret drawer, very hard to access. That’s because although these memories can actually influence our present, our mind doesn’t have the capacity to access them and our brain catalogs them under “unusable information”.

A bit of history

Thankfully with time, a bit of luck and a lot of spirituality and faith, people have managed to access these past chapters. The most common method used is hypnosis.

During a hypnosis session the client falls into an altered state of mind, where her focus moves to different details and her inhibitions are lowered down. Hypnosis always went hand in hand with psychotherapy, and the ultimate example of that is the famous psycho and hypnotherapist Dr. Brian Weiss. He always used hypnosis during his treatments and discovered access to past life memories by luck during a normal psychotherapy session. Dr. Weiss wrote several books about past life regression, such as “Same soul, many bodies” and “Many lives, many masters”. You can find more about his work here.

My personal experience and the role of crystals

Since I was a kid I embraced the spirituality of our world, the belief that there was something more than what we could actually see. I always knew I had lived before. Somehow it was such a “normal” statement in my mind, as simple as saying the sky was blue. It was nearly obvious. But since my path never crossed the one to hypnosis or psychotherapy, I had to wait few more years before I got to know another way to access my soul’s memories. This method is called crystal layout and it is very much connected with Thetahealing, the actual energy healing method I was approaching.

The crystal layout, also called crystal remote viewing, is a technique that induces a deep meditative state. It does so by placing crystals on certain parts of the body. Through that you will connect to the memories of your soul. This deep relaxed state of mind is created thanks to the energetic vibrations of the crystal and your chakras.

A focused and insightful journey

I have experienced this technique myself many times, and what makes it special every time is that the client herself is able to witness, sense and feel her past experiences. She is only guided by the practitioner to focus on some details or moments of that life. It certainly makes the journey through past lives more exciting, involving and drama-less. In fact, during these sessions you are always in control and aware of what is happening. You are never left alone experiencing bad memories, but always guided through by the practitioner.

You should always start your past life regression session with an aim, as you only have 90 mins per session and the first times you may be able to see only one or two lives. Being focused on one objective also helps you in terms of finding out the lives that are really linked to that matter, instead of journeying around in many other lives that have nothing to do with it.

The benefits of past life regression

I bet you are asking yourself now, why try past life regression? What benefits can give to me?

The answer is: nearly countless.

Negative experiences from past lives affecting this lifetime can be detected and resolved. From this starting point, you can solve anything you want that you don’t like in your life. Can’t find abundance in this life? Maybe back in the days you were a poor man that cursed money. Can’t find your soulmate or love? Maybe you were cheated centuries ago and decided you would never trust again a potential partner. And so on.

But there is more. You can also:

  • Bring back knowledge, talents and skills from another lifetime to help you now
  • Break patterns of pain, disease, fears, phobias, negative behaviours
  • Meet again people and souls you met in this lifetime
  • Understand why you have certain unexplained feelings towards a particular country, culture or religion
  • Bring more clarity and love in this life-time and receive spiritual guidance

This amazing technique can really help to overcome blockages and change your life to another magnificient level. If you are a very logical and rational person and find hard to experience this meditative state, it may require a couple more session to proper let go your body and mind. But remember there are no disadvantages in past life regression.

No matter what have brought you to experience this, or how enormous the problem is to overcome, at the end of the session you may receive further healing, but you will always leave refreshed and grounded like a big weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

Who are the Indigo Children?

“Indigo Children” or “Indigos” are the terms used for children and youngsters born between 1995 and 2004. These terms were first used by Nancy Ann Tappe, a teacher and counselor, who studied the human auric field. Through colors in the aura, she instituted a shockingly accurate and revealing way to psychologically profile a person using her new auric color method. What she noticed was also that 80 percent of the children born after 1995 had a new deep blue colored auric field, called in fact “indigo”.

Humbug or science?

The concept of indigo children then gained popular interest with the publication of a series of books and movies in the late 1990s and the following decade. A variety of material has been created surrounding belief in the idea of indigo children and their nature and abilities, which varies from their being the next stage in human evolution, possessing paranormal abilities, to the belief that they are more empathetic and creative than their peers.

Do some soul searching

So in the common imaginary an indigo child is a gifted soul, on a clear mission to challenge and shift reality, an highly driven and creative person with a perception that sees through the established norms of society. Old souls indeed, their mission is clearly to shake up the modern world and pave the way for future generations to create greater peace and harmony for all. If you wonder if you might be of this distinct soul lineage, here are a few traits which may feel familiar:

  • You feel entitled. You were born feeling special and you know it.
  • You are destined to be here. You are confident, even arrogant at times.
  • You have high expectations of yourself and others. This can make for a challenging relationships and interactions. You see only the best and expect others to live up to it. Toward yourself, you can be unrelentingly self critical.
  • You are perceptive, you see the world differently. You often think your way is right and are offended if others cannot see, much less take action, on your point of view.
  • You question authority, often rebellious and critical of those in power.
  • You want to overturn the man. Difficult and rigid systems seem foolish to you and you often become antagonistic to what others experience as normal.
  • You are creative, musically and/or artistically talented.
  • You are a change maker, you are a magnificent leader, offering better methods of business, society and ways of being.
  • You are a lost soul. You feel out of place with others as you recognize you are different than most people. You can tend toward being a loner or rebel, unwilling to compromise just to fit in.
  • You are driven. As the indigo soul mission is encoded in your very being, you are unwilling to back down from confronting what feels out of integrity.
  • You are passionate and focused. You are not one to be still or in silence.
  • You are highly psychic. This gives you an advantage in reading others with ease and seeing through masks.
  • You feel often frustrated, especially with society and others who are not shifting quickly enough. Patience is something that should be developed.

Keep an open but critical mind

Many people criticize the indigo child concept as being one that can be misused by parents seeking to make their children look special, particularly if they have special needs. Others claim that signs of being an indigo child are so vague they can apply to anyone.

From my personal point of view, I am kind of in the middle. I like to think that people born in a certain era or time period have similar potentials, aims, powers and characteristics, and maybe they are part of the same group of souls which hopefully will bring human beings to a brighter future, following the path of empowerment, improvement and abundance.

But generalising everyone under the category of “indigos” or “rainbow children” or something else is a bit too simple and dry-hippie. But I do believe that there are some common traits that these souls share, which they are here to teach us, as all other souls, for the better of our societies.

I hope I have given you some material to think about, and if you wish just contact me to share your ideas or give me a feedback!

An interview with Mikao Usui

This interview has been taken from the Reiki International School website, but it is public and well known around all over the world. Mikao Usui responded for real to the following questions, but the date and the name of the interviewer are not known. According to the date mentioned in the text, the interview should had occurred  between 1922 and 1926, the year Mikao Usui passed away.

Question: What is the ‘Usui Reiki Ryoho?

We have received with gratitude the principles prescribed by the Emperor Meiji and live abiding by them. In order to follow the spiritual path, humanity has to live according to these principles. This means that we have learn to improve our body, our feelings and our thoughts with constant practice. In this way first of all, as we heal the spirit, consequently we will restore the body. When our mind is on the healthy path of honesty and seriousness, the body finds itself the full health. Since the body and mind are one thing, we can all live in peace and joy. We heal ourselves diseases others too, intensifying and increasing our happiness and that one  of others. This is the aim of Usui Reiki Ryoho

Question: The Usui Reiki Ryoho is based on a form of psychotherapy, self-suggestion, hypnosis or other therapies notes? Is it a therapy already known but under another name?

It is not similar to the forms of therapy that he described. After many years of hard training, I met a spiritual secret that is used to rid the body and mind.

Question: Reiki is a psycho-spiritual healing method?

It is pretty accurate, we can call it that way, but we can also call it physical therapy, since the energy and the light radiating from all parts of the body of the person allow the treatment. The energy and the light are radiating from the eyes, mouth, and from the hands of those who give the treatment, and he/she may, at the same time, fix his/her eyes on the afflicted parts, blow and gently massage. Toothache, headache, stomach pain, swelling in the chest, neuralgia, bruises, cuts, burns, etc.. heal easily, while chronic diseases are not so easy to treat but also a single treatment of a chronic illness shows a positive effect. I wonder how this phenomenon can be explained by medical science. The reality is increasingly affecting the theory, when you see the results, you will agree with me. Even those who do not want to believe can not deny the  reality.

Question: Have we to believe in ‘Usui Reiki Ryoho healing to occur?

No, because the Reiki Ryoho is different from other methods of psychic healing. Consent and faith are not needed, because the Reiki does not work through suggestion. It makes no difference whether a person is incredulous, skeptical or biased. For example it also works with children and people who are seriously injured and unconscious. Out of ten people, perhaps one will trust to the first treatment. Already after the first treatment the majority of people feel the effects and benefits and they will increase their confidence.

Question: What diseases can be cured with the Usui Reiki Ryoho

Any disease origining from mental or physical disease.

Question: Does Usui Reiki Ryoho heal  only illness?

No, not only diseases of the body, but also bad habits and psychological ailments such as despair, weakness of character, lack of courage, the difficulty in making decisions and nervousness. With Reiki energy, our spirit finds its divine part or his Buddhahood, and we can develop the ability to treat other human beings, our brothers. In this way we make happy, healthy and serene both ourselves and others.

Question: How does  Usui Reiki Ryoho heal?

No one has started this method. I did not make efforts to obtain extraordinary powers of healing. While I fasted, I came in contact with an intense energy and, in some mysterious way, I was inspired. For a set of coincidences it became clear that I had been given the spiritual art of healing. Although, even if I m the founder of this method, is difficult for me to explain it in more details. Doctors and researchers are moving  passionate researches in this field, but so far it has been difficult to reach a conclusion that is based on medical science. There will come a time when the Reiki meet science.

Question: Does The Usui Reiki Ryoho use medicines or special tools? If so, are there any side effects?

They do not use medicines or instruments. We use only the look, the breath, the caress, the light taps and the touch of the hands. That’s what heals diseases.

Question: In order to practice the Usui Reiki Ryoho is it necessary to have medical knowledge?

The Reiki Ryoho is a spiritual method that goes beyond medical science and therefore does not rely on it. When we look, we blow it, we touch or caress the diseased body part, we get the desired result. For example, touching the head when we want to treat the brain, abdomen when we want to treat the abdomen and eyes to eyes. You do not get bitter medicine, or using the moxa or moxibustion but it heals quickly and easily. So this spiritual method is an original creation.

Question: How do physicians consider Reiki?

The scientific authorities are very honest in judging the Usui Reiki Ryoho. Recently some famous European doctors took a critical stand against the administration (indiscriminate) medicine. Dr. Sen Nagai of Teikoku Medical University said: “We doctors know how to diagnose a disease, save it and understand it empirically, but we do not know where it comes from or how to treat it.” Dr. Kondo said: “It ‘s arrogant to say that medicine has made tremendous progress when modern medicine neglects the spiritual balance (the patient). It’ s a great disadvantage.” Dr. Sakae Hara said: “It ‘ s insolence treating the human being, who has a spiritual wisdom, like an animal. Believe that in the future we will have a great revolution in the field of therapy.” Some doctors and pharmacists understand this problem and start asking to be initiated into Reiki.

Question: What do you think about the government?

On February 6, the eleventh year of the Taisho period (1922), Congressman Teiji Matsushita did, at the meeting of the shareholders’ meeting of the Federal Parliament, the following question: “What is the government’s position on therapists currently practicing psychotherapy and spiritual therapy without a title? ” Mr. Ushio the government commissioner said: “Ten years ago, hypnosis and other similar forms of therapy were judged inadequate treatment but today, after long researches, are applied effectively in psychiatry. It ‘s hard to want to solve everything about being, with human medicine. To heal diseases physicians follow certain ways, which are based on the principles of medicine. The use of hands and electrotherapy to combat the disease are not part of the methods of medical school. ” That’s why the Usui Reiki Ryoho is not subject to laws regarding the right medical health or those involving acupuncture, shiatsu or moxa.

Question: In this therapy, are the skills of spiritual healing given only to those who are spiritually developed at birth? I do not think this can be learned. What do you think?

All living beings have received the gift of the spiritual ability to heal. The same thing can be applied to plants, animals, fish and insects, but humans, representing the culmination of creation, have received a greater power. Usui Reiki Ryoho appeared in the world to make this capability available and accessible to all.

Question: Anyone can be initiate to Usui Reiki Ryoho?

Of course you. Men and women, old and young, doctors and uneducated people who live according to the moral principles can learn in a short time.  I initiated more than a thousand people and not even one of these has failed to achieve the desired result. Everyone, even those who have just learned Shoden (the first level), are already able to heal diseases. If we think about it, it is rather strange to learn in such a short time to heal disease, although this is for the human being the hardest thing. I am myself amazed and this is the characteristic of our method of spiritual healing, we can learn something so difficult so much easier.

Question: With the Usui Reiki Ryoho you can heal others. And what about yourself? Can  someone  heal also his/her-own illnesses?

If we could not  heal our diseases, our body and our mind, how cannot we heal others’?

Question: What should I do to learn Okuden (the second level)?

The Okuden consists of a number of lessons to apply: I Hatsurei, tap, stroke, put pressure with your hands, healing on distance, heal customs etc.. Before you learn Shoden and then when you have achieved good results, the correct behavior, honesty and morality and you will be thrilled with the Reiki, then you will be ready to receive initiation into Okuden.

Question: In the Reiki Ryoho is there any other teaching after Okuden?

There is still the Shinpiden, the highest level, namely the fourth, it is the degree in which we can send Reiki and teach others.

Discover the properties of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is also known as medicinal aloe, “lily of the desert” or “elephant’s gall” and it belongs to the family of succulent plants in the genus ‘Aloe’. Its origin is believed to be in Sudan and has been used for more than 6,000 years, being recognized by many civilizations including the Egyptians, Spanish, Persians, Greeks, Italians, Africans, Japanese, and Indians. It grows best in warm and dry climates and that is why it is densely found in those areas, but it can be easily grown both indoors and outdoors.

Aloe Vera plant is often a stemless or sometimes very short-stemmed juicy plant that grows around 60–100 cm in height and the offsets spread out wide. The leaves of this plant are thick and fleshy and the color varies from green to gray-green. Some varieties of this plant have white flecks on the upper and lower portions of the stem surfaces. The margin of the leaves is like saw-tooth and the flowers bloom during the summer. Each leaf is full of a slimy tissue that stores water, which makes the leaves thick.

This slimy, water-filled tissue is the “gel” we usually associate with Aloe Vera products, and it contains most of the bioactive compounds in the plant, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. This plant has also compounds such as mannans, polysaccharides, lectins, and anthraquinones that are extremely beneficial for human health. Let’s have a look at all the benefits of this amazing plant:

  • For skin care (wounds, sores, rashes, etc.)

The pure inner gel extracted from the Aloe leaf is the best natural remedy for skin abrasions and it also helps diminish the symptoms of aging skin conditions like wrinkles. Many skin care and personal care products, toiletries, and cosmetics include Aloe extracts. In fact, if you have its plant at home, simply tear a small part of the leaf, take the gel and apply it in the raw form on your face. The topical external use of this plant is the most commonly known and it has long been known as a treatment for sores, particularly burns, including sunburns. Some people prefer drinking its juice, which also enhances skin health, as the properties of the plant work internally. It also helps in curing stings, rashes, acne, and psoriasis.

  • For beauty (moisturizer, hair care, teeth care etc.)

Aloe Vera has proven to be an excellent option for promoting naturally hair growth and essential to retain voluminous and healthy hair. You can apply its gel to the entire scalp or use a shampoo, which stimultaing your scalp can improves blood circulation and keeps you away from stress and mental tiredness.

Dental and gum diseases can also be cured by Aloe Vera. You can try out this natural remedy at home: put some of its powder on your toothbrush, then brush normally. It will soothe your gums and cure any kind of infection or bruises.

  • For digestion

The adaptogenic properties of Aloe Vera are beneficial for a proper digestion. It ensures better nutrient absorption and also eliminates harmful elements through smooth excretion. Its compounds called polysaccharides have the ability to cure a host of digestive disorders and ulcers, which are one of the most prominent consequences of digestive problems. Many studies have proven that with its anti-inflamamtory qualities it improves issues like Crohn’s disease, peptic ulcers, and other digestive tract disorders, mainly driven by the inflammation of digestive organs.

  • For constipation

This time it is not the gel, but the latex, that provides the benefits. The latex is a sticky yellow residue found just under the skin of the leaf and the key compound responsible for this effect is called aloin, or barbaloin, which has well-established laxative and diuretic effects (however, some concerns have been raised about safety issues with frequent use).

  • For immunity

Aloe Vera gel, again, contains powerful antioxidants, which belong to a large family of substances known as polyphenols. These polyphenols, along with several other compounds in Aloe vera, can help inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that can cause infections in humans. Beverages made with aloe vera juice possess natural detoxifying properties that effectively cleanse the digestive system and the circulatory system. As the absorption level of nutrients accelerates, it results in better blood circulation and also improves health. Infact, when the blood is oxygen-rich, it automatically provides nutrients within the cells more proficiently. Zinc is also an important component in this fantastic plant and it’s essential to maintain a proper immune function.

  • For diabetes and general regulation of blood sugar

Some evidence in humans and animals suggested that Aloe Vera is able to alleviate the chronic hyperglycemia (high blood sugar level) and perturbed lipid (fat) profile that are common among people with diabetes and are major risk factors for cardiovascular complications.

  • For pain

The extract of Aloe Vera has shown to be an excellent stimulant of the uterus and intake of its juice is very beneficial during painful menstruation.

The anti-inflammatory properties of Aloe Vera help it to work efficiently on joints and muscle pains, caused by heavy physical acivity or diseases like gout or arthritis. Applying Aloe gel topically eases inflammation and swelling of the joints.

Aloe Vera Smoothie Recipe:


  • 1-2 cups of coconut water
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • lemon, if you like it
  • 1 cup of fresh mango (or any other fruit you like!)
  • 1 fresh banana (or any other fruit again!)
  • a handful of fresh mint
  • 1 medium Aloe Vera leaf filletted (1/2 cups)

How to fillet an Aloe Vera leaf:

  1. First, cut off any white parts close to the root of the leaf.
  2. Then trim the prickly sides by slicing them off entirely using a paring knife. When doing so, try to take off as little as possible.
  3. With the convex side facing up, use a potato peeler to remove the skin from the leaf. Alternatively, you can slice off the top skin with the knife.
  4. Then, slide the knife under the gel to separate it from the leaf skin, making sure there is no leftover skin on the gel.
  5. Dice the gel into smaller pieces. Refrigerate and cover your leftover Aloe.
  6. Add straight into your blender or juicer with the rest of the ingredients.
  7. Enjoy!

Create your home made herbal remedy

Nowadays deciding to be treated only with herbal/holistic/homeopatic remedies is becoming a thing. People want to go back to the oringins, being more healthy and natural, find a way to cure themselves minimizing the risks and potential side effects. DIY is becoming generally very popular as well, maybe for the lack of trust in the health system or for feeding our curiosity and improve our own skills. No matter what are the reasons for both these tendencies, but I thought it would be interesting writing about it, combining the herbal remedies with the DIY side. Obviously you need some knowledge in order to treat yourself properly, so I suggest you to take these advices only if you have some experience or after you have spoken with a professional herbal therapist for the dosage and type of herb you may need to use.

Let’s start from the very beginning, so by collecting herbs from field or garden. For a number of good reasons you should gather your own herbs: you are assured of their freshness and potency, you also know their source, if they are clean, pure and wholesome. You will also save yourself money and gain self-sufficiency and with time you will build an increasing knowledge of plants and their medicinal uses. Although each herb is different and some may require unique handling, the following general principles can be used for gathering herbs:

  • Herbs are generally gathered according to their particular growth cycle: annuals (plants that have one growing season, the seed germinates the plant flowers and bears fruit and then dies), biennials (plants which germinate and establish a good root system during the first year, flower and bear fruit at the end of the second year, and then die ), or perennials (plants that live and bear fruit a number of years before they die).
  • Herbs must be gathered in dry weather, as those collected in moist or rainy periods are generally weaker and more apt to spoil.
  • Gather in the cool of the morning after the dew has evaporated or in the evening before the dew forms on the plant. Also before the sun is high in the sky.
  • Preferably gather wild plants from high, dry soils, exposed to clean air and abundant sunshine.
  • In all cases, gathering must be selective according to the type of plant and the part to be used (flowers, leaves, roots, etc.).

It is an excellent thing to do cultivating your own herbs in the garden, and I would encourage you to consider it, but try to be selective in the number of herbs you are going to grow. If you do not have enough time, space or knowledge, just purchase what you need from a health shop or a recognised herbal supplier. This is the most quick method to start herbalism.

Once collected your herbs, you need to know how to dry and storage them in a proper way, in order not to lose much of their medicinal value. Dry all herbs carefully outdoors (spreading a layer of herbs on a drying screen in the shade as quickly as possible), indoors (in a dust-free room, at mild temperature, on a drying screen covered away from direct sunlight) or with artificial heat (be very careful, oven drying under 38°C is difficult and often done improperly).

To store them, place them in a tight appropriate container, not made of formaldehyde or certain damaging plastic types, and seal with sealing wax to keep the air from getting to the herb. Always label and date them, and make sure they are used within a year. Never put them under direct sunlight or in room too hot or cold. If its a oil, use a brown bottle or can.

General guidelines should be also followed when starting making your own preparations, for example never use aluminium ware as it poisons with its gases and metallic acid, stainless-steel ware is the best because it does not break, although you should watch for over-high temperatures that cause burning.

It is time now to describe the most common various herbal preparations. Remember that dosages must be adjusted according to personal need.

Capsule: Take the herbal powders and other materials that, because of their nauseous taste or smell, would otherwise be difficult to administer, and place them into a soluble gelatin shell or capsule. These capsules are easy to buy and they are made in different sizes for easy swallowing, with numbers 1 to 4, 0, and 00 being the most common. To fill the capsule, simply take the two halves of a capsule apart and push these halves into the powder and towards each other, pressing the halves together again and at the same time compressing the powder. Dosage depends on the age, size, vitality, condition being treated, and the strength of the ingredients in the capsule itself.

Decoction: This is a process used with hard materials such as roots and barks, chips, etc. Decoctions are intended for immediate use within a twenty-four hour period (72-hour maximum limit when stored in a very cool place) and are generally made by pouring cold water upon fresh or dried herbs. The harder the material, the longer the simmering and extractive period will be. Consider to pulverize them first by mechanical means or pounding; next, soak the ingredients for twelve hours, then set this liquid on the fire and gradually heat to a slight boil. After the extractive period, drain off the liquid while hot and press the herb hard to make sure that all of the therapeutic ingredients are removed, then let stand until cool.

The usual preparation is 1 ounce of herb placed into 1 and half pints of cold water (the half pint will be lost in the extractive process). The herb and liquid is then brought slowly to a boil. The decoction differs from the infusion in that heat is applied and continued over a period of time, because roots and barks generally need longer heating to extract their active principles. When cool, pour off the clear liquid on top, separating it from the settlings and, finally, sweeten to taste. Add more water when decoctions are too strong. Dosage depends on age, size and temperament, but generally 2 fluid ounces to a cupful of liquid three times a day.

Infusion: An infusion extracts the active principles of herbs in water, or other fluid, without simmering or boiling;. Pour a liquid over the raw or powdered herb. The liquid may be hot or cold, but the flavour of the herb is generally much stronger and the action is much faster when made and administered hot. Generally a standard infusion is used with the lighter herbs (such as the leaves, flowers, etc.), and is made by placing one teaspoonful of finely cut dried herb or two teaspoonfuls of bruised fresh herb into a cup and adding boiling, distilled water; cover and let steep for 15 minutes; strain and drink.

Be sure to cover the vessel and stir occasionally, and then carefully strain off the clear liquid. Dosage varies according to type of herb and problem condition, but usually one cupful three times a day. Regulate the quantity to fit the patient’s strength, kidney problems, extreme debilitation, etc.

Oil: This preparation is made from the plant oils. For instance, with the mints (peppermint, spearmint, etc.), the oils come from the leaves. Many of these oils, when properly made (with olive oil), do not go into rancidity easily. The amount of herbs used depends upon the quantity of oil desired, but often a pound of fresh herbs to a pint of olive oil is used. Simmer the herbs for hours until the oil comes out of the herb. In the case of cloves, grind up fine, and simmer the powder in olive oil at a temperature of 50-65°C. Never use mineraloils. For olive oil, which is high in nutritional value, massage as much as the skin will absorb; it can be also used in small doses internally, except when for gallstones or kidney stones.

Ointment: It is a soft, semi-solid fatty herbal preparation used for a protective and emollient effect, liquefying when applied externally. Ointment bases are generally composed of various mixtures of waxes, animal and vegetable oils and the medicinal substances are mixed with them. Start with a melted base, such as olive oil and beeswax, and combine with herb. A good standard is 14 ounces of olive oil, 2 ounces of beeswax, and 1 pound of fresh or 1 and half pound of dry herbs. Place into a closed container, put into the oven and leave there at low heat (around 80°C) for 3-4 hours. Periodically, take a fork and lift the fresh herbs to see if they aregetting browned and brittle, and whether the oil has drawn the value from the herb. Vaseline as a base is generally inferior to animalor plant oils, but may be used if you do not want the preparation to be absorbed quickly into the skin.

Pill/Tablet: In this case the herbal agent is ground into a very fine powder and mixed with a mucilage of gum Arabic (made by dissolving gum Arabic in water), slippery elm, or a syrup, etc. which is then worked up into a pill mass. A portion is then cut off, sliced into small strips and then into smaller pill-sized pieces, which are then rolled into little round balls for easy administration. A small amount of powdered rhubarb or flour on the board in preparation will keep the mass from sticking, but keep the pill mass in a quite firm consistency, or else the excess mucilage or syrup will absorb too much rhubarb or flour.

Pills can be coated or uncoated, but the pearl-coated pill is a favourite and is readily soluble in the stomach. Pills are usually made so that one pill equals about 300-400 milligrams of the herbal compound. A pill differs from a tablet in that a pill needs mucilage or other substance added to keep the herbal agent in an adhesive mass, whereas the tablet will adhere by its own characteristics upon compression.

Poultrice: This herbal preparation is a soft, semi-liquid mass made of some cohesive substance mixed with water, vinegar or other substances, and used for supplying heat and moisture to an area, or to act as a local stimulant. Have the herbs ground or granulated. When using fine powder, just use enough moisture to make a thick paste, and when using the granulated form, a thick paste may be made with a mixture of water and cornmeal. If fresh green leaves are used, simply heat, bruise, triturate or chop the leaves up finely, and apply to the affected parts. Be generous in making poultices, covering the afflicted area thickly.

Spirit: It is an alcoholic or hydro-alcoholic preparation containing ordinary alcohol and a watery liquid that has been distilled from an alcoholic tincture or mash. It is a volatile prepared by distillation, whereas a tincture is prepared by infusing the volatile substance in alcohol. These are used as tonics, etc.  A few drops on up are used as specified.

Syrup: A thick, sticky liquid preparation made by dissolving sugar into distilled water, decoctions, infusions, juices, or other aqueous solution, and it is used to suspend medicinal or flavouring agents for easy administration alone, or to combine with other preparations. For making a syrup with herbs, settle out the heavier matter and pour off the clear liquid; then add to that 1 and 3/4 pounds of sugar, place into an appropriate vessel, heat until the sugar is melted, cool, and store for future use. Another formula for making a simple syrup is to pour 1 pint of boiling water over 2 and half pounds of sugar, place on a hot stove and stir until the liquid begins to boil, and then instantly remove. Dosage varies from 1 teaspoonful to 1 tablespoonful once or few times per day.

Tincture: This is technically a fluid extract, but the medicinal virtues are extracted into solution with grain alcohol or vinegar, which are better preservative for long term storage of extracts. Take approximately 4 ounces of ground dried herbs or 8 ounces of finely chopped fresh herbs and place them in a glass bottle with at least 16 ounces of alcohol or vinegar, until the herb is completely submerged under the liquid. This is tightly capped and each day for 10 days to 2 weeks the bottle is shaken vigorously at least 3 times a day or more. Extract all liquids, squeezing the herb residue thoroughly, with a regular juice press, or wring out by hand through cloth, etc.

After the liquid is extracted, place the tincture extract in dark or painted bottles, stopper thoroughly and store. When administering a tincture internally, you may evaporate the alcohol from the solution by putting it into hot water, or it can be taken as is. Dilute at least 1 teaspoonful of tincture to each cup of water.

What is Reiki?

The word Reiki is composed of two Japanese words: “rei” and “ki“. Translating Japanese into English is very difficult, especially if we are seeking a definition from a more spiritual context. In this case, Rei can be defined as the Higher Intelligence that guides the creation and functioning of the universe, both animate and inanimate things. It is available to help us in times of need and to act as a source of guidance in our lives. Ki is the non-physical energy that animates and flows in all living things, including plants, animals and humans. When a person’s Ki is high, they will feel strong, confident, and ready to enjoy life and take on it’s challenges. When it is low, they will feel weak and are more likely to get sick. We receive Ki from the environment and everything around us, like the air, light, etc.

So, Reiki can be defined as a non-physical healing technique made of life force energy that is guided by the Higher Intelligence. The source of health comes from the Ki that flows through and around the individual, rather than from the functional condition of organs and tissues. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvment that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and psychological issue and always creates a beneficial effect, such as a deep relaxation. It also works with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

To administer Reiki, a practitioner channels life force energy through his or her hands unto another. The spiritual guidance enables the Reiki to flow through the affected parts of the subject’s energy field and charges them with positive energy. It raises awareness in and around the physical body where negative thoughts and feelings are contained. This causes the negative energy, such as stress, anxiety, physical pain, sadness, confusion, etc. to loosen its grip, allowing the touch of the Reiki healer to swoop in and clarify the energy pathways. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. This healing technique cannot be guided by the mind, therefore it is not limited by the experience or ability of the practitioner. Neither can it be misused as it always creates a healing effect, the worst it can do is nothing.

Reiki is different from almost all other healing modalities. It’s actually transferred to each student from a Reiki master during what is called an “attunement” process. This process opens the crown, heart, and palm chakras and creates a unique connection between the student and the teacher. Once you have received a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the remainder of your life. It does not “wear off” and you can never lose it.

There are actually three or four levels of Reiki, depending on your teacher, for which one must be attuned before becoming a master:

  • Reiki Level 1: it is all about learning the history of Reiki, proper hand placements, the basics of how to use Reiki on others, and the practice of self-Reiki. This encourages students to use the technique on themselves in order to work through personal hardships.
  • Reiki Level 2: it is often defined by a focus on practicing Reiki on others, as well as an expanded opening of the energy channels. Additionally students receive the Reiki symbols and Level 2 attunement. The Reiki symbols allow the practitioner to connect more deeply to the universal energy, as well as draw on the qualities that the symbols represent. This includes the ability to provide distance in space and time treatments.
  • Reiki Level 3/Master: in many courses the Third Degree and Reiki Master are the same designation, because it is traditionally considered the teacher’s level.

Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. It has no dogma, and there is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use it. Infact, Reiki is not dependent on belief at all and will work whether you believe in it or not.  Many people find that using Reiki puts them more in touch with the experience of their religion rather than having only an intellectual concept of it, but that is only up to you and your beliefs.

Most agree that Reiki has its origins back to the late 19th or early 20th centuries and the teachings of a Japanese monk named Mikao Usui. He had “rediscovered” this ancient concept of an inexhaustible energy source that can be harnessed for healing. Through attunements, a Reiki master (Usui was the first) can teach others to master this healing power as well. In 1937, a Japanese-American named Hawayo Takata brought the practice of Reiki to the West when she returned to her native Hawaii.

The secret art of inviting happiness,
The miraculous medicine of all diseases.
Just for today, do not anger,
Do not worry and be filled with gratitude.
Devote yourself to your work. Be kind to people.
Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer.
Pray these words to your heart
and chant these words with your mouth.
Usui Mikao, Reiki: Treatment for the improvement of body and mind


Dear Abundy's supporters and friends, It is with sadness that I have to announce the temporarily closure of Abundy Studio due to unexpected circumstances. During this time you can stay tuned and read the Abundy blog, but all the treatments will be suspended until further notice. Hopefully we won't stay close for long! Thank you for your understanding and support. With Love and Gratitude.