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Focus on: The Root Chakra

Sanskrit name: Muladhara – root support
Element: Earth
Color: Red
Shape: Square
Petals of the lotus: Four
Rights: To have
Physical association:The skeletal structure, teeth, large intestine, kidneys, blood
Psychological function: Survival and self preservation
Challenge: Fear
Plane: Physical plane
Planets: Saturn, Earth
Mythological Animal White elephant with seven trunks
Sense organ: Nose
Predominant sense: Smell
Incense: Cedar
Herb: Sage
Yoga position: Asanas


Located at the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae, the root chakra is responsible for your sense of safety and security on this earthly journey. The word Muladhara breaks down into two Sanskrit words: Mula meaning “root” and Adhara, which means “support” or “base.”

Muladhara is the most instinctual of all chakras – it is your survival center. Your fight and flight response is initiated from this chakra. This is your primal, animal nature. It connects us with spiritual energies of our ancestors, their challenges and their triumphs. The energy of Muladhara allows us to harness courage, resourcefulness and the will to live during trying times. Fear is the feeling and challenge associated with this chakra.

Since Base Chakra carries our ancestral memories, basically everyone experiences challenges or blockages within Muladhara. The root chakra is comprised of whatever grounds you to stability in your life. This includes your basic needs such as food, water, shelter, and safety, as well as your more emotional needs such as letting go of fear. Similarly when these needs are met, you feel grounded and safe, and you tend to worry less day to day.

If there is an imbalance in the root chakra you may experience anxiety disorders, fears, or nightmares. Physical imbalances may manifest as problems in the colon, with the bladder, with elimination, or with lower back, leg, or feet issues. In men, prostate problems may occur. Also eating disorders may be a sign of a root chakra imbalance.

But how to rebalance your Muladhara?

  • “See red”. Seriously. Envisioning the color red glowing brightly at the base of the spine, where this chakra is located, is the beginning of root chakra cleansing and balancing. Start with the simple meditation of imaging a bright red light at the base of your spine. Picture this red light extending down your legs and feet, grounding you to the earth.
  • Clean your body and get in contact with it. Examples: take a shower/bath, go for a mindful walk, dance, get a massage or reflexology session.
  • Practise yoga, especially the Asanas position (consider if you are good enough to do it by yourself).
  • Work on these believes you may have consciously or subconsciously in order to figure out where they come from and solve them:

Root Chakra Affirmations

I feel deeply rooted.
I am connected to my body.
I feel safe and secure.
Just like a tree or a star, I have a right to be here.
I stand for my values, for truth, and for justice.
I have what I need.
I am grounded, stable, and standing on my own two feet.
I nurture my body with healthy food, clean water, exercise, relaxation, and connection with nature.
I am open to possibilities.
I am grateful for all the challenges that helped me to grow and transform.
I trust in the goodness of life.
I make choice that are healthy and good for me.
I trust myself.
I love life.


Dear Abundy's supporters and friends, It is with sadness that I have to announce the temporarily closure of Abundy Studio due to unexpected circumstances. During this time you can stay tuned and read the Abundy blog, but all the treatments will be suspended until further notice. Hopefully we won't stay close for long! Thank you for your understanding and support. With Love and Gratitude.