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Testimonials on Past Life Regression

I have recently had several requests from people asking me for a session of past life regression, or simply looking for more information about it, especially considering the method I use and what to expect during the actual practice. For all that concerns the regression in general, you can visit this other article on my blog, where I explain in a detailed way (but not at all boring, promised!) everything about this wonderful technique.

But today I would like to tell you more about my personal experience, and that of some people who came to me to try regression. People with a story, a past, a present, different demands and objectives, but all united by the will-power to improve themselves and to dissolve those karmic chains that bind us in a negative way to the past of our soul.

Consent has been obtained and the names have been changed with respect to privacy.

From rags… to riches

Anyone approaching regression for the first time, obviously daydreams about the possible people, perhaps famous, rich and important, that could have been. But soon we realize that the reality is quite different. Usually “perfect” lives in which everything is beautiful, harmonious and flowing happily without problems are excellent for making “downloads” of talents or emotions that we want to bring back here and now. But they are also quite rare. The lives in which we have suffered, fought, and have really learned something essential are those that are difficult and harsh, and they are those that we must certainly resolve.

I remember one of the first sessions I did and, as a jumper, I could see 3/4 lives in less than an hour. How glad I was to have discovered that I was a Roman senator! Or a scientist during the Enlightenment! Or a Middle Eastern princess! Don’t get me wrong, they were all lives that I had to resolve, also because they were full of important moments, talents to download and experiences to internalize. Not all that shines is gold.

I then wondered if it was all true what I had seen, or if I had simply made it up in my mind. I did some research, discovering that the Roman senators really did speak ancient Greek during official meetings, and that those strange drawings I had seen were Torricelli’s projects. I was deeply moved. I wanted to try again to regress to other lives, this time with a totally different goal. I wanted to work on abundance and was initially taken to a time when I was a rich merchant. Of course, I thought, how many talents this man must have had to create his fortune! Then, I experienced only lives of great poverty, of hard work and hardship, but all in all happy in their simplicity and indigence.

I was a senator, a princess, a scientist and a rich merchant. Yes, but I have also been a nun with votes of chastity and poverty, a peasant woman deprived of her family and her land, a fisherman who has known true labor and what it means to have a broken heart. I have been many things, but first of all a human being who has lived, even literally, from the rags to riches. And it was illuminating and beautiful.

Client: “Are we sure that I didn’t just imagine everything?”

Me: “If you imagined everything, why didn’t you choose to see something beautiful, instead of these traumatic events?”

Customer: “Good question …”

Fly like a bird

I have noticed over time and after having made many people regress, that obviously not only the experiences change, but also the “way” of experiencing and seeing them. I’ll explain. When entering the regression, it is like jumping into a scenario. Most of the time people see themselves inside another body, so looking down they just see their feet and clothes of that time and around them a landscape with a point of view at eye level.

However a couple of people proved different in this respect, and as soon as they entered the life they wanted to see, they saw themselves from above. As if they were birds flying over the country and the people below them. But it was clear to them who they were among the crowd, and they followed their person wherever he/she moved. For these people it may be more difficult to “go through themselves” to capture an emotion, but besides this I haven’t noticed any other differences. I still can’t explain why some customers have this point of view compared to others.

Client: “I see myself, but like … from above. I mean, I know that I am that monk who is walking down the street, I recognize myself, but I see my head and everything else. I feel like I’m flying like a bird!”

The eyes are the mirror of the soul

Many people ask me to work on the relationship with their loved ones in this life, and to do so we must resolve the lives in which those souls have known each other. You will wonder how do you recognise people during the regression. In ancient times the Romans said “the eyes are the mirror of the soul” and they were right.

When you want to recognise some poeple of this reincarnation during the regression, look at that person in the eyes. You will feel a very strong feeling of knowing who they are, of having already seen them and of knowing them deeply. The name will come to your mind immediately. It happened to me and to many others.

However, a strange thing happened to a client of mine, and in my opinion it was fantastic. She recognised her daughter during the regression because she saw two faces overlapping, as if one overlapped like a ghost over the other. At that point she was 100% sure that this was her daughter. This client of mine is very physiognomist, she does not remember the names well but faces very well and in fact she could also see the details of the faces during the regression, something that is more difficult for me personally. I think this helps to make the vision more detailed and particular.

Customer: “I see her, who she is … Clarissa! She is my daughter but she is also that woman! It’s so strange, the two faces overlap like two spirits in one”

Feel on your skin

Regression can also help improve a physical state of illness or just achieve perfect health. A client of mine improved the frequent headaches from which he suffered, discovering that in the past he had to wear a heavy mask as a chief priest of a temple. Even the weight of being a leader (ie boss, head) was too much for him. During the session he felt a strong sense of heaviness in the head, which then faded away and in time reduced even the frequency of his migraines.

Many other customers had physical sensations during the regression, but never intense or unbearable pain. Someone while he was running in the past life had shortness of breath. One person felt his arm tingle and a heavy weight in his chest when he was about to die of a heart attack. Another, who died by hanging, a sense of tightness around his neck. Of course this can be all our mental influence, but nevertheless I find it very interesting.

Client: “Can we leave this moment please? I don’t feel my arm anymore and I have a weight on my chest … I feel weak”

Me: “I’ll take you away immediately, don’t worry, you’re safe”

A look to the past and one to the future

Few know that the crystal layout technique also allows you to go and work on your future in this incarnation. This allows the person to eliminate the blocks that hinder him/her now, and to create the life that he/she wants. I should remind you that we can all change our future, and that if we work on our fears, traumas and blocks we can achieve our goals.

Customer: “It’s beautiful, it’s a fantastic house! And I like the job I will do, I want it. But I don’t want to be alone … let’s change this, I want a family and a companion. I can have both… I want everything”

Testimonianze sulle Regressioni alle Vite Precedenti

Di recente ho avuto diverse richieste di persone che mi chiedevano una sessione di regressione alle vite precedenti, o semplicemente cercavano maggiori informazioni al riguardo, in particolar modo sul metodo che utilizzo io e sul cosa aspettarsi durante la pratica. Per tutto quello che riguarda la regressione in generale, potete visitare quest’altro articolo sul mio blog, dove vi spiego in modo dettagliato (ma per nulla noioso, promesso!) tutto ciò che riguarda questa meravigliosa tecnica.

Oggi però vorrei raccontarvi la mia esperienza personale, e quella di alcune persone che si sono rivolte a me per provare la regressione. Persone con una storia, un passato, un presente, richieste e obiettivi differenti, ma tutte accomunate dalla forza di volontà di migliorarsi e di sciogliere quelle catene karmiche che ci legano in modo negativo al passato della nostra anima.

Il consenso è stato ottenuto ed i nomi sono stati cambiati in rispetto della privacy.

Dalle stelle alle…stalle

Chiunque si approccia alla regressione per la prima volta, fantastica ovviamente sulle possibili persone, magari famose, ricche e importanti, che è potuto essere. Ben presto però ci si accorge che la realtà è ben diversa. Solitamente le vite “perfette” in cui tutto è bello, in armonia e scorre felice senza problemi sono ottime per fare “download” di talenti o emozioni che vogliamo riportare qui e ora. Ma sono anche abbastanza rare. Le vite in cui abbiamo sofferto, combattuto, e abbiamo davvero imparato qualcosa di essenziale sono quelle difficili ed aspre, e sono quelle che dobbiamo certamente sciogliere e risolvere.

Ricordo una delle prime sessioni che ho fatto e, in quanto jumper, sono riuscita a vedere 3/4 vite in meno di un’ora. Come ero contenta di aver scoperto di essere stata un senatore romano! O uno scienziato durante l’Illuminismo! O una principessa mediorientale! Non fraintendetemi, erano comunque tutte vite che ho dovuto risolvere, anche perchè ricche di momenti importanti, talenti da scaricare ed esperienze da interiorizzare. Non è tutto oro quel che luccica.

Mi sono poi chiesta se era tutto vero ciò che avevo visto e provato, o se semplicemente me lo ero inventato. Ho fatto delle ricerche, scoprendo che per davvero i senatori romani parlavano greco antico durante le riunioni ufficiali, e che quei strani disegni che avevo visto erano i progetti di Torricelli. Mi sono commossa. Ho voluto provare di nuovo a regredire ad altre vite, questa volta con un obiettivo totalmente diverso. Volevo lavorare sull’abbondanza e inizialmente sono stata portata a un periodo in cui ero un ricco mercante. Ovvio, ho pensato, quanti talenti deve avere avuto questo uomo per creare la sua fortuna! Poi, ho provato solo vite di miseria e povertà, di fatica e di stenti, ma tutto sommato felici nella loro semplicità e indigenza.

Sono stata un senatore, una principessa, uno scienziato e un ricco mercante. Sì, ma sono anche stata un suora con voti di castità e povertà, una contadina privata della sua famiglia e della sua terra, un pescatore che ha conosciuto la vera fatica e cosa vuol dire avere il cuore spezzato. Sono stata molte cose, ma prima fra tutte un essere umano che ha vissuto, anche letteralmente, dalle stelle alle stalle. Ed è stato illuminante e bellissimo.

Cliente: “Ma siamo sicuri che non ho immaginato tutto?”

Io: “Se hai immaginato tutto, perchè non hai scelto di vedere qualcosa di bello, invece che questi eventi traumatici?”

Cliente: “Bella domanda…”

Volare come un uccello

Ho notato col tempo e dopo aver fatto regredire molte persone, che ovviamente non solo le esperienze cambiano, ma anche il “modo” di viverle e vederle. Mi spiego meglio. Quando si entra nella regressione, è come se si saltasse dentro uno scenario. La maggior parte delle volte le persone vedono se stesse dentro un altro corpo, quindi guardando in basso vedono i propri piedi e vestiti dell’epoca e attorno a loro un panorama con un punto di vista ad altezza d’uomo.

Tuttavia un paio di persone si sono dimostrate diverse sotto questo aspetto, e non appena sono entrate nella vita che volevano vedere, si sono viste dall’alto. Come se fossero uccelli che volano sul paese e sulle persone sotto di loro. Ma era comunque chiaro a loro chi fossero fra quella gente, e seguivano la loro persona ovunque si spostasse. Per queste persone può riuscire più difficile “passarsi attraverso” per carpire un’emozione, ma oltre a questo non ho notato altre differenze. Non so ancora spiegare il perchè alcuni clienti hanno questo punto di vista rispetto ad altri.

Cliente: “Mi vedo, ma tipo…dall’alto. Cioè so che sono quel monaco che sta camminado per la via, mi riconosco, ma vedo la mi testa e anche tutto il resto. Mi sembra di volare come un uccello!”

Gli occhi sono lo specchio dell’anima

Molte persone chiedono di lavorare sul rapporto con i loro cari in questa vita, e per fare questo bisogna risolvere le vite in cui si sono conosciute quelle anime. Vi chiederete come si fa a riconoscere le persone durante la regressione. Anticamente i Romani dicevano “gli occhi sono lo specchio dell’anima” e avevano ragione.

Quando durante la regressione volete riconoscere qualcuno di questa reincarnazione, guardate quella persona negli occhi. Sentirete una sensazione fortissima di sapere chi è, di averla già vista e di conoscerla profondamente. Il nome vi verrà in mente immediatamente. A me e a tanti altri è successo così.

Tuttavia a una mia cliente è successa una cosa strana e a mio avviso fantastica. Lei ha riconosciuto la propria figlia durante la regressione perchè vedeva le due facce sovrapposte, come se una si sovrapponesse tipo un fantasma sopra l’altra. A quel punto è stata sicura al 100% che quella fosse sua figlia. Questa mia cliente è molto fisionomista, non ricorda bene i nomi ma molto bene i volti e infatti riusciva a vedere anche i dettagli dei volti durante la regressione, cosa che a me personalmente riesce più difficile. Penso che questo contribuisca a rendere la visione più dettagliata e particolare.

Cliente: “La vedo, è lei è…Clarissa! E’ mia figlia ma è anche quella donna! E’ così strano, le due facce si sovrappongono come due spiriti in uno”

Sentire sulla propria pelle

La regressione può aiutare anche a migliorare uno stato fisico di malattia o non proprio perfetta salute. Un mio cliente ha migliorato le frequenti emicranie di cui soffriva scoprendo che in passato doveva portare una maschera pesantissima in quanto sacerdote capo di un tempio. Anche il peso di essere leader (cioè capo, testa) era troppo per lui. Durante la sessione ha provato un forte senso di pesantezza alla testa, che è andato poi ad affievolirsi e col tempo a ridurre anche le sue emicranie.

Molti altri clienti hanno avuto sensazioni fisiche durante la regressione, ma mai dolori intensi o insopportabili. Qualcuno mentre stava correndo nella vita passata, ha avuto il fiato corto. Una persona ha sentito il braccio formicolarsi e un forte peso al petto quando stava per morire di infarto. Un altro, morto per impiccagione, un senso di stretta al collo. Certamente questo può essere un effetto di influenza mentale, ma tuttavia lo trovo molto interessante.

Cliente: “Possiamo andarcene da questo momento per favore? Non sento più il braccio e ho un peso sul petto…mi sento debole”

Io: “Ti porto via subito, stai tranquillo, sei al sicuro”

Uno sguardo al passato e uno al futuro

Pochi sanno che la tecnica di griglia cristallina permette anche di andare a lavorare sul proprio futuro in questa incarnazione. Questo permette alla persona di eliminare i blocchi che la ostacolano ora, e di creare la vita che si vuole. Ricordo che tutti noi possiamo cambiare il nostro futuro, e che se lavoriamo sulle nostre paure, traumi e blocchi possiamo raggiungere i nostri obiettivi.

Cliente: “E’ bellissimo, è una casa fantastica! E mi piace il lavoro che farò, lo voglio. Ma non voglio essere da solo…cambiamo questa cosa, voglio una famiglia e una compagna. Posso avere entrambi…tutto”

Past life regression in Brighton and Hove

Past Life Regression: a journey into your soul’s memories

The belief in reincarnation is as old as humanity and linked to some religions too. It is based on the principle that the soul is immortal and travels through times and bodies, experiencing and learning to progress each time it decides to reincarnate. This will definetely change your attitude towards death, which is then no longer your final destination but the closure of just another chapter in your soul’s journey. But how can you access those previous chapters?

Well, if you think about your soul as an energetic “body” that relates to the physical one in order to connect with life, it becomes easier to imagine that this body can also have memories. Your soul can actually remember images, tastes and smells of what has been experienced before, and those memories are kept in a secret drawer, very hard to access. That’s because although these memories can actually influence our present, our mind doesn’t have the capacity to access them and our brain catalogs them under “unusable information”.

A bit of history

Thankfully with time, a bit of luck and a lot of spirituality and faith, people have managed to access these past chapters. The most common method used is hypnosis.

During a hypnosis session the client falls into an altered state of mind, where her focus moves to different details and her inhibitions are lowered down. Hypnosis always went hand in hand with psychotherapy, and the ultimate example of that is the famous psycho and hypnotherapist Dr. Brian Weiss. He always used hypnosis during his treatments and discovered access to past life memories by luck during a normal psychotherapy session. Dr. Weiss wrote several books about past life regression, such as “Same soul, many bodies” and “Many lives, many masters”. You can find more about his work here.

My personal experience and the role of crystals

Since I was a kid I embraced the spirituality of our world, the belief that there was something more than what we could actually see. I always knew I had lived before. Somehow it was such a “normal” statement in my mind, as simple as saying the sky was blue. It was nearly obvious. But since my path never crossed the one to hypnosis or psychotherapy, I had to wait few more years before I got to know another way to access my soul’s memories. This method is called crystal layout and it is very much connected with Thetahealing, the actual energy healing method I was approaching.

The crystal layout, also called crystal remote viewing, is a technique that induces a deep meditative state. It does so by placing crystals on certain parts of the body. Through that you will connect to the memories of your soul. This deep relaxed state of mind is created thanks to the energetic vibrations of the crystal and your chakras.

A focused and insightful journey

I have experienced this technique myself many times, and what makes it special every time is that the client herself is able to witness, sense and feel her past experiences. She is only guided by the practitioner to focus on some details or moments of that life. It certainly makes the journey through past lives more exciting, involving and drama-less. In fact, during these sessions you are always in control and aware of what is happening. You are never left alone experiencing bad memories, but always guided through by the practitioner.

You should always start your past life regression session with an aim, as you only have 90 mins per session and the first times you may be able to see only one or two lives. Being focused on one objective also helps you in terms of finding out the lives that are really linked to that matter, instead of journeying around in many other lives that have nothing to do with it.

The benefits of past life regression

I bet you are asking yourself now, why try past life regression? What benefits can give to me?

The answer is: nearly countless.

Negative experiences from past lives affecting this lifetime can be detected and resolved. From this starting point, you can solve anything you want that you don’t like in your life. Can’t find abundance in this life? Maybe back in the days you were a poor man that cursed money. Can’t find your soulmate or love? Maybe you were cheated centuries ago and decided you would never trust again a potential partner. And so on.

But there is more. You can also:

  • Bring back knowledge, talents and skills from another lifetime to help you now
  • Break patterns of pain, disease, fears, phobias, negative behaviours
  • Meet again people and souls you met in this lifetime
  • Understand why you have certain unexplained feelings towards a particular country, culture or religion
  • Bring more clarity and love in this life-time and receive spiritual guidance

This amazing technique can really help to overcome blockages and change your life to another magnificient level. If you are a very logical and rational person and find hard to experience this meditative state, it may require a couple more session to proper let go your body and mind. But remember there are no disadvantages in past life regression.

No matter what have brought you to experience this, or how enormous the problem is to overcome, at the end of the session you may receive further healing, but you will always leave refreshed and grounded like a big weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

Same Soul Many Bodies – Book Review

The number of days and years one lives on Earth is insignificant. It’s the quality of those days and years that’s important, quality measured in loving acts and achieved wisdom. Some people do more good in one day than others do in a hundred years. This is their message. Every soul, every person is precious. Every person helped, every life aided or saved, is immeasurably valuable.

For those wondering who is the author of this (and many others) book, you must know that Brian Weiss is an American psychiatrist, hypnotherapist, and writer who specializes in past life regression. His research includes reincarnation, past life regression, future life progression, and survival of the human soul after death.

Same Soul, Many Bodies – Discover the Healing Power of Future Lives Through Progression Therapy especially focuses on the idea and belief that looking at past lives through regression therapy (or the future of our present life through progression therapy) can heal illnesses, emotional and physical pain and relationship issues in your life today. The book’s subtitle suggests mainly ‘future lives’, but as I have already mentioned it also covers past life case studies, so well written, intense and based on people common problems that the reader can actually learn much about themselves from reading the book without actually having the therapy itself.

I read this book few years ago when I just started to do past life regression on myself (and then to other people), so I was already experiencing the awe and amazing emotion of discovering something new that opens up your mind, heart and soul. Something that connects these three layers all togheter and with everything around you and answers to the questions you have asked yourself and the universe many times. At least some of the questions I had.

This is the beauty of this book, not only that it opens up the readers a new way to see the world and themselves, but also to begin considering new potentials to have a happy life. A reminder that you create your life. Obviously the book won’t directly solve issues in your life immediately, but you can relate to the stories told and it builds the reader’s acceptance that their life can be happy and magnificent. That is why you need to be openminded and ready for acceptance in order to read and appreciating this book properly. For instance, if you do not believe at all in reincarnation, spirituality and therapeutic healing, then you will question and contest this book too much without taking the benefits it can offer.

Concluding, overall it is an inspirational, easy to read book, that brings in people the positiveness, spirituality and believes we should all start to have for a better future.

The important question regarding spirituality is not which God you follow but are you true to your soul? Are you living a spiritual life? Are you a kind person here on earth, getting joy from your existence, causing no harm, and doing good to others? Don’t push the river. It will travel at its own speed anyway. 

An interview with Brian Weiss

Brian Weiss (age 72) is an American psychiatrist, hypnotherapist, and author who specializes in past life regression. His research includes reincarnation, past life regression, future life progression, and survival of the human soul after death. He is the author of many best sellers, including “Same soul, many bodies”, “Many lives, many masters” and “Only Love Is Real: A Story of Soulmates Reunited”.

1. You have graduated from the University of Columbia and Yale and worked as a professor at the University of Miami. Tell us about the transition from a professor to a psychotherapist to an author. What made you take up psychotherapy?

I’ve always been interested in the brain and that is why I specialized in psychiatry after graduating from Yale University School of Medicine. I was interested in brain chemistry and I also published many papers in the field of psychopharmacology.

While I was Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and also Clinical Associate Professor, a patient came to me with phobias and panic attacks. While treating her with psychotherapy and hypnotherapy, she started describing past lives. Her therapy was so remarkable that a few years after her treatment ended I decided to write “Many Lives, Many Masters,” the story of her journey.

2. Being from a science background yourself, did the initial sessions of Past Life intrigue you? How difficult was it for you to believe in something that has not been proven scientifically?

I was very intrigued but my initial reaction was one of skepticism, because I didn’t believe in the concept of reincarnation. I considered the possibilities of metaphor, symbolism, fantasy or imagination, multiple personalities, etc. However, her symptoms disappeared, and I knew that imagination didn’t cure such life-long and profound problems.

Also, her recall was very detailed and emotional, and there was some validation to her ancient memories. Since that experience, I have used regression therapy to past lives with more than four thousand patients in my office over the past thirty-eight years, and I no longer doubt.

3. It is said that memories of past life are nothing but one’s imagination. Please clarify. In addition, there has been a lot of criticism about your thesis on Past Life Regression. What is the harshest criticism that came your way and how do you deal with that?

As a psychotherapist I know that imagination does not have a long-term curative effect by itself. I have had patients speaking foreign languages that they have never heard or studied. I have had patients who have found their families from past lives after therapy sessions in which they recalled specific validational information. Others have known detailed historical facts that they never studied. So it is much more than imagination.

The harshest criticism has come from other psychiatrists who never studied regression therapy, who never tried it with their patients, and who therefore have  uninformed opinions. These criticisms were worse in the 1980’s and 1990’s, but I find less of this resistance now.

4. How do you cure a person through Past Life Therapy and what is the relation between what you have learnt in the university and the therapy you impart?

The concept of past life therapy is very much related to traditional psychotherapy. The recall of emotionally important and often forgotten memories has a healing effect on present day symptoms. Past life therapy merely expands the arena beyond childhood and infancy into previous lives. The overall theory and therapeutic skills are the same.

5. According to Hinduism, a soul has to take more than 4,00,000 births to become a human and that the Karma of a person affects his next life. How does past life therapy take someone to the previous human birth and how does the previous birth affect one’s present birth?

I don’t know how many lives it takes to become human. My focus is on healing, and this seems more to be connected to previous lives as a human. There is a strong connection between the events in previous lives and the symptoms, talents, and relationships in the present life. Using techniques of hypnotherapy it is not overly difficult to remember past lives. About 75% of my patients have been able to access recall of previous lifetimes.

To me karma is not punishment but is an opportunity to learn our lessons. If the lessons have not been learned in a previous lifetime, we come back to work on them. The lessons are about love, compassion, non-violence, patience and understanding, non-prejudice, etc.

6. Is there continuity of the individual soul? Does the concept of Past Life provide evidence for reincarnation? Also, is it possible for one to attain moksha or salvation?

There does seem to be a continuity of the individual soul. That is how we learn our lessons here. However, at some higher level all souls are connected. The concept of past life therapy provides direct evidence for reincarnation since it is the same thing. The soul enters a new body to continue its journey of learning. When the learning is complete, then liberation or moksha is attained.

[Posted by hayhouseoz. https://hayhouseoz.wordpress.com/2011/02/07/an-intimate-interview-with-dr-brian-weiss-brian-l-weiss/]


Dear Abundy's supporters and friends, It is with sadness that I have to announce the temporarily closure of Abundy Studio due to unexpected circumstances. During this time you can stay tuned and read the Abundy blog, but all the treatments will be suspended until further notice. Hopefully we won't stay close for long! Thank you for your understanding and support. With Love and Gratitude.