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The Great Dictionary of Metamedicine – Book review

Claudia Rainville, author of the international best seller “Le Grand Dictionnaire of Métamédicine, chaque symptome est un message” (aka “The Great Dictionary of Metamedicine, every symptom is a message“) started her career as a psychotherapist, born and raised in the typical Western medicine environment. After few challenges she had to face during the years in her personal and family life, and after noticing few similar patterns in her patients, she founded the Metamedicine approach.

Ancient Romans used to say “Mens sana in corpore sano“, so “Healthy mind, healthy body” and that’s what pretty much Metamedicine is based on.

After realising that patients had significant emotional events or traumas before the onset of new health issues or symptoms, the correlation of these events became a vast inventory of case studies and successful diagnostics. So, according to Metamedicine (aka META-Health), there is not only a mind-body connection but actually a very precise organ-mind-emotion network. Which means that each area of our brain, with its chemical and emotional responds, is linked to a specific organ and a specific conflict or trauma or environmental social experience.

As examples of what I have mentioned already, we could say that the skin (organ of touch) might be affected by a loss-of-contact-conflict, the breast (organ that nourishes the baby) by a separation-conflict, the lungs (breath is the sign of life) by a fear-of-death conflict, and so on.

I know this is a lot to take in and maybe difficult to understand, so let me give you a couple more of examples that Claudia Reinville herself mentions in the book.

Let’s start from something very common like allergies. They are a very common problem, which usually onsets due to situations (or allergens) that are not accepted or that wake up forgotten emotions and traumas. One can be allergic to pet hair, pollen some foods: let’s focus on this one. Food allergies are the ones linked with a memory, for example: have you been told that one of your relatives died while you were eating broccoli? Don’t be surprised if you can’t stand them or if you are allergic to them. Were your parents divorcing while you were starting to eat fruits as a toddler? Be careful ’cause you can become strawberry-intolerant. If you are unable to address the episode or the period of time where your allergy started, it could be related to a previous life experience. Gluten and dairy products allergies are instead a separate matter.

Let’s give you another example, a quite common problem that many people are afraid to share: anal itching. The anus is the terminal part of the intestines, and so it represents the end of a process and letting go “something” (yeah, you know what I am talking about!). That’s why anal itching can be getting started when there are difficulties in letting go and move on from a situation. It could be a person, a house, a job, etc. Ask youself: what is that bothers me about letting go this thing/person? Why is it so hard to move on?

In “The Great Dictionary of Metamedicine, every symptom is a message” the author writes in alphabetical order mentioning step by step every single disease, how it is related with a trauma or a issues/ conflict we should face and solve, giving examples thanks to her experience with thousands of patients.

I found this book really illuminating, as being a ThetaHealer Pratictioner I already knew this type of correlation in our beings, but being able to address all of them and put them down on paper is remarkable and it comes very handy. Especially if you work with holistic healing like I do, it makes you save a lot of time and helps you understand better your clients, not to mention all the positive improvements you can gain for youself. So take your new Dictionary and start digging, I hope you will find all the answers you are looking for!

Behavioural Iridology: Can your eyes show your personality?

For those who have followed my blog so far, you have probably read the article about Iridology. For those who don’t know what I am talking about, please have a look at it, but in the meantime I can tell you very briefly that iridology is a method used in alternative medicine to analyze the health status by studying the colors, marks and signs in the iris and the whole eye in general.

I bet you’re asking: What is the difference between “normal” iridology and the behavioural one? Well, originally they were completely distinct from one another, because there was a common will to departure from the world of pathology and medicine. Although with time in the early 90s, from the “only” concept of the iris as health indicator, researchers began to step forward, and link the iris to our DNA, as indicator of “genetically inherited” constitution. From the idea that the constitution is not only a product of physical, but also psychological, manifest or latent characteristics, it has been believed so far that through the study of the iris, iridolgists can also “scan” and analize the behaviour and personality of a person. From here all the differences schools of thought in behavioural iridology started, such as Deck, Heller, Wolf, Rayid and Verghis.

Although the categories of personalities changes from schools to schools, it is possible to distinguish 2 different types of “primary structures” or main personality characteristics.

  • The Emotional Type or the Flower

In the iris it appears as an open structure with the presence of lacunae (=absence of substance). Infact, they can genetically carry or develop conditions caused by “lack” of something, such as poor immunity, loss of organ function, hormonal instability, depression, poorly defined personal boundaries, mood swings, emotional negativity, loss of direction in life.

They also have lots of qualities like receptivity, open mindedness, creativity, emotional honesty, selfawareness, flexibility, versatility, spontaneity, instinctual intelligence, opportunity for healing. What are for these people the lessons to be learned? Self-control, focus, consolidation, thinking and centredness.

  • The Thinking Type or the Jewel

This type shows itself in the iris with the presence of pigment spots, so “accumulation of color”. This accumulation reflects also on their health, developing conditions like accumulation, sluggishness, crystalization, deposition, toxins, deposits, lithiasis (e.i. kidney stones). They are quite susceptible to enzyme and digestive problems.

In terms of personality, they usually experience caution, reserve, mistrust, unexamined emotions and withdrawal, but they can also have very high intellect, organizational and logic abilities, verbal skills, attention to detail and planning. The lessons to be learned in this case are certainly trust, delegating, flow, release and feelings.

In addiction to these 2 main categories, 2 more “secondary structures“, also called “modifying”, can be found.

  • The Empathic Type or the Stream (none of the above)

It has a very dense iris structure and contains neither of the above mentioned signs (spots or lacunae). As persons, they tend to be grounded, compassionate, sensitive, empathic, practical, carer, networker, methodical, honest, reliable, and able to carry out tasks to conclusion but requires direction. Out of balance they can show exhaustion, depression and indecisiveness. Trust, release and find a purpose are definetely lessons to be learned.

  • The Driven Type or the Shaker (both the above)

It has a very variable iris structure and contains both flowers and jewels’ signs (spots and lacunae). They can be fiery, challenging, progressive, pioneer, inventor, leader, unpredictable, good at initiating and inspiring but not so good at completing tasks. Out of balance they can be a bit reckless, isolated and extremist. Consistency, moderation and stability are definetely lessons to be learned.

If we mix all these structures, we obtain 4 behavioural types, which can define personalities in a more specific and detailed way:

  • The Stream Jewel Type
  • The Shaker Jewel Type
  • The Stream Flower Type
  • The Shaker Flower Type

…I let you discover them by youserlf! I also invite you to have your eyes checked, because although behavioural iridology doesn’t medically diagnose or treat any disease, it addresses most physical and behavioral conditions. Because those missing pieces are identified and the whole person is treated holistically, several aspects of your life can improve. Behavioral iridology offers explanations for situations that are happening in your life today, and it can definetely help knowing a bit more about yourself!

How to read your eyes? Find an iridologist (UK) or try online!





Photos by: Intro to behavioural.key, CNM uk

ThetaHealing: un’Intervista a Sara Montanari / ThetaHealing: an Interview with Sara Montanari

Bilingual article, for the English version scroll down!

Articolo bilingue, per la versione Inglese scorrere in basso!

Nell’ultimo periodo sono stata molto fortunata, perchè diversi operatori olistici di luce mi hanno contattata per avere un piccolo spazio sul blog di Abundy. Grazie a loro, Abundy ma soprattutto la mia e la vostra (cari lettori!) conoscenza e connessione si potranno espandere sempre di più! Oggi sono qui con Sara Montanari, che non solo conosco e stimo da anni, ma che è stata anche una mia personale Maestra e ora con immensa gioia posso definire collega. Sara è una fantastica ThetaHealer (clicca per saperne di più), che mette discrezione, gentilezza, amore e tanta tanta passione nel lavoro che fa. Ma lascio a lei il piacere di raccontarvi di più:

  • Ciao Sara, grazie ancora per aver accettato di farti intervistare per Abundy. Ti andrebbe di parlarci un po’ di te e di come ti sei avvicinata al ThetaHealing?

Ciao Laura, grazie mille a te per questa opportunità. Ho conosciuto il ThetaHealing nel 2014, attraverso una mia amica che mi ha presentato una ThetaHealer, inizialmente in realtà per il Reiki degli Angeli, poi ho provato una sessione di Theta di cui mi sono profondamente innamorata…il caso che non è mai un caso!

  • Dunque nel tuo studio olistico “Onde di luce” proponi principalmente come tecnica il ThetaHealing. Ti capita di usare altre tecniche durante la seduta con una persona?

Di solito applico principalmente il ThetaHealing ma in parte finale qualche volta uso il Reiki degli Angeli apponendo le mani nelle zone colpite o contratte, in base ai consigli “dall’alto” diciamo.

  • Vedo che sei molto attiva sui Social Network e Youtube, ad esempio con i tuoi interessanti video. Hanno questi video un filo conduttore comune o un argomento che ti piace particolarmente trattare?

Si, il filo da cui sono partita nei miei video è lo studio profondo dell’inconscio, per poi sfociare nei disagi e nelle malattie che può creare. A tratti procedo anche a spiegare altri argomenti rilevanti che tratto in seduta, ad esempio la paura, il karma o blocchi fisici.

  • Puoi spiegarci meglio cosa è il subconscio e cosa significa lavorare con e su di esso?

Il subconscio è una grande macchina che contiene il 90% delle nostre informazioni e programmi (quelli che nel ThetaHealing possiamo chiamare convinzioni, sia negative che positive), che sovente sfociano in blocchi generatori di disagi e malattie. Possiamo dire che il nostro inconscio è il nostro bambino interiore.

  • Quindi cos’è, o meglio, chi è il bambino interiore?

Il bambino interiore siamo noi stessi nel più profondo delle nostre emozioni, spesso limitanti, che auto creano blocchi e disagi altrettanto profondi sin dalla nascita o addirittura da prima, nell’utero materno, e trattiene tutto ciò che gli è stato insegnato in famiglia, nel nucleo e nel DNA.

  • Quali sono principalmente i motivi che spingono una persona a prenotare una sessione con te?

Di solito chi mi contatta ha notevoli movimenti interiori che generano situazioni difficili che compromettono la loro vita quotidiana, o più semplicemente magari vuole fare un percorso di crescita personale ed evoluzione profonda.

  • Ho visto che fra i tuoi eventi recenti c’e stato un workshop molto interessante: “approfondimento sull’Amor proprio e sull’Anima gemella”. Di cosa si tratta?

Si, il mio workshop del 27 Dicembre prevedeva un’immersione profonda nell’Amore in tutte le sue forme, soprattutto fari puntati sull’amor proprio che arricchisce dentro per creare fuori la strada verso l’ anima gemella compatibile.

  • Parte del tuo lavoro a “Onde di Luce” consiste nell’insegnamento. Quindi è possibile per chiunque imparare e praticare il ThetaHealing?

Certo che si, chiunque può connettersi all’energia creatrice e al Divino. E’ la prima cosa che insegno: siamo tutti scintille di Dio.

  • Raccontaci dei progetti futuri per te e per lo studio “Onde di luce”.

Ultimamente ho strutturato e creato in connessione col Creatore, un seminario propriamente diretto a cambiare consapevolmente il proprio Karma. Si chiama “Allineamento Karmico del maestro consapevole”.

  • Quindi questo corso lo hai ideato tu? Come e in cosa consiste?

Si è tutto partito dallo studio dei capisaldi e di un ottimo lavoro di consapevolezza, toccando l’inconscio, l’ego e il proprio Karma, e attingendo all’aiuto dalla sorgente… il resto sarà una sorpresa! Sappiate che lo calendarizzerò a inizio Febbraio. Tutti possono accedere a questo corso, senza prerequisiti.

  • Ok, grazie mille Sara per il tuo tempo e contributo ad Abundy. Parlaci dei tuoi prossimi eventi e dove possono trovarti i lettori.

Il mio prossimo evento sarà a Reggio Emilia per il seminario DNA Base per poi procedere con il mio nuovo corso “Allineamento Karmico del maestro consapevole”. A seguire e chiudere a Gennaio con l’Abbondanza manifestata dall’alto.

Mi potete trovare sul web su www.ondediluce.it oppure su Facebook in Onde di Luce di Sara Montanari.

Dal 2020 anche in un altro luogo che sarà una sorpresa… spero di essere più chiara quanto prima verso Febbraio. Grazie mille per questa possibilità che mi hai dato per parlare un po’ di me e del mio meraviglioso lavoro, che prima di tutto è una grande passione.

In the last period I have been very lucky, because several holistic light operators have contacted me in order to have a small space on Abundy’s blog. Thanks to them, Abundy and above all my and your (dear readers!) knowledge and connection will be able to increase more and more! Today I am here with Sara Montanari, whom I have not only known and respected for years, but who has also been my teacher and now with immense joy I can call colleague. Sara is a fantastic ThetaHealer (click to learn more), which puts discretion, kindness, love and a lot of passion in the work she does. But I leave her the pleasure to tell you more:

  • Hi Sara, thanks again for agreeing to be interviewed for Abundy. Would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself and how did you approach ThetaHealing?

Hi Laura, thank you very much for this opportunity. I met ThetaHealing in 2014, through a friend of mine who introduced me to a ThetaHealer, initially actually for the Angel Reiki, but then I tried a Theta session that I deeply fell in love with … the case that is never a coincidence!

  • So in your holistic study “Onde di Luce” you mainly use the ThetaHealing technique. Do you happen to use other techniques with your clients?

Usually I mainly apply ThetaHealing but in the final part I sometimes use the Angel Reiki by placing my hands in the affected or contracted areas, based on the advice “from above”, as we say.

  • I see that you are very active on Social Networks and Youtube, for example with your interesting videos. Do these videos have a common thread or a topic that you particularly like to talk about?

Yes, the thread from which I started in my videos is the deep study of the subconscious, to then lead to the inconveniences and diseases it can create. Sometimes I also go on to explain other relevant topics that I deal with in the sessions, for example fear, karma or physical blockages.

  • Can you explain better what the subconscious is and what it means to work with and on it?

The subconscious is a large machine that contains 90% of our information and programs (what in ThetaHealing we can call beliefs, both negative and positive), which often result in blocks that generate inconvenience and disease. We can say that our subconscious is our inner child.

  • So what is, or rather, who is the inner child?

The inner child is ourselves in the deepest of our emotions, often limiting, which self create blocks and discomforts equally deep since birth or even before, in the womb, and retains everything that has been taught to him in the family, in the nucleus and in DNA.

  • What are the main reasons for a person to book a session with you?

Usually those who contact me have significant internal movements that generate difficult situations that compromise their daily life, or more simply, maybe they want to make a path of personal growth and deep evolution.

  • I saw that among your recent events there was a very interesting workshop: “approfondimento sull’Amor proprio e sull’Anima gemella“. What is it about?

Yes, my workshop on December 27th provided a deep immersion in Love in all its forms, especially focused on self-love which enriches inside to create in our lives the road towards a compatible soul mate.

  • Part of your “Onde di Luce” work is teaching. So is it possible for anyone to learn and practice ThetaHealing?

Of course, anyone can connect to the Source and the Divine. It is the first thing I teach: we are all sparks of God.

  • Tell us about the future projects for you and for “Onde di Luce”.

Lately I have structured and created in connection with the Creator a seminar properly directed to consciously change one’s Karma. It is called “Allineamento Karmico del maestro consapevole“.

  • So did you create this course? How does it work?

It all started with the study of the cornerstones and an excellent work of awareness, touching the subconscious, the ego and one’s Karma, and drawing on help from the Source … the rest will be a surprise! Keep in mind that I will schedule it in early February. Everyone can access this course without prerequisites.

  • Ok, thank you so much Sara for your time and contribution to Abundy. Tell us about your upcoming events and where readers can find you.

My next event will be in Reggio Emilia (Italy) for the DNA Base seminar and then proceed with my new course “Allineamento Karmico del maestro consapevole“, following and closing in January with the Abundance manifested from above.

You can find me on the web on www.ondediluce.it or on Facebook in Onde di Luce di Sara Montanari.

From 2020 I will be also in another place that will be a surprise … I hope to be clearer as soon as possible towards February. Thank you so much for this chance you gave me to talk a little about myself and my wonderful job, which is first of all a great passion.

Reiki degli Angeli: un’Intervista a Nathalie Aurouze / Angel Reiki: an Interview with Nathalie Aurouze

Bilingual article, for the English version scroll down!

Articolo bilingue, per la versione Inglese scorrere in basso!

Un paio di mesi fa ho partecipato con lo stand di Abundy Studio a due eventi che si sono tenuti in provincia di Parma, Italia (chi di voi mi segue da un po’ sa di cosa sto parlando!). Ad entrambi gli eventi ho avuto il piacere di conoscere Nathalie Aurouze, che con la sua fantastica energia ha immediatamente catturato la mia attenzione e la mia ammirazione. Non avendo molta familiarità con le tecniche che propone, le ho chiesto subito diverse informazioni e infine di fare un’intervista per il blog di Abundy. La ringrazio dunque di cuore per aver accettato di condividere la sua esperienza, conoscenza e tutta la sua passione con me e con tutti voi!

  • Ciao Nathalie, grazie ancora per aver accettato questa intervista. Ti andrebbe di parlarci un po’ di te e di come sei diventata operatrice olistica?

Buongiorno Laura. Sono felicissima di averti incontrata e grazie per avermi inviata a parlare del Reiki degli Angeli.

Mi chiamo Nathalie Aurouze, sono Operatrice Olistica e mi trovate a Collecchio, vicino a Parma. Fin dalla prima infanzia, ogni sera in un angolo della mia camera vedevo degli angeli, ma non osavo parlarne con nessuno perché ero estremamente timida. Il periodo dell’adolescenza allontanò gli angeli dalla mia vita… e continuai ad avere grandi difficoltà nell’affermarmi e nell’esprimere me stessa come avrei voluto fare.

Da “grande”, cercando risorse per me stessa e volendo aiutare mio figlio a vivere con serenità, mi sono orientata verso il Reiki e, poco dopo, gli angeli sono tornati nella mia vita, più forti di prima, e iniziai ad ascoltarli! Mentre procedevo lungo il mio percorso, notai che la mia autostima aumentava, che provavo sempre meno paura, che le mie relazioni diventavano più armoniose e che riuscivo ad effettuare dei cambiamenti significativi.

La mia ricerca e le mie formazioni professionali mi hanno spinta a condividere con gli altri i miei talenti e le persone hanno iniziato a cercarmi per ricevere aiuto, un aiuto diverso.

  • Qual è il tuo approccio e la tua filosofia generale durante la sessione con un cliente?

Mi piace moltissimo aiutare le donne che hanno il coraggio di voler cambiare ciò che non funziona più nelle loro vite, ritrovare se stesse, gestire il loro benessere nella vita quotidiana e migliorare la loro vita personale, familiare e sociale. Perché meritano veramente di seguire il loro cuore e di ritrovare il sorriso!

  • Quali tecniche proponi nel tuo studio “Anthea”?

Utilizzo delle tecniche olistiche che agiscono a livello energetico, angelico, quantistico e/o spirituale:

– il Reiki Usui ed anche altre tradizioni come il Karmic Reiki, il Money Reiki, il Reiki degli Angeli di cui parleremo più avanti;

– la pulizia dell’aura, per riuscire a togliere tutto ciò che ci impedisce a livello energetico di andare avanti con serenità;

– l‘Aura-Soma e la penna di Luce, una cromoterapia molto interessante che comprende anche cristalloterapia e aromaterapia, grazie ai componenti naturale delle bottiglie.

Ma anche le canalizzazioni con gli Angeli, letture dei Tarocchi degli Angeli, letture dei Registri Akashici e sedute con i Codici di Luce Merkaba, le quali agiscono sui diversi livelli dell’essere, sempre per il suo massimo bene.

La persona può scegliere delle sedute individuali (singole o in percorso) e/o dei corsi, per comprendersi, capire i propri doni e talenti per poi utilizzarli per ritrovare se stessa e vivere meglio in ogni settore della sua vita.

  • Parliamo del Reiki degli Angeli. In cosa è diverso dall’Usui Reiki?

Il Reiki Usui che conosciamo oggi nacque in Giappone quasi 100 anni fa ed è oggi la tecnica energetica più conosciuta al mondo.

Il Reiki degli Angeli è una tradizione meno conosciuta, in sintonia con gli Angeli, i cui simboli derivano dalla Natura. Lavora sulla preparazione dell’anima all’inizio del percorso della consapevolezza interiore, agisce su corpo-cuore-anima e dona pace e serenità alla persona. Questa tradizione è suddivisa in 6 livelli (Master compreso).

  • Come è nata per la prima volta questa tecnica?

Il Reiki degli Angeli è nato diversi anni fa, durante un convegno di Master Reiki, durante il quale un uomo definì i livelli e spiegò i simboli di questa tradizione. Purtroppo, alla fine del convegno i partecipanti non riuscirono più a ritrovarlo malgrado intense ricerche. Era sparito e iniziarono a pensare che fosse un angelo venuto per portare loro questo insegnamento.

Durante il mio percorso di crescita, notai che tutte tecniche che studiavo mi portavano agli angeli e il Reiki Usui mi portò al Reiki degli Angeli. Come si dice, “quando l’allievo è pronto, appare il maestro!”.

  • Molti di noi non hanno mai avuto esperienze dirette con gli Angeli. Come li/le (Angeli ed esperienze) descriveresti a queste persone?

Gli Angeli sono energie che emanano dal Divino (puoi chiamarlo come preferisci: Dio, Allah, Creatore, Sorgente… il Divino esiste indipendentemente dalle religioni). Un’esperienza angelica è facile da riconoscere perché ti porta sempre calma, serenità e una profonda sensazione di amore. La difficoltà si trova in noi! Prima di tutto, dobbiamo chiedere, perché gli Angeli rispettano il nostro libero arbitrio e non intervengono se noi non chiediamo aiuto.

In secondo luogo, dobbiamo imparare a ricevere i loro messaggi: ascoltarli, sentirli, percepirli, vederli… Purtroppo passiamo spesso accanto ai consigli angelici senza renderci conto di avere già ricevuto la risposta alla nostra domanda, ed è solo perché siamo troppo concentrati su di noi. Con il Reiki degli Angeli, possiamo imparare ad innalzare la nostra frequenza per percepire gli angeli. Uno dei livelli è dedicato alla canalizzazione ed è meraviglioso vedere le persone capire che possono facilmente ricevere risposte angeliche.

  • Spiegaci cosa ci si può aspettare da una seduta di Reiki degli Angeli.

Il trattamento con il Reiki degli Angeli è dolce, rispettoso della tua persona e della tua anima. La sua energia offre il rilassamento della mente e del cuore, in modo da sentirti più calmo, centrato e rigenerato, prima di tornare alla tua vita con maggiore energia e positività.

Tutti possono riceverlo, anche i bambini piccoli o le persone anziane che sono più fragili, e questo grazie alla sua energia delicata, angelica.

  • Quali sono le motivazioni che portano una persona a chiederti una seduta di Reiki degli Angeli? E quali sono i benefici?

Quando una persona si sente attratta dagli Angeli, mi chiede il Reiki degli Angeli. E’ una semplice questione di affinità.

I benefici sono numerosi:

– capire meglio le proprie emozioni e lasciar andare rabbia, frustrazione o sensi di colpa

– calmare la mente e riuscire a dormire meglio

– iniziare un percorso di consapevolezza

– imparare a canalizzare gli angeli per ricevere direttamente i loro consigli

Questa è la testimonianza che una persona mi ha inviato qualche tempo dopo aver seguito il 1° livello: Ciao Nathalie. Volevo dirti che grazie al Reiki riesco a camminare su e giù per le montagne; non ci pensavo ma poi, mentre andavo su per una salita e non ce la facevo più, ho visualizzato i simboli… non pensavo alla fatica, anzi, mi sentivo più forte del solito. Volevo condividere con te questa cosa e ringraziarti per avermi fatto conoscere questa energia”.

  • Serve un talento speciale o è possibile per chiunque imparare il Reiki degli Angeli? Se sì, come?

Tutti possono imparare ad utilizzare il Reiki degli Angeli!

E’ un meraviglioso percorso di consapevolezza composto da diversi livelli grazie ai quali si impara a: ripristinare l’equilibrio energetico in tutti i corpi sottili della persona; aiutare gli altri, anche a distanza; portare armonia a situazioni problematiche (nostre o altrui); programmare oggetti e ambienti; ripulire l’aura e i Chakra delle persone, gli oggetti o gli ambienti dalla presenza di energie pesanti; contattare direttamente gli angeli per noi e gli altri.

Alla fine del percorso si può diventare Master Reiki degli Angeli ed insegnare ad altri il Reiki degli Angeli.

  • E’ possibile praticare Reiki degli Angeli su se stessi?

Certamente! Con il 1° livello, si impara ad effettuare l’auto-trattamento e, con il 2° livello, anche se sembra incredibile a persone che poco conoscono il Reiki, si impara a auto-trattasi a distanza! E non solo, possiamo trattare le nostre situazioni o relazioni difficili e ottenere ottime soluzioni.

  • Quali sono gli obiettivi per te e lo studio Anthea per il prossimo futuro?

Il mio desiderio principale è di comunicare alle donne che possono migliorare la loro vita, in modo diverso. Vorrei che imparassero a sentirsi libere e indipendenti dai condizionamenti che hanno ricevuto – come me – dalla famiglia, educazione, scuola, pubblicità… Sono persone fantastiche e cercano soluzioni nel settore olistico quando tutto il resto non ha funzionato.

Aggiungo che non lavoro a livello medico e che il proprio medico deve sempre essere consultato quando è necessario, ma le tecniche olistiche possono affiancare le cure tradizionali con grandi benefici. Inoltre, il Reiki è sempre più presente negli ospedali di tutto il mondo.

Per questo ho scelto di aprire uno studio in cui diverse tecniche lavorano insieme, dove si può chiedere e ricevere aiuto, conoscere ed armonizzare emozioni e pensieri, avere il tempo necessario e uno spazio accogliente per “ritrovarsi”, ricevere suggerimenti e soluzioni per il proprio benessere… perché si può imparare, crescere e conoscersi su tutti i livelli dell’essere.

Il mio studio non è un luogo di cura, ma di armonia e di energia positiva, dove essere ascoltata e compresa.

  • Quale Angelo ci accompagna nelle energie di questa settimana?

Questa settimana, sto lavorando con l’arcangelo Ariel, il cui nome significa “Leone (o Leonessa) di Dio”. E’ strettamente collegato con la natura, le fate e gli elementi e l’altro ieri fotografando i colori del mio giardino, mi sono resa conto che mi era sempre vicino. Ariel ci aiuta a sentire un senso di interconnessione con la natura, con tutte le forze e le energie di Gaia, nostra Madre Terra, e con tutti gli esseri sia di questo mondo che di altri mondi.

Tutti possono invocarlo e sentire la sua presenza durante una passeggiata in un parco cittadino, in un bosco o al mare. Provate!

  • Grazie mille Nathalie per le preziose informazioni, parlaci dei tuoi prossimi eventi e dove possono trovarti i lettori.

Grazie a te Laura. E’ stato un onore essere intervistata da te e spiegare il mio lavoro ai lettori.

Siete sempre i benvenuti ed è possibile trovarmi tramite il mio sito-blog sul quale pubblico articoli relativi al Reiki e agli Angeli, ma non solo:


o la mia pagina Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TecnicheHolistiche/

Le attività programmate sono sempre indicate in agenda sulla Home Page del sito. Sto preparando il programma per l’inizio del prossimo anno con nuovi corsi di Reiki degli Angeli, Reiki Usui, Karmic Reiki, Money Reiki, giornate e laboratori esperienziali con l’Aura-Soma, il mio corso per “Imparare a conoscere e contattare gli Angeli”, il corso sui “Tarocchi degli Angeli”, delle serate di scambio di trattamenti di reiki e altre di meditazione con gli Angeli… Sto anche organizzando laboratori in collaborazione con altre terapeute, dove il Reiki, l’Aura-Soma e gli Angeli incontreranno altre tecniche olistiche.

Insomma, le idee ci sono e si stanno sviluppando, sempre con il filo conduttore che tende a rendere le persone indipendenti e libere nelle loro scelte, riconoscere i loro doni e talenti… avere l’opportunità di riscoprirsi durante le sedute o i corsi nel mio studio.

A couple of months ago I participated with the Abundy Studio stand in two events that were held in the province of Parma, Italy (those of you who have been following me for a while know what I’m talking about!). At both events I had the pleasure of meeting Nathalie Aurouze, who with her fantastic energy immediately caught my attention and my admiration. Not being very familiar with the techniques she proposed, I immediately asked her for various information and finally to do an interview for Abundy’s blog. Thank you so very much for having accepted to share your experience, knowledge and all your passion with me and with all of you!

  • Hi Nathalie, thanks again for accepting this interview. Would you like to talk a little about yourself and how you became a holistic operator?

Good morning Laura. I am so happy to have met you and thank you for asking me to talk about the Angel Reiki.

My name is Nathalie Aurouze, I am a light worker and I live in Collecchio, near Parma. From early childhood, every night in a corner of my room I saw angels, but I didn’t dare talk about them with anyone because I was extremely shy. The adolescent period took the angels away from my life… and I continued to have great difficulties in affirming and expressing myself as I would have liked to do.

Growing up, looking for resources for myself and wanting to help my son to live with serenity, I discovered Reiki and, shortly after, the angels came back into my life, stronger than before, and I started listening to them! As I proceeded along my path, I noticed that my self-esteem increased, that I felt less and less afraid, that my relationships became more harmonious and that I could make significant changes.

My research and my professional training led me to share my talents with others and people started looking for me to get help, a different help.

  • What is your approach and your general philosophy during a client session?

I really like helping women who have the courage and the will to change what no longer works in their lives, find themselves, manage their well-being in everyday life and improve their personal, family and social life. Because they really deserve to follow their heart and smile again!

  • What techniques do you propose in your studio “Anthea”?

I use holistic techniques that act on an energetic, angelic, quantum and / or spiritual level:

Usui Reiki and also other traditions such as Karmic Reiki, Money Reiki, the Angel Reiki of which we will talk later;

Aura cleansing, to be able to remove everything that prevents us from going ahead on an energetic level;

the Aura-Soma and the Light beamer pen, a very interesting chromotherapy that also includes crystal therapy and aromatherapy, thanks to the natural components of the bottles.

But also Angel Channeling, readings of the Tarot of the Angels, readings of the Akashic Records and sessions with the Merkaba Light Codes, which act on the different levels of our being, always for its highest good.

A person can choose to have individual sessions (single or groups) and/or follow some courses, to better understand themselves, understand their gifts and talents and then use them to ridiscover themselves and live in a better way in every area of their life.

  • Let’s talk about the Angel Reiki. What is different from Usui Reiki?

The Usui Reiki that we know today was born in Japan almost 100 years ago and is today the most known energy technique in the world.

The Angel Reiki is a less known tradition, in harmony with the Angels, whose symbols derive from Nature. It works on the preparation of the soul at the beginning of the path of inner awareness, acts on body-heart-soul and gives peace and serenity to the person. This tradition is divided into 6 levels (including the Master level).

  • How was this technique channeled for the first time?

The Angel Reiki was born several years ago, during a convention of Reiki Masters, during which a man defined the levels and explained the symbols of this tradition. Unfortunately, at the end of the conference the participants could not find him again despite an intense search. He had disappeared and they began to think that he was an angel who had come to bring them this teaching.

During my growth path, I noticed that all the techniques I studied brought me to the Angels and the Reiki Usui brought me to the Angel Reiki. As they say, “when the pupil is ready, the master appears!“.

  • Many of us have never had direct experiences with the Angels. How would you describe them?

Angels are energies that emanate from the Divine (you can call it whatever you like: God, Allah, Creator, Source… the Divine exists independently of religions). An angelic experience is easy to recognize because it always brings you calm, serenity and a deep feeling of love. The difficulty lies in us! First of all we must ask, because the Angels respect our free will and do not intervene if we do not ask for help.

Secondly, we must learn to receive their messages: listen to them, hear them, perceive them, see them… Unfortunately we often pass by the angelic advice without realizing that we have already received the answer to our question, and it is only because we are too focused on ourselves. With the Angel Reiki we can learn to raise our frequency to perceive angels. One of the levels is dedicated to channeling and it is wonderful to see people understand that they can easily receive angelic answers.

  • Tell us what you can expect from a session of Angel Reiki.

The treatment with Angel Reiki is sweet, respectful of your person and your soul. Its energy offers relaxation of mind and heart, in order to feel more calm, centered and regenerated, before returning to your life with greater energy and positivity.

Everyone can receive it, even small children or elderly people who are more fragile, and this thanks to his delicate, angelic energy.

  • What are the reasons that lead a person to ask you for a session of Reiki of the Angels? And what are the benefits?

When a person feels attracted to the Angels, she/he asks me for the Angel Reiki. It is a simple matter of affinity.

The benefits are numerous:

– better understanding of emotions and let go of anger, frustration or guilt

– calming the mind and being able to sleep better

– start a path of awareness

– learn to channel angels to receive their advice directly

This is the testimony that someone sent me some time after attending level 1: “Hi Nathalie. I wanted to tell you that thanks to Reiki I can walk up and down the mountains. I didn’t think about it but then, but while I was going up a hill and couldn’t take it anymore, I visualized the symbols… I didn’t think about fatigue and, on the contrary, I felt stronger than usual. I wanted to share this with you and thank you for letting me know about this energy“.

  • Do you need a special talent or is it possible for anyone to learn Angels Reiki? If so, how?

Everyone can learn to use Angels Reiki! It is a wonderful path of awareness composed of different levels through which you learn to: restore energy balance in all the subtle bodies of the person; helping others, even from distance; bring harmony to problematic situations (ours or other’s); program objects and environments; cleanse the aura and chakras of people, objects or environments from the presence of heavy energies; contact the angels directly for us and others. At the end of the path you can become Angel Reiki Master and teach others.

  • Is it possible to practice Angel Reiki on oneself?

Of course! With 1st level, you learn to perform self-treatment and, with 2nd level, even if it seems incredible to people who know little about Reiki, you learn how to deal with yourself remotly! And not only that, we can treat our difficult situations or relationships and get excellent solutions.

  • What are the goals for you and the Anthea studio for the near future?

My main desire is to communicate to women that they can improve their lives differently. I would like them to learn to feel free and independent of the conditioning they have received (like me) from their family, education, school, advertising… They are fantastic people and are looking for solutions in the holistic sector when everything else has not worked yet.

I would like to add that I do not work on a medical level and that a doctor must always be consulted when it is necessary, but holistic techniques can complement traditional treatments with great benefits. Moreover, Reiki is increasingly present in hospitals around the world.

This is why I chose to open a hoslitic practice where different techniques work together, where you can ask and receive help, learn about and harmonize emotions and thoughts, have the necessary time and a welcoming space to “find yourself”, receive suggestions and solutions for your own well-being… because you can learn, grow and know yourself on all levels of your being.

My professional practice is not a place of care, but of harmony and positive energy, where one can be listened to and be understood.

  • Which Angel accompanies us in this week’s energy?

This week, I’m working with the archangel Ariel, whose name means “Lion (or Lioness) of God”. It is closely connected with nature, fairies and elements and the day before yesterday, photographing the colors of my garden, I realized that it was always close to me. Ariel helps us to feel a sense of interconnection with nature, with all the forces and energies of Gaia, our Mother Earth, and with all beings both of this world and of other worlds.

Everyone can invoke it and feel its presence during a walk in a city park, in a forest or by the sea. Try!

  • Thank you very much Nathalie for the valuable information, tell us about your upcoming events and where readers can find you.

Thank you Laura. It was an honor to be interviewed by you and explain my work to readers.

You are always welcome and you can find me via my blog site where I publish articles related to Angel Reiki and other techniques:


or my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/TecnicheHolistiche/

The scheduled activities are always listed on the website’s Home Page.
I am preparing the program for the beginning of next year with new courses of Angel Reiki, Reiki Usui, Karmic Reiki, Money Reiki, days and experiential workshops with the Aura-Soma, my course for “Learning to know and contact the Angels”, the course on the “Tarot of the Angels”, evenings during which we can exchange Reiki treatments and other during which we can do meditation with the Angels.

I am also organizing workshops in collaboration with other therapists, where Reiki, Aura-Soma and the Angels will meet with other holistic techniques.

In short, there are ideas and they are developing, always with the common thread that tends to make people independent and free in their choices, to recognize their gifts and talents… to have the opportunity to rediscover themselves during sessions or courses in my holistic practice.

Testimonials on Past Life Regression

I have recently had several requests from people asking me for a session of past life regression, or simply looking for more information about it, especially considering the method I use and what to expect during the actual practice. For all that concerns the regression in general, you can visit this other article on my blog, where I explain in a detailed way (but not at all boring, promised!) everything about this wonderful technique.

But today I would like to tell you more about my personal experience, and that of some people who came to me to try regression. People with a story, a past, a present, different demands and objectives, but all united by the will-power to improve themselves and to dissolve those karmic chains that bind us in a negative way to the past of our soul.

Consent has been obtained and the names have been changed with respect to privacy.

From rags… to riches

Anyone approaching regression for the first time, obviously daydreams about the possible people, perhaps famous, rich and important, that could have been. But soon we realize that the reality is quite different. Usually “perfect” lives in which everything is beautiful, harmonious and flowing happily without problems are excellent for making “downloads” of talents or emotions that we want to bring back here and now. But they are also quite rare. The lives in which we have suffered, fought, and have really learned something essential are those that are difficult and harsh, and they are those that we must certainly resolve.

I remember one of the first sessions I did and, as a jumper, I could see 3/4 lives in less than an hour. How glad I was to have discovered that I was a Roman senator! Or a scientist during the Enlightenment! Or a Middle Eastern princess! Don’t get me wrong, they were all lives that I had to resolve, also because they were full of important moments, talents to download and experiences to internalize. Not all that shines is gold.

I then wondered if it was all true what I had seen, or if I had simply made it up in my mind. I did some research, discovering that the Roman senators really did speak ancient Greek during official meetings, and that those strange drawings I had seen were Torricelli’s projects. I was deeply moved. I wanted to try again to regress to other lives, this time with a totally different goal. I wanted to work on abundance and was initially taken to a time when I was a rich merchant. Of course, I thought, how many talents this man must have had to create his fortune! Then, I experienced only lives of great poverty, of hard work and hardship, but all in all happy in their simplicity and indigence.

I was a senator, a princess, a scientist and a rich merchant. Yes, but I have also been a nun with votes of chastity and poverty, a peasant woman deprived of her family and her land, a fisherman who has known true labor and what it means to have a broken heart. I have been many things, but first of all a human being who has lived, even literally, from the rags to riches. And it was illuminating and beautiful.

Client: “Are we sure that I didn’t just imagine everything?”

Me: “If you imagined everything, why didn’t you choose to see something beautiful, instead of these traumatic events?”

Customer: “Good question …”

Fly like a bird

I have noticed over time and after having made many people regress, that obviously not only the experiences change, but also the “way” of experiencing and seeing them. I’ll explain. When entering the regression, it is like jumping into a scenario. Most of the time people see themselves inside another body, so looking down they just see their feet and clothes of that time and around them a landscape with a point of view at eye level.

However a couple of people proved different in this respect, and as soon as they entered the life they wanted to see, they saw themselves from above. As if they were birds flying over the country and the people below them. But it was clear to them who they were among the crowd, and they followed their person wherever he/she moved. For these people it may be more difficult to “go through themselves” to capture an emotion, but besides this I haven’t noticed any other differences. I still can’t explain why some customers have this point of view compared to others.

Client: “I see myself, but like … from above. I mean, I know that I am that monk who is walking down the street, I recognize myself, but I see my head and everything else. I feel like I’m flying like a bird!”

The eyes are the mirror of the soul

Many people ask me to work on the relationship with their loved ones in this life, and to do so we must resolve the lives in which those souls have known each other. You will wonder how do you recognise people during the regression. In ancient times the Romans said “the eyes are the mirror of the soul” and they were right.

When you want to recognise some poeple of this reincarnation during the regression, look at that person in the eyes. You will feel a very strong feeling of knowing who they are, of having already seen them and of knowing them deeply. The name will come to your mind immediately. It happened to me and to many others.

However, a strange thing happened to a client of mine, and in my opinion it was fantastic. She recognised her daughter during the regression because she saw two faces overlapping, as if one overlapped like a ghost over the other. At that point she was 100% sure that this was her daughter. This client of mine is very physiognomist, she does not remember the names well but faces very well and in fact she could also see the details of the faces during the regression, something that is more difficult for me personally. I think this helps to make the vision more detailed and particular.

Customer: “I see her, who she is … Clarissa! She is my daughter but she is also that woman! It’s so strange, the two faces overlap like two spirits in one”

Feel on your skin

Regression can also help improve a physical state of illness or just achieve perfect health. A client of mine improved the frequent headaches from which he suffered, discovering that in the past he had to wear a heavy mask as a chief priest of a temple. Even the weight of being a leader (ie boss, head) was too much for him. During the session he felt a strong sense of heaviness in the head, which then faded away and in time reduced even the frequency of his migraines.

Many other customers had physical sensations during the regression, but never intense or unbearable pain. Someone while he was running in the past life had shortness of breath. One person felt his arm tingle and a heavy weight in his chest when he was about to die of a heart attack. Another, who died by hanging, a sense of tightness around his neck. Of course this can be all our mental influence, but nevertheless I find it very interesting.

Client: “Can we leave this moment please? I don’t feel my arm anymore and I have a weight on my chest … I feel weak”

Me: “I’ll take you away immediately, don’t worry, you’re safe”

A look to the past and one to the future

Few know that the crystal layout technique also allows you to go and work on your future in this incarnation. This allows the person to eliminate the blocks that hinder him/her now, and to create the life that he/she wants. I should remind you that we can all change our future, and that if we work on our fears, traumas and blocks we can achieve our goals.

Customer: “It’s beautiful, it’s a fantastic house! And I like the job I will do, I want it. But I don’t want to be alone … let’s change this, I want a family and a companion. I can have both… I want everything”

Testimonianze sulle Regressioni alle Vite Precedenti

Di recente ho avuto diverse richieste di persone che mi chiedevano una sessione di regressione alle vite precedenti, o semplicemente cercavano maggiori informazioni al riguardo, in particolar modo sul metodo che utilizzo io e sul cosa aspettarsi durante la pratica. Per tutto quello che riguarda la regressione in generale, potete visitare quest’altro articolo sul mio blog, dove vi spiego in modo dettagliato (ma per nulla noioso, promesso!) tutto ciò che riguarda questa meravigliosa tecnica.

Oggi però vorrei raccontarvi la mia esperienza personale, e quella di alcune persone che si sono rivolte a me per provare la regressione. Persone con una storia, un passato, un presente, richieste e obiettivi differenti, ma tutte accomunate dalla forza di volontà di migliorarsi e di sciogliere quelle catene karmiche che ci legano in modo negativo al passato della nostra anima.

Il consenso è stato ottenuto ed i nomi sono stati cambiati in rispetto della privacy.

Dalle stelle alle…stalle

Chiunque si approccia alla regressione per la prima volta, fantastica ovviamente sulle possibili persone, magari famose, ricche e importanti, che è potuto essere. Ben presto però ci si accorge che la realtà è ben diversa. Solitamente le vite “perfette” in cui tutto è bello, in armonia e scorre felice senza problemi sono ottime per fare “download” di talenti o emozioni che vogliamo riportare qui e ora. Ma sono anche abbastanza rare. Le vite in cui abbiamo sofferto, combattuto, e abbiamo davvero imparato qualcosa di essenziale sono quelle difficili ed aspre, e sono quelle che dobbiamo certamente sciogliere e risolvere.

Ricordo una delle prime sessioni che ho fatto e, in quanto jumper, sono riuscita a vedere 3/4 vite in meno di un’ora. Come ero contenta di aver scoperto di essere stata un senatore romano! O uno scienziato durante l’Illuminismo! O una principessa mediorientale! Non fraintendetemi, erano comunque tutte vite che ho dovuto risolvere, anche perchè ricche di momenti importanti, talenti da scaricare ed esperienze da interiorizzare. Non è tutto oro quel che luccica.

Mi sono poi chiesta se era tutto vero ciò che avevo visto e provato, o se semplicemente me lo ero inventato. Ho fatto delle ricerche, scoprendo che per davvero i senatori romani parlavano greco antico durante le riunioni ufficiali, e che quei strani disegni che avevo visto erano i progetti di Torricelli. Mi sono commossa. Ho voluto provare di nuovo a regredire ad altre vite, questa volta con un obiettivo totalmente diverso. Volevo lavorare sull’abbondanza e inizialmente sono stata portata a un periodo in cui ero un ricco mercante. Ovvio, ho pensato, quanti talenti deve avere avuto questo uomo per creare la sua fortuna! Poi, ho provato solo vite di miseria e povertà, di fatica e di stenti, ma tutto sommato felici nella loro semplicità e indigenza.

Sono stata un senatore, una principessa, uno scienziato e un ricco mercante. Sì, ma sono anche stata un suora con voti di castità e povertà, una contadina privata della sua famiglia e della sua terra, un pescatore che ha conosciuto la vera fatica e cosa vuol dire avere il cuore spezzato. Sono stata molte cose, ma prima fra tutte un essere umano che ha vissuto, anche letteralmente, dalle stelle alle stalle. Ed è stato illuminante e bellissimo.

Cliente: “Ma siamo sicuri che non ho immaginato tutto?”

Io: “Se hai immaginato tutto, perchè non hai scelto di vedere qualcosa di bello, invece che questi eventi traumatici?”

Cliente: “Bella domanda…”

Volare come un uccello

Ho notato col tempo e dopo aver fatto regredire molte persone, che ovviamente non solo le esperienze cambiano, ma anche il “modo” di viverle e vederle. Mi spiego meglio. Quando si entra nella regressione, è come se si saltasse dentro uno scenario. La maggior parte delle volte le persone vedono se stesse dentro un altro corpo, quindi guardando in basso vedono i propri piedi e vestiti dell’epoca e attorno a loro un panorama con un punto di vista ad altezza d’uomo.

Tuttavia un paio di persone si sono dimostrate diverse sotto questo aspetto, e non appena sono entrate nella vita che volevano vedere, si sono viste dall’alto. Come se fossero uccelli che volano sul paese e sulle persone sotto di loro. Ma era comunque chiaro a loro chi fossero fra quella gente, e seguivano la loro persona ovunque si spostasse. Per queste persone può riuscire più difficile “passarsi attraverso” per carpire un’emozione, ma oltre a questo non ho notato altre differenze. Non so ancora spiegare il perchè alcuni clienti hanno questo punto di vista rispetto ad altri.

Cliente: “Mi vedo, ma tipo…dall’alto. Cioè so che sono quel monaco che sta camminado per la via, mi riconosco, ma vedo la mi testa e anche tutto il resto. Mi sembra di volare come un uccello!”

Gli occhi sono lo specchio dell’anima

Molte persone chiedono di lavorare sul rapporto con i loro cari in questa vita, e per fare questo bisogna risolvere le vite in cui si sono conosciute quelle anime. Vi chiederete come si fa a riconoscere le persone durante la regressione. Anticamente i Romani dicevano “gli occhi sono lo specchio dell’anima” e avevano ragione.

Quando durante la regressione volete riconoscere qualcuno di questa reincarnazione, guardate quella persona negli occhi. Sentirete una sensazione fortissima di sapere chi è, di averla già vista e di conoscerla profondamente. Il nome vi verrà in mente immediatamente. A me e a tanti altri è successo così.

Tuttavia a una mia cliente è successa una cosa strana e a mio avviso fantastica. Lei ha riconosciuto la propria figlia durante la regressione perchè vedeva le due facce sovrapposte, come se una si sovrapponesse tipo un fantasma sopra l’altra. A quel punto è stata sicura al 100% che quella fosse sua figlia. Questa mia cliente è molto fisionomista, non ricorda bene i nomi ma molto bene i volti e infatti riusciva a vedere anche i dettagli dei volti durante la regressione, cosa che a me personalmente riesce più difficile. Penso che questo contribuisca a rendere la visione più dettagliata e particolare.

Cliente: “La vedo, è lei è…Clarissa! E’ mia figlia ma è anche quella donna! E’ così strano, le due facce si sovrappongono come due spiriti in uno”

Sentire sulla propria pelle

La regressione può aiutare anche a migliorare uno stato fisico di malattia o non proprio perfetta salute. Un mio cliente ha migliorato le frequenti emicranie di cui soffriva scoprendo che in passato doveva portare una maschera pesantissima in quanto sacerdote capo di un tempio. Anche il peso di essere leader (cioè capo, testa) era troppo per lui. Durante la sessione ha provato un forte senso di pesantezza alla testa, che è andato poi ad affievolirsi e col tempo a ridurre anche le sue emicranie.

Molti altri clienti hanno avuto sensazioni fisiche durante la regressione, ma mai dolori intensi o insopportabili. Qualcuno mentre stava correndo nella vita passata, ha avuto il fiato corto. Una persona ha sentito il braccio formicolarsi e un forte peso al petto quando stava per morire di infarto. Un altro, morto per impiccagione, un senso di stretta al collo. Certamente questo può essere un effetto di influenza mentale, ma tuttavia lo trovo molto interessante.

Cliente: “Possiamo andarcene da questo momento per favore? Non sento più il braccio e ho un peso sul petto…mi sento debole”

Io: “Ti porto via subito, stai tranquillo, sei al sicuro”

Uno sguardo al passato e uno al futuro

Pochi sanno che la tecnica di griglia cristallina permette anche di andare a lavorare sul proprio futuro in questa incarnazione. Questo permette alla persona di eliminare i blocchi che la ostacolano ora, e di creare la vita che si vuole. Ricordo che tutti noi possiamo cambiare il nostro futuro, e che se lavoriamo sulle nostre paure, traumi e blocchi possiamo raggiungere i nostri obiettivi.

Cliente: “E’ bellissimo, è una casa fantastica! E mi piace il lavoro che farò, lo voglio. Ma non voglio essere da solo…cambiamo questa cosa, voglio una famiglia e una compagna. Posso avere entrambi…tutto”

How to Cleanse your Crystals – Come Pulire i vostri Cristalli

Bilingual article, for Italian scroll down! Articolo bilingue, per l’Italiano far scorrere in basso!

Today I’d like to talk to those who regularly use crystals for regression, holistic therapies, meditation, etc. and give you some advice on how to cleanse them, purify them and recharge them with new energy once they’ve been used. All these precious information were provided to me by Federico Cella, whom I warmly thank!


After we have bought our crystals it is necessary to clean them and one of the fundamental methods is with the element of water. Running cold and clean water over the stones (the ideal would be pure water from a stream, but also tap water is fine) for a few seconds on the left hand, then dry with a cotton cloth. We should not use this method with all the stones, because contact with water can make some of them opaque and lose their shine: azurite, turquoise, chrysocolla, cyanite. In addition, these stones contain copper and may oxidize with water. Same thing for hematite, pyrite and magnetite containing iron, so in these cases use other methods listed below.


We put the crystals or stones in a crock, glass or wood and cover them with coarse sea salt. Let them rest for one, three or seven nights (these are three esoteric numbers, we choose the time to use based on our feeling). Once this is done, we place the entire container under a stream of running water which we let run for 30min / 1H, then dry it with a cotton cloth. If we have purified stones that do not “love water” we obviously remove them before rinsing. This procedure is not indicated for: cyanite, opal (loves water but not salt), azurite, aragonite, selenite, dioptase and other very delicate stones. Also remember to be careful when purifying jewels containing silver and copper that oxidize with water and salt. WARNING! THE COMBINATION OF WATER AND SALT TOGETHER CAN BE CORROSIVE FOR MANY CRYSTALS


We put our crystal on a window or rather in a garden or in a vase of plants / flowers and leave it there for at least three days, it is not important to collect them for the night. In resonance with the sun very dark minerals linked to the earth are perfect, such as obsidian, tourmaline, jasper etc. We pay attention to transparent colored crystals: do not expose them to direct sunlight, because they will tend to lighten, so we possibly use other methods for these crystals.


This is a great method not only to clean the crystal but also to boost it to maximum energy. During the waxing moon or the full moon night we put the stones near the roots of a tree or in a vase that we have on the balcony, or otherwise on a cotton cloth and leave them there all night long. If you want to maximize the crystal, perform the treatment for the whole crescent moon phase, placing the stones during the day, for example in a box, and handle them as little as possible. This method is used to purify and recharge the stones and crystals that are considered “feminine”: the amethyst, the moonstone, the celestine, opals, chrysoprase (all methods applicable to this stone), damburite, dioptase, fluorite (azure-violet), kunzite, meteorite, hyaline quartz (all methods applicable to this stone), so all transparent, blue, violet or stones working on female emotions: sensitivity, dreams and perceptions.


The longest but also the most complete treatment consists in burying the stones during the new or full moon and letting them rest for the entire moon phase, or 28 days. This process unites the energies of Mother Earth with those of Heaven. There are also various types of clay, the most readily available and least expensive is the ventilated green clay, available in all herbalists. We put the stones in a crock, glass or wood and we cover them with clay, for three, seven, nine or eleven nights (they are other esoteric numbers, we choose which ones to use based on our feeling). After the days we have chosen, we remove the clay (which we can throw away or recycle using it as soil) and put the stones in a clean container, always in natural material, letting a stream of fresh water flow for about 1H. Then we take the stones and dry them with a clean cotton cloth. WARNING! This method with earth and / or clay is not recommended for particularly porous stones, as the clay or earth could stick in the micro-cracks with remote possibility of recovery. This method is good when the stones are not too “discharged”, as it helps them to discharge the accumulated negative energy. Never use hot water as it could crack the crystal, making it lose energy.


With the first level it will be sufficient to give Reiki to our crystal for a period varying from 15 to 30 minutes. With the second level, through the use of symbols, treatment times are shortened to 5/15 minutes.


To all the stones we can sprinkle the sacred smoke of the holy pole or sage for at least 1 minute with rotary movements or with the figure of “8” horizontal, or the infinite, which is one of the main symbols of healing and energy.

Oggi vorrei rivolgermi a coloro che utilizzano i cristalli per terapie olistiche, regressioni, meditazioni ecc e darvi alcuni consigli su come pulirli, purificarli e ricaricarli di energia nuova una volta utilizzati. Tutte queste preziose informazioni mi sono state fornite da Federico Cella, che ringrazio di cuore!


Dopo che abbiamo comprato i nostri cristalli è necessario ripulirli e uno dei metodi fondamentali è con l’elemento acqua. Far scorrere sulle pietre acqua fredda e pulita (l’ideale sarebbe l’acqua pura di un ruscello, ma anche del rubinetto va benissimo) per qualche secondo sulla mano sinistra, poi asciugare con un panno. Facciamo attenzione a non utilizzare questo metodo con tutte le pietre, perchè il contatto con l’acqua può renderne alcune opache e far perdere lucentezza: azzurrite, turchese, crisocolla, cianite. Inoltre queste pietre contengono rame e al contatto con l’acqua potrebbero ossidarsi. Stessa cosa per l’ematite, pirite e la magnetite che contengono ferro, quindi in questi casi ricorrere ad altri metodi sotto elencati.


Mettiamo i cristalli o le pietre in un recipiente di coccio, vetro o legno e copriamo con sale grosso marino. Lasciamoli riposare per una, tre o sette notti (sono tre numeri esoterici – scegliamo in base al nostro sentire il tempo da usare). Fatto ciò poniamo l’intero recipiente sotto un filo d’acqua corrente che lasciamo scorrere per 30min/1H, poi le asciughiamo con un panno di cotone. Se abbiamo purificato delle pietre che non “amano l’acqua” ovviamente le togliamo prima del risciacquo. Questo procedimento non è indicato per: cianite, opale (ama l’acqua ma non il sale), azzurrite, aragonite, selenite, dioptasio e altre pietre molto delicate. Ricordate inoltre di fare attenzione quando purificate gioielli contenenti argento e rame che con acqua e sale si ossidano. ATTENZIONE! LA COMBINAZIONE DI ACQUA E SALE INSIEME PUO’ ESSERE CORROSIVA PER MOLTI CRISTALLI.


Mettiamo il nostro cristallo su una finestra o meglio in un giardino oppure in un vaso di piante o fiori e lasciamolo lì per almeno tre giorni, non è importante ritirarli per la notte. In risonanza con il sole sono perfetti minerali molto scuri legati alla terra come ossidiana, tormalina, diaspro ecc. Facciamo attenzione ai cristalli colorati trasparenti: non esponiamoli alla luce diretta del sole, perché tenderanno a schiarirsi, quindi utilizziamo possibilmente altri metodi per questi cristalli.


Questo è un ottimo metodo non solo per pulire il cristallo ma anche per potenziarlo al massimo di energia. Durante la luna crescente oppure la notte di luna piena mettiamo le pietre vicino alle radici di un albero oppure in un vaso che abbiamo sul balcone, o in mancanza su un panno di cotone e lasciamole li per tutta la notte. Se si vuol potenziare al massimo il cristallo eseguire il trattamento per tutta la fase di luna crescente, riponendo le pietre durante il giorno ad esempio in una scatola, e di maneggiarle il meno possibile. Questo metodo viene utilizzato per purificare e ricaricare le pietre e i cristalli per così dire “femminili”: l’ametista, la pietra di luna, la celestina, opali, crisoprasio (tutti i metodi applicabili a questa pietra), damburite, dioptasio, fluorite (azzurro-violette), kunzite, meteorite, quarzo ialino (tutti i metodi applicabili a questa pietra), in pratica tutte le pietre trasparenti, azzurre, violette o che lavorano sulle emozioni femminili, la sensibilità, i sogni e le percezioni.


Il trattamento più lungo ma anche il più completo consiste nel sotterrare le pietre durante la luna nuova o piena e lasciarli riposare per l’intera fase lunare, ovvero 28 giorni. Con questo procedimento si uniscono le energie di Madre Terra con quelle Celesti. Esistono poi vari tipi di argilla, quella più facilmente reperibile e meno costosa è l’argilla verde ventilata, disponibile in tutte le erboristerie. Mettiamo le pietre in un recipiente di coccio, vetro o legno e le copriamo con l’argilla Per tre, sette, nove o undici notti (sono altri numeri esoterici, scegliamo in base al nostro sentire quale usare). Trascorsi i giorni che abbiamo scelto togliamo l’argilla (che possiamo buttare via o riciclare usandola come terriccio) e mettiamo le pietre in un contenitore pulito, sempre di materiale naturale, lasciando scorrere un filo acqua fresca corrente per circa 1H. Successivamente prendiamo le pietre e le asciughiamo con un panno pulito in cotone. ATTENZIONE! Questo metodo con terra e/o argilla è sconsigliato per le pietre particolarmente porose, in quanto l’argilla o la terra potrebbero attaccarsi nelle micro-fessure con remote possibilità di recupero. Questo metodo va bene quando le pietre non sono troppo “scariche”, in quanto le aiuta a scaricare l’energia negativa accumulata, mai usare acqua calda poichè potrebbe incrinare il cristallo, facendogli perdere energia.


Con il primo livello sarà sufficiente dare reiki al nostro cristallo per un periodo variabile dai 15 ai 30 minuti. Con il secondo livello,attraverso l’uso dei simboli i tempi di trattamento si accorciano a 5/15 minuti.


A tutte le pietre possiamo cospargere il fumo sacro del palo santo o salvia per almeno 1 minuto con movimenti rotatori o a figura di “8” orizzontale, ovvero l’infinito, che è uno dei principali simboli di guarigione ed energia.

5 Common Myths about Yoga

This is a guest post written by Emily Lopes (find out more). Thanks for this great article and for collaborating to Abundy Holistic Studio’s purpose!


Yoga has been making its way to the mainstream. According to a survey from the Yoga Journal and the Yoga Alliance, the yoga industry is booming in America. It grew from an approximate of 20.4 million in 2012 to 36.7 million yoga practitioners last 2016 in America alone. This 2019, the yoga industry is transitioning to be at the top of the fitness trends. The yoga revolution will continue to take place from 2019 to 2020, making the revenue projection to an approximate $11.6 billion in 2020.

But despite the rapid growth yoga shown within the years, there are still a lot of people who have a tweaked view about this practice. Here are the most common myths about yoga:

  1. If you’re not flexible, you can’t do yoga 

You have to do some stretching in yoga. That’s a fact. Practicing yoga regularly can improve your flexibility. But flexibility is not a prerequisite. With patience and dedication, you will become more flexible. No matter what your skill level is, you are always welcome to do yoga. Besides, nobody said that you have to be ripped or fit already before going to the gym. 

  1. Yoga is for the young

There is a stereotype that yoga is for the young, the slim, the active, or the beautiful. Since people think that yoga is for flexible people, there is a weight, body physique, or age requirement – which is generally incorrect. Just because we usually see people deemed to be perfect in figure or young and active individuals posting on social media, doesn’t always mean you have to be like that. While it is attractive and inspiring, it can be misleading. Yoga is for everybody. No matter what size, shape, color, or race, you are welcome to enter the world of yoga. 

  1. Yoga is not for men

In connection with the myth above, yoga has been associated with women. There are instances that when you visit a yoga studio, it is flocking with women. But to tell you the truth, yoga was pioneered by men. According to history, most of the best yoga teachers are men. In today’s time, more and more men are finally engaging and participating in yoga classes. The list includes Tom Brady, LeBron James, and Kevin Love. So if people say that yoga isn’t ‘manly’ enough, prove them wrong by joining a class or two. 

  1. Yoga is expensive 

If you’re worrying that you do not have the ‘right look’ for yoga, throw it away. You do not need a collection of branded outfits just to practice yoga. Yoga doesn’t care about who you wear. It cares about how you perform your salutations, how you keep up with the pace, and how great it is that you’re going to experience the amazing benefits of yoga. Though having such pieces of clothing can make you look good and feel good, yoga is not about the looks. As long as you are in your comfortable self in comfortable and yoga-appropriate clothing, you look good already.

In terms of yoga classes, there are a lot of studios from all over the world that provide free to less costly trial classes. Most of the yoga studios offer packages that help you save more than purchasing a single class from time to time. You can also attend yoga classes offered by different retreat venues for hire. The most important thing that yoga practitioners wanted you to know is that yoga is not an expensive practice. 

  1. Yoga is boring because it’s too slow and takes too much time

There are various formal yoga classes that run from 30 – 90 minutes. There are also lots of online yoga classes that you can try for 5 minutes or so. A class in a few minutes is not enough to unlock the whole package of benefits yoga has to offer. All good things take time. If you also worry that pace is too slow for you, you can find different yoga types that are more rigorous and that have more challenging styles and poses. 

Here are other misconceptions about yoga. Yoga is neither magic nor a religion. It is not just for the ‘hippies’ or the ‘cool ones’ but for everyone. Yoga is more than just an exercise or a body of work but a combination of it with psychology and spirituality. Yoga has a lot to offer and is best to experience for yourself. May we have the courage to debunk these beliefs if we hear them from someone somewhere.

Your tongue speaks for your health

“Stick out your tongue!” This is what a traditional chinese medicine (= TCM) pratictioner will say to you as soon as you are checked. But don’t worry, he is not making fun of you.

Your tongue does more than just taste food and articulate words, and that was well known since ancient times. Back then doctors had to practice the “tongue diagnosis” to check the overall patients’ health, when x-rays, MRIs, and CT scans did not exist.

But even now it is a very usefull diagnostic tool, because once this check is done and other aspects of the patient’s status are evaluated, the TCM practitioner may recommend treatment with such therapies as acupuncture, herbal medicine, diet and/or massage.

Why the tongue exam assess the overall health

In TCM, it’s thought that different areas of the tongue reflect connections in the body, both to the meridians and the 5 major internal organs (liver, lung, spleen, heart, and kidney). Therefore, it is very useful and important for confirming or not a diagnosis. It can show also strong visual signs of a person’s overall energetic balance or imbalance.

What to look for

There are mainly 4 features in a tongue that should be examined:

Color: An healthy tongue looks pink and vital. Of course the natural tongue color can vary individually, but taken in conjunction with other information, it is still a very good indicator of what is happening inside your body. Changes in tongue color are said to be te sign of a chronic illness.

Shape: Normal tongue shape is neither too thick nor too thin and the body is smooth with no cracks. This feature tells the amount of the fluids and moisture running through the whole body.

Changes in its shape may include a swollen or puffy tongue, presence of cracks and curling at the sides of the tongue.

Coating: Normally your coating is thin and white/yellowish, but if you are getting sick, you may see a thicker coating developing. The consistency of the tongue’s coating also indicates the state of the fluids and heat in the body (more or less dry tongue).

As the coating is the feature that changes more rapidly, it provides an indication of acute illness in process.

Cracks: When ulcers, wounds or open areas appear on the body tongue areas usually indicate an imbalance problem (deficiency) in that organ and/or meridian. For instance, horizontal cracks are commonly associated with Yin deficiency.

Some tips and key point

  • Remember that some disorders don’t show up in the tongue, and that’s why the TCM pratictioner evaluates the patients’ health considering more diagnostic tools.
  • The tongue should be examined for no longer than 15 seconds at a time, otherwise the extending position may cause changes in its shape and color.
  • Color can be changed by food and beverages, smoke or lack of personal hygiene. Please brush your tongue and avoid oral intakes such as coffee, green tea, beet, or artificially colored candies before your assessment.
  • Patient’s age, gender and weight can influence the tongue look. For instance, overweight patients can show a larger and lighter color tongue and infants tend to have white thick coating that is easily removed, or commonly peeled tongues.
  • The season of the year can affect the look of your tongue. Infact it should be normal during spring, but it may tend to be more dry during summer or more damp in the winter.
  • The time of the day could also be an influencing factor. The coating of the tongue usually becomes thinner as the day progresses, while the color becomes more red and shiny.

I bet now you are very curious to look at your tongue in front of the mirror and check your health. So…which tongue are you?

Discover the properties of Hawthorn

Hawthorn, also known as Mayblossom or Mayflower, is a medicine for the heart on all levels and one of the oldest known medicinal plants. Centuries ago tribes across the northern hemisphere, from North America to China, used this small thorny tree as a wonderful treatment. For instance its berries were the favourite of the Native American Indians as a heart tonic and used against gastrointestinal complaints.

But hawthorn’s effectiveness as an heart medicine was first described by AncientGreek physician, Dioscorides, in the first Century AD. Medical herbal research then has validated this use nowadays, and we can all benefit from it.

How does it look like?

 All the parts of this amazing plant (leaves, berries, and flowers) except for the root, can be used to create an herbal medication. As a plant species, hawthorn was only native to the northern hemisphere, where there are a variety of different types, which produce slightly different fruits. The most common hawthorn fruit is quite small, has a berry shape and is tart, red to pink in color. If you noticed, I did not say that they are berries, but that they have a “berry shape”. This is because they contain a single seed stone inside, much like peaches or plums.

How does it work?

Physiologically hawthorn can help improve the amount of blood pumped out of the heart during contractions, relax the the blood vessels further from the heart, and increase the transmission of nerve signals. It seems that all these effects are due to a component called proanthocyanidin.

Research also suggests that hawthorn can lower the accumulation of fats in the liver and the bloodstream levels of cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL, or “bad cholesterol”), and triglycerides (fats in the blood). All these thanks to the increase of the excretion of bile, the reduction of the formation of cholesterol, and the enhance of the receptors for LDLs. It also seems to have antioxidant activity.

In 2002 a 10 week study was conducted on 38 volunteers who had been diagnosed with high blood pressure. Half of the subjects were given 500mg of Hawthorn extract and 600mg of the mineral Magnesium daily, while the other half received a placebo.

After 10 weeks, the Hawthorn/Magnesium group showed a significant reduction in diastolic blood pressure, whilst the placebo group did not improve. Additionally, the Hawthorn/Magnesium group reported an improvement in mood as well as lower anxiety levels.

The benefits

  • Improves heart health
  • Stabilizes blood pressure
  • Reduces chest pain
  • Boost the immune system

In addition to the antioxidants eliminating dangerous toxins from the body, the vitamin C contained in hawthorn also helps in boosting the activity of your white blood cells to increase your overall health.

  • Reduces anxiety

Very often, this herb was offered to people who had recently had a broken heart, a loss of a family member, etc. because it was said to improve mood and mend a broken heart. Enzymatically, it turns out that hawthorn may have an impact on our hormonal levels, which then would explain why in the past it was believed so.

  • Increases energy

Hawthorn is known to expand the coronary blood vessels, which allows for more blood to be circulated through the body, which can result in a higher level of energy or alertness.

  • Improves digestion
  • Helps against skin conditions

The antioxidant content in hawthorn makes it useful for applying topically to the skin, particularly on burns, sores, or acne.

On an energetical level, this amazing herb can be used as an energy medicine for the heart. Infact as a flower essence, hawthorn helps open the heart to giving and receiving love, and can help in healing heartache. It encourages self-love and self-acceptance. As with many heart-acting energy remedies, hawthorn helps us to develop courage.

Interactions and side effects

Hawthorn is a gentle medicine that, when indicated, is safe and effective for long term use. It is also safe to use with common cardiovascular medications, but in some people, hawthorn can cause nausea, stomach upset, fatigue, sweating, headache, dizziness, palpitations, nosebleeds, insomnia, agitation, and other problems.

This herb is definetely not indicated if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or you recently had or are going to have surgery.

Hawthorn can also interact with prescription medications (such as digoxin or some beta-blockers), so you must always check with your doctor or medical herbalist before embarking on an herbal treatment plan!


Dear Abundy's supporters and friends, It is with sadness that I have to announce the temporarily closure of Abundy Studio due to unexpected circumstances. During this time you can stay tuned and read the Abundy blog, but all the treatments will be suspended until further notice. Hopefully we won't stay close for long! Thank you for your understanding and support. With Love and Gratitude.