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Testimonials on Past Life Regression

I have recently had several requests from people asking me for a session of past life regression, or simply looking for more information about it, especially considering the method I use and what to expect during the actual practice. For all that concerns the regression in general, you can visit this other article on my blog, where I explain in a detailed way (but not at all boring, promised!) everything about this wonderful technique.

But today I would like to tell you more about my personal experience, and that of some people who came to me to try regression. People with a story, a past, a present, different demands and objectives, but all united by the will-power to improve themselves and to dissolve those karmic chains that bind us in a negative way to the past of our soul.

Consent has been obtained and the names have been changed with respect to privacy.

From rags… to riches

Anyone approaching regression for the first time, obviously daydreams about the possible people, perhaps famous, rich and important, that could have been. But soon we realize that the reality is quite different. Usually “perfect” lives in which everything is beautiful, harmonious and flowing happily without problems are excellent for making “downloads” of talents or emotions that we want to bring back here and now. But they are also quite rare. The lives in which we have suffered, fought, and have really learned something essential are those that are difficult and harsh, and they are those that we must certainly resolve.

I remember one of the first sessions I did and, as a jumper, I could see 3/4 lives in less than an hour. How glad I was to have discovered that I was a Roman senator! Or a scientist during the Enlightenment! Or a Middle Eastern princess! Don’t get me wrong, they were all lives that I had to resolve, also because they were full of important moments, talents to download and experiences to internalize. Not all that shines is gold.

I then wondered if it was all true what I had seen, or if I had simply made it up in my mind. I did some research, discovering that the Roman senators really did speak ancient Greek during official meetings, and that those strange drawings I had seen were Torricelli’s projects. I was deeply moved. I wanted to try again to regress to other lives, this time with a totally different goal. I wanted to work on abundance and was initially taken to a time when I was a rich merchant. Of course, I thought, how many talents this man must have had to create his fortune! Then, I experienced only lives of great poverty, of hard work and hardship, but all in all happy in their simplicity and indigence.

I was a senator, a princess, a scientist and a rich merchant. Yes, but I have also been a nun with votes of chastity and poverty, a peasant woman deprived of her family and her land, a fisherman who has known true labor and what it means to have a broken heart. I have been many things, but first of all a human being who has lived, even literally, from the rags to riches. And it was illuminating and beautiful.

Client: “Are we sure that I didn’t just imagine everything?”

Me: “If you imagined everything, why didn’t you choose to see something beautiful, instead of these traumatic events?”

Customer: “Good question …”

Fly like a bird

I have noticed over time and after having made many people regress, that obviously not only the experiences change, but also the “way” of experiencing and seeing them. I’ll explain. When entering the regression, it is like jumping into a scenario. Most of the time people see themselves inside another body, so looking down they just see their feet and clothes of that time and around them a landscape with a point of view at eye level.

However a couple of people proved different in this respect, and as soon as they entered the life they wanted to see, they saw themselves from above. As if they were birds flying over the country and the people below them. But it was clear to them who they were among the crowd, and they followed their person wherever he/she moved. For these people it may be more difficult to “go through themselves” to capture an emotion, but besides this I haven’t noticed any other differences. I still can’t explain why some customers have this point of view compared to others.

Client: “I see myself, but like … from above. I mean, I know that I am that monk who is walking down the street, I recognize myself, but I see my head and everything else. I feel like I’m flying like a bird!”

The eyes are the mirror of the soul

Many people ask me to work on the relationship with their loved ones in this life, and to do so we must resolve the lives in which those souls have known each other. You will wonder how do you recognise people during the regression. In ancient times the Romans said “the eyes are the mirror of the soul” and they were right.

When you want to recognise some poeple of this reincarnation during the regression, look at that person in the eyes. You will feel a very strong feeling of knowing who they are, of having already seen them and of knowing them deeply. The name will come to your mind immediately. It happened to me and to many others.

However, a strange thing happened to a client of mine, and in my opinion it was fantastic. She recognised her daughter during the regression because she saw two faces overlapping, as if one overlapped like a ghost over the other. At that point she was 100% sure that this was her daughter. This client of mine is very physiognomist, she does not remember the names well but faces very well and in fact she could also see the details of the faces during the regression, something that is more difficult for me personally. I think this helps to make the vision more detailed and particular.

Customer: “I see her, who she is … Clarissa! She is my daughter but she is also that woman! It’s so strange, the two faces overlap like two spirits in one”

Feel on your skin

Regression can also help improve a physical state of illness or just achieve perfect health. A client of mine improved the frequent headaches from which he suffered, discovering that in the past he had to wear a heavy mask as a chief priest of a temple. Even the weight of being a leader (ie boss, head) was too much for him. During the session he felt a strong sense of heaviness in the head, which then faded away and in time reduced even the frequency of his migraines.

Many other customers had physical sensations during the regression, but never intense or unbearable pain. Someone while he was running in the past life had shortness of breath. One person felt his arm tingle and a heavy weight in his chest when he was about to die of a heart attack. Another, who died by hanging, a sense of tightness around his neck. Of course this can be all our mental influence, but nevertheless I find it very interesting.

Client: “Can we leave this moment please? I don’t feel my arm anymore and I have a weight on my chest … I feel weak”

Me: “I’ll take you away immediately, don’t worry, you’re safe”

A look to the past and one to the future

Few know that the crystal layout technique also allows you to go and work on your future in this incarnation. This allows the person to eliminate the blocks that hinder him/her now, and to create the life that he/she wants. I should remind you that we can all change our future, and that if we work on our fears, traumas and blocks we can achieve our goals.

Customer: “It’s beautiful, it’s a fantastic house! And I like the job I will do, I want it. But I don’t want to be alone … let’s change this, I want a family and a companion. I can have both… I want everything”

Testimonianze sulle Regressioni alle Vite Precedenti

Di recente ho avuto diverse richieste di persone che mi chiedevano una sessione di regressione alle vite precedenti, o semplicemente cercavano maggiori informazioni al riguardo, in particolar modo sul metodo che utilizzo io e sul cosa aspettarsi durante la pratica. Per tutto quello che riguarda la regressione in generale, potete visitare quest’altro articolo sul mio blog, dove vi spiego in modo dettagliato (ma per nulla noioso, promesso!) tutto ciò che riguarda questa meravigliosa tecnica.

Oggi però vorrei raccontarvi la mia esperienza personale, e quella di alcune persone che si sono rivolte a me per provare la regressione. Persone con una storia, un passato, un presente, richieste e obiettivi differenti, ma tutte accomunate dalla forza di volontà di migliorarsi e di sciogliere quelle catene karmiche che ci legano in modo negativo al passato della nostra anima.

Il consenso è stato ottenuto ed i nomi sono stati cambiati in rispetto della privacy.

Dalle stelle alle…stalle

Chiunque si approccia alla regressione per la prima volta, fantastica ovviamente sulle possibili persone, magari famose, ricche e importanti, che è potuto essere. Ben presto però ci si accorge che la realtà è ben diversa. Solitamente le vite “perfette” in cui tutto è bello, in armonia e scorre felice senza problemi sono ottime per fare “download” di talenti o emozioni che vogliamo riportare qui e ora. Ma sono anche abbastanza rare. Le vite in cui abbiamo sofferto, combattuto, e abbiamo davvero imparato qualcosa di essenziale sono quelle difficili ed aspre, e sono quelle che dobbiamo certamente sciogliere e risolvere.

Ricordo una delle prime sessioni che ho fatto e, in quanto jumper, sono riuscita a vedere 3/4 vite in meno di un’ora. Come ero contenta di aver scoperto di essere stata un senatore romano! O uno scienziato durante l’Illuminismo! O una principessa mediorientale! Non fraintendetemi, erano comunque tutte vite che ho dovuto risolvere, anche perchè ricche di momenti importanti, talenti da scaricare ed esperienze da interiorizzare. Non è tutto oro quel che luccica.

Mi sono poi chiesta se era tutto vero ciò che avevo visto e provato, o se semplicemente me lo ero inventato. Ho fatto delle ricerche, scoprendo che per davvero i senatori romani parlavano greco antico durante le riunioni ufficiali, e che quei strani disegni che avevo visto erano i progetti di Torricelli. Mi sono commossa. Ho voluto provare di nuovo a regredire ad altre vite, questa volta con un obiettivo totalmente diverso. Volevo lavorare sull’abbondanza e inizialmente sono stata portata a un periodo in cui ero un ricco mercante. Ovvio, ho pensato, quanti talenti deve avere avuto questo uomo per creare la sua fortuna! Poi, ho provato solo vite di miseria e povertà, di fatica e di stenti, ma tutto sommato felici nella loro semplicità e indigenza.

Sono stata un senatore, una principessa, uno scienziato e un ricco mercante. Sì, ma sono anche stata un suora con voti di castità e povertà, una contadina privata della sua famiglia e della sua terra, un pescatore che ha conosciuto la vera fatica e cosa vuol dire avere il cuore spezzato. Sono stata molte cose, ma prima fra tutte un essere umano che ha vissuto, anche letteralmente, dalle stelle alle stalle. Ed è stato illuminante e bellissimo.

Cliente: “Ma siamo sicuri che non ho immaginato tutto?”

Io: “Se hai immaginato tutto, perchè non hai scelto di vedere qualcosa di bello, invece che questi eventi traumatici?”

Cliente: “Bella domanda…”

Volare come un uccello

Ho notato col tempo e dopo aver fatto regredire molte persone, che ovviamente non solo le esperienze cambiano, ma anche il “modo” di viverle e vederle. Mi spiego meglio. Quando si entra nella regressione, è come se si saltasse dentro uno scenario. La maggior parte delle volte le persone vedono se stesse dentro un altro corpo, quindi guardando in basso vedono i propri piedi e vestiti dell’epoca e attorno a loro un panorama con un punto di vista ad altezza d’uomo.

Tuttavia un paio di persone si sono dimostrate diverse sotto questo aspetto, e non appena sono entrate nella vita che volevano vedere, si sono viste dall’alto. Come se fossero uccelli che volano sul paese e sulle persone sotto di loro. Ma era comunque chiaro a loro chi fossero fra quella gente, e seguivano la loro persona ovunque si spostasse. Per queste persone può riuscire più difficile “passarsi attraverso” per carpire un’emozione, ma oltre a questo non ho notato altre differenze. Non so ancora spiegare il perchè alcuni clienti hanno questo punto di vista rispetto ad altri.

Cliente: “Mi vedo, ma tipo…dall’alto. Cioè so che sono quel monaco che sta camminado per la via, mi riconosco, ma vedo la mi testa e anche tutto il resto. Mi sembra di volare come un uccello!”

Gli occhi sono lo specchio dell’anima

Molte persone chiedono di lavorare sul rapporto con i loro cari in questa vita, e per fare questo bisogna risolvere le vite in cui si sono conosciute quelle anime. Vi chiederete come si fa a riconoscere le persone durante la regressione. Anticamente i Romani dicevano “gli occhi sono lo specchio dell’anima” e avevano ragione.

Quando durante la regressione volete riconoscere qualcuno di questa reincarnazione, guardate quella persona negli occhi. Sentirete una sensazione fortissima di sapere chi è, di averla già vista e di conoscerla profondamente. Il nome vi verrà in mente immediatamente. A me e a tanti altri è successo così.

Tuttavia a una mia cliente è successa una cosa strana e a mio avviso fantastica. Lei ha riconosciuto la propria figlia durante la regressione perchè vedeva le due facce sovrapposte, come se una si sovrapponesse tipo un fantasma sopra l’altra. A quel punto è stata sicura al 100% che quella fosse sua figlia. Questa mia cliente è molto fisionomista, non ricorda bene i nomi ma molto bene i volti e infatti riusciva a vedere anche i dettagli dei volti durante la regressione, cosa che a me personalmente riesce più difficile. Penso che questo contribuisca a rendere la visione più dettagliata e particolare.

Cliente: “La vedo, è lei è…Clarissa! E’ mia figlia ma è anche quella donna! E’ così strano, le due facce si sovrappongono come due spiriti in uno”

Sentire sulla propria pelle

La regressione può aiutare anche a migliorare uno stato fisico di malattia o non proprio perfetta salute. Un mio cliente ha migliorato le frequenti emicranie di cui soffriva scoprendo che in passato doveva portare una maschera pesantissima in quanto sacerdote capo di un tempio. Anche il peso di essere leader (cioè capo, testa) era troppo per lui. Durante la sessione ha provato un forte senso di pesantezza alla testa, che è andato poi ad affievolirsi e col tempo a ridurre anche le sue emicranie.

Molti altri clienti hanno avuto sensazioni fisiche durante la regressione, ma mai dolori intensi o insopportabili. Qualcuno mentre stava correndo nella vita passata, ha avuto il fiato corto. Una persona ha sentito il braccio formicolarsi e un forte peso al petto quando stava per morire di infarto. Un altro, morto per impiccagione, un senso di stretta al collo. Certamente questo può essere un effetto di influenza mentale, ma tuttavia lo trovo molto interessante.

Cliente: “Possiamo andarcene da questo momento per favore? Non sento più il braccio e ho un peso sul petto…mi sento debole”

Io: “Ti porto via subito, stai tranquillo, sei al sicuro”

Uno sguardo al passato e uno al futuro

Pochi sanno che la tecnica di griglia cristallina permette anche di andare a lavorare sul proprio futuro in questa incarnazione. Questo permette alla persona di eliminare i blocchi che la ostacolano ora, e di creare la vita che si vuole. Ricordo che tutti noi possiamo cambiare il nostro futuro, e che se lavoriamo sulle nostre paure, traumi e blocchi possiamo raggiungere i nostri obiettivi.

Cliente: “E’ bellissimo, è una casa fantastica! E mi piace il lavoro che farò, lo voglio. Ma non voglio essere da solo…cambiamo questa cosa, voglio una famiglia e una compagna. Posso avere entrambi…tutto”

Same Soul Many Bodies – Book Review

The number of days and years one lives on Earth is insignificant. It’s the quality of those days and years that’s important, quality measured in loving acts and achieved wisdom. Some people do more good in one day than others do in a hundred years. This is their message. Every soul, every person is precious. Every person helped, every life aided or saved, is immeasurably valuable.

For those wondering who is the author of this (and many others) book, you must know that Brian Weiss is an American psychiatrist, hypnotherapist, and writer who specializes in past life regression. His research includes reincarnation, past life regression, future life progression, and survival of the human soul after death.

Same Soul, Many Bodies – Discover the Healing Power of Future Lives Through Progression Therapy especially focuses on the idea and belief that looking at past lives through regression therapy (or the future of our present life through progression therapy) can heal illnesses, emotional and physical pain and relationship issues in your life today. The book’s subtitle suggests mainly ‘future lives’, but as I have already mentioned it also covers past life case studies, so well written, intense and based on people common problems that the reader can actually learn much about themselves from reading the book without actually having the therapy itself.

I read this book few years ago when I just started to do past life regression on myself (and then to other people), so I was already experiencing the awe and amazing emotion of discovering something new that opens up your mind, heart and soul. Something that connects these three layers all togheter and with everything around you and answers to the questions you have asked yourself and the universe many times. At least some of the questions I had.

This is the beauty of this book, not only that it opens up the readers a new way to see the world and themselves, but also to begin considering new potentials to have a happy life. A reminder that you create your life. Obviously the book won’t directly solve issues in your life immediately, but you can relate to the stories told and it builds the reader’s acceptance that their life can be happy and magnificent. That is why you need to be openminded and ready for acceptance in order to read and appreciating this book properly. For instance, if you do not believe at all in reincarnation, spirituality and therapeutic healing, then you will question and contest this book too much without taking the benefits it can offer.

Concluding, overall it is an inspirational, easy to read book, that brings in people the positiveness, spirituality and believes we should all start to have for a better future.

The important question regarding spirituality is not which God you follow but are you true to your soul? Are you living a spiritual life? Are you a kind person here on earth, getting joy from your existence, causing no harm, and doing good to others? Don’t push the river. It will travel at its own speed anyway. 

Comprehend Ouserlves through our Aura – Part 2

Last time I promised you to talk about the meanings of aura’s colors and how to start seeing them with your own eyes.

Remember that all living things radiate an aura from the energy they emit and that auras can reveal information about your thoughts, feelings and dreams. According to those, auras come in all colors, which can vary and can be light or dark shades. The ones closest to the physical body are the densest, gradually becoming more ethereal as they move towards the outer edges of the aura. It’s rare to have only one color in your aura, although it typically shows a predominant one.

For example, a young person aura is a wide span of red around the lower part and a narrow span of magenta/white at the head. As a person matures, the ampleness of the red in the aura, the colour which earths a person to this planet, begins to diminish and is replaced by the expansion of the spiritual colours of magenta and white. When the time comes for the transition of the soul through death, the red colour is practically non-existent, the aura now being totally filled with magenta and white.

  • Yellow

Relates to the spleen and life energy. It is the color of awakening, inspiration, intelligence and action shared, creative, playful, optimistic, easy-going. The Yellow Aura individual is a brilliant communicator, workaholic, confident in their skills, not suffering loneliness and have good observation skills. If brilliant yellow: positive awaken playful spirit; dark/brownish yellow: a student, pressured to achieve your goals and score high, with no more love for what he/she is studying; lemon yellow: someone with the fear of loss; pale yellow: individual with a new sense of excitement and hope for the future, embarked on a spiritual journey or discovered latent psychic abilities.

  • Orange

Relates to reproductive organs and emotions. The color of vitality, vigor, good health and excitement. People have lots of energy and stamina, they are creative, productive, adventurous, courageous, outgoing with social nature. Individuals which are normally good-hearted, kind and honest, can be hot headed and quick to lose their temper, successfull in life goals but sometimes impatient to start. If bright orange: very good health; orange-yellowish: a scientific mind and tend to be a bit of a perfectionist, mind challenger; orange-redish: great ego and self confidence.

  • Red

It is one of the most powerful colors found in an aura. It can be a positive or a negative element. Red represents blood, that’s why it represents the physical body, heart or circulation. The densest color, it creates the most friction. Friction attracts or repels; money worries or obsessions; anger or unforgiveness; anxiety or nervousness. If dark red: centered and grounded to the earth, self-sufficient, and able to survive any circumstance; muddied red: anger; cloudy red: powerful, energetic, competitive, sexual, passionate.

  • Pink

Pink indicates an artist, a loving sensual person who appreciates the finer things in life. If you’ve recently fallen in love, you’ll have a significant amount of pink in your aura. If dark pink: not trustworthy, this color indicates deceit, dishonesty, and an immature person.

  • Blue

This color represents the throat, specifically the thyroid. If your aura is blue, you’re intuitive, and you love helping people, a natural peacemaker. You remain calm during a crisis and others lean on you for support. If royal blue: highly developed spiritual intuitive or clairvoyant, very generous and giving spirit, open to new possibilities; dark blue: don’t trust the future and can’t face the truth due to your desire to take control; light blue: truthful and serene, and you excel in all fields of communication; indigo: relates to the third eye, intuitive, sensitive, deep feeling; turquoise: a powerful healer who helps others discover their inner truths. It’s usually found in doctors, healers, and counselors

  • Green

Green is the color of the heart and lungs. It is a very comfortable, healthy color of nature. When seen in the aura this usually represents growth and balance, and most of all, something that leads to change. This is usually found within the aura of teachers and people who work for the public good. If bright emerald green: healer, also a love-centered person; green yellowish: communicator, creative with art; forest green: tied to nature and use herbs in your healing practice; dark and cloudy green: a very jealous person and full of resentment, who refuse to accept responsibility for your own actions.

  • Purple

It is associated with the pituitary gland, pineal gland, and the nervous system. The most sensitive and wisest of colors,  the intuitive color in the aura, and reveals psychic power of attunement with self. Intuitive, visionary, futuristic, idealistic, artistic, magical individuals. If violet or lavender: a visionary of the highest level, someone who can daydream and change the world with spiritual love.

  • Rainbow

These auras are found in highly evolved spiritually persons, healers, especially those trained to work with the body’s energy fields. Rainbow auras are typically seen as shards of colorful light, resembling a sunburst.  Can be brilliant or pale, but usually a healer’s rainbow aura is often seen as colorful stripes radiating around the hands and head. Often the entire body of a healer or creative individual radiates a rainbow of colors that surrounds the person.

  • Silver

This is the color of abundance, both spiritual and physical. Lots of bright silver can reflect to plenty of money, and/or awakening of the cosmic mind. They are blessed and successfull. Silver people are attractive, exceptionally gifted, talented, lucky and have immense versatility and adaptability. If metallic silver: receptive to new ideas, intuitive, nurturing; dark or muddy grey: residue of fear is accumulating in the body, with a potential for health problems.

  • Gold

As silver, it is a very positive and spitirual color. It relates to the enlightenment and divine protection. When seen within the aura, it says that the person is being guided by their highest good, with protection, wisdom, inner knowledge, spiritual mind, intuitive thinker. The Gold Aura individuals are very attractive to other people and admirers, very charismatic, great listeners and generous, very proud and fiercely independent. Usually they hate to be criticised and cannot stand any of their flaws exposed.

  • Black

Black auras indicate you’re holding on to negative feelings. Draws or pulls energy to it and in so doing, transforms it. It captures light and consumes it. Typically, it indicates an unwilling and unforgiving spirit, long-term unforgiveness (toward others or another) collected in a specific area of the body, which can lead to health problems (abortion if near ovaries or uterus). It can also indicate past life hurts.

  • White

White typically indicates a newness and purity, reflects other energy, it’s a pure state of light. Often represents spiritual, etheric and non-physical qualities in a person, transcendent, higher dimensions, purity and truth, angelic qualities. It can be found in highly spiritual people who’ve transcended the physical and are preparing to ascend. If there are white sparkles or flashes of white light: angels are nearby, or it can indicate that the person is pregnant or will be soon.

The possibilities of what you might see by looking at someone’s aura are endless. And learning to read and protect your own aura can be important to your physical, emotional and spiritual health. You don’t have to be a mystic to read an aura. In fact, it’s widely believed we all have auric-sight (the ability to read auras) and could see them easily when we were children, but them we lost the ability to focus on more mental tasks.

Anyway, seeing auras can be developed with practice. First, you begin to learn how to see your own. At the beginning, you will only be able to see the lower layers of the Aura, with time and practice, you will develop the ability to see the higher levels as well. For this exercise, you will need a quiet room with a white wall, preferably at dusk time, when the light is low and the eyes need to switch to night vision. With time and practice, you will be able to do this exercise during daylight or in any other light conditions and eventually without using the white background.

  1. Begin by sitting down across from the white wall. Your back should be fully supported by a chair, your feet flat on the ground. Connecting to your breath, take a few minutes for relaxation.
  2. Extend one arm, palm facing the wall, fingers together. Soften your gaze as you look at your hand. Hold this soft gaze for 30 seconds and you will begin to see energy field surrounding your hand.
  3. Slowly spread your fingers apart. Continue with the soft gaze looking at your fingers and the space between your fingers. What do you see?
  4. With time and practice, you will begin to see and outline around your hand and around your fingers. At first, it may appear as a heat wave, almost colorless field, later on, you will begin to see different colors of your aura.
  5. Patiently observe. There is nothing to strive for. Just being here, in the moment, focusing softly on the hand, on the fingers, and the space between the fingers.

You can do a similar excercise but in front of a mirror. Look into it and look in the center of your forehead between your eyebrows. When done at the correct distance for you (up to 18 feet), you’ll be able to see an aura and its colors.

After having practised for a while on yourself, you can try looking at someone else’s aura, using them as partner in the exercise.

  1. Have your partner stand against the white wall, not touching it, just standing very close.
  2. Stand away from your partner so that you can see her from head to toe, including white space behind them.
  3. Feel your feet firmly planted on the ground and connect with your breath. Close your eyes for a few seconds.
  4. Open your eyes and with a soft focus look at your partner in a way that encompasses their whole body. Gaze softly, passively noticing whatever arises. There should be no striving to see anything, just allowing whatever arises in the moment.
  5. You will begin to see the energy field around the head and upper body. This is the area of the body that is easiest to see. At first, it will appear colorless, like a heat wave. With time, you will begin to see colors and you will no longer need a white background.

But before starting practising you have to consider few things:

  • Know when it’s time to cleanse. We pick up other people’s energies without even being aware of it. When those energies are negative, they affect our aura negatively (for instance, you’re feeling irritable and anxious for no apparent reason while you’re out with your friends having fun). Even if your aura doesn’t seem out of balance, it’s a good idea to cleanse it periodically to release any negative energies.
  • Cleanse your aura. Focus on your root chakra located at the base of your spine and associated with the color red. Then envision yourself engulfed in a shower of brilliant gold light radiating down from the sun. Let the light penetrate your body and your aura. Hold this image for some time. Then envision a violet light extending from the soles of your feet to the top of your head. See and feel it as a warm, protective blanket and believe that it has the ability to heal and protect any gaps in your aura. At this point, the cleansing and healing process is underway, and you should feel yourself becoming stronger, releasing negative energy and feeling more at peace. Meditate on this feeling for a while. Use some music in the background to relax.
  • Protect your aura. You can take other steps to protect and strengthen your aura. These include the cleansing meditation written above, massage, create a shield by meditating, invisible negative cord cutting and reiki energy meditation.
  • Use ethics while reading and healing auras. When you learn how to see auras, you may be tempted to share everything you see with other people. Aura colors change throughout the day, with each emotion, blockage in the body, thought pattern, energy levels and the flow of prana through the body. So, what you see in the moment is just that, in this moment. You need to be careful about interpreting aura colors of other people. Why? For two reasons. First, when you see the aura of someone else, you are seeing it through your own aura. You are seeing it through your own perceptions, your knowledge, and your beliefs. Jumping to conclusions may not be wise. Use your heart, your mind, and your soul to guide you. Second, once you develop the skill of seeing auras, you will be able to see auras around people anywhere on the street, in shopping mall, at work. Seeing somebody’s aura is like looking into someone’s bedroom and intruding on their privacy. It should not be done without the person’s consent.

Sad but true, it may take a while before you start seeing progress, but don’t give up and keep practising, that is the key! I will be glad to know your own experience, so remember that feedbacks are very much appreciated.

Enjoy your new vision!

Comprehend Ouserlves through our Aura – Part 1

The aura given out by a person is as much a part of them as their flesh – Lucien Freud

Someone once wrote that “we are spirits having a human experience” and it is actually this spirit’s frequency which vibrates creating the energetic field around us. This field around our physical body is known nowadays as the “aura“. Such a belief comes back to Egyptian and Hindu times, when it was thought that we have 10 colorful auric bodies which can generally be seen radiating from 6-18 inches outside of the physical system. Later in our holistic and energy-life path as human being, by the time we were also developing more our scientific knowledge and point of view of the world, we assigned to this belief the name of “subtle anatomy”.

As I was writing above, the subtle anatomy surrounding a person refers to the aura, or our electromagnetic field. It is ovoid in shape, with the widest part around the head and the narrowest under the feet. The aura is made up of seven layers or bodies, each of them interpenetrating and working with others.


The layers consist of the etheric, emotional, mental, astral, etheric template, celestial and casual bodies.

Closest to the physical body lies the etheric body. This layer is the blue print of the physical body, and disintegrates with it at death. It is here that can be seen or felt as an accumulation of energy in the wrong place, which if it is not eradicated it will progress into a disorder or proper disease in the physical body. The etheric body contains the Chakras, our central wheels of rotating energy, and Nadis, the energy channels connected with the nervous system.

The second aura layer is called the emotional layer and extends two to four inches away from the physical body. This layer is primarily connected to the second chakra, feelings, emotions and experience. It is constantly in a state of change, reflective of our current mood. This layer also stores unsettled emotions such as fear, resentment, and loneliness. The energies present in the second aura layer will communicate with the first layer, and then process this information into the physical body. That’s the reason why usually physical tension, muscle cramps and upset stomach could be a result of the first layer being bombarded by emotional pain.

The third aura layer is the mental body, extending itself four to eight inches from the physical body. This layer is connected to the third chakra, our consciousness, ideas, logical processes, belief systems and intellect. Here stay our mental health and/or mental issues, thoughts and ideas are rationalized and validated. Every thought that we have creates a form or shape: if we think negative thoughts, they will attract other negative thought forms, and thereby amplify the original thought. Same for positive thoughts.

The astral layer is also called “bridge layer”, as it is a window to our spiritual nature, separating the first three layers from the outer three aura layers. It is eight to twelve inches away from the physical body and connects to the fourth chakra, our sense of love, well-being, expansion and life-balance.

We named the fifth aura layer the etheric template one. It is one to two feet away from the physical body. It connects with the fifth chakra, sound, vibration, communication and creativity. Primarily this layer of the aura serves as a carbon copy of the physical body on the spiritual plane.

The sixth aura layer is called the celestial body. It extends two to three feet away from the body and reflects our subconscious mind, memories, dreams, spiritual awareness, intuitive knowledge, trust, honesty, and unconditional love. It is where the physical mind comes to connection with the spiritual mind through meditation and devotional practices. The celestial layer holds our experiences of having a connection to something greater than ourselves, untangible.

The causal layer is the link to one may call “God”, “Creator”, “Source”, or “All That Is” within each individual, and extends three to five feet away from the physical body, depending on our spiritual state. The seventh aura layer, or causal layer, is connected to the seventh chakra, all knowledge and all possibilities. This layer protects and holds all other aura layers together, and contains the blueprint of our spiritual path, reflecting all of the soul’s experiences and events through time. So basically, it is the record of all our previous lives, plus the reason for our present incarnation. When we reincarnate, we bring with us the knowledge of the path that we have chosen to walk and the challenges we have selected to meet. But from the moment of birth we are subjected to conditioning which makes us forget our life plan.

I know there is a lot to take in…

So I will let you “digest” all these information first, and I will be back next time focusing on the colors and their meaning of the aura and then on how to start seeing the layers, with some useful tips and suggestions for beginners with the will to learn!

Thanks for reading,




Picture taken from: https://nexusnewsfeed.com/article/consciousness/how-aura-energy-healing-works-1/


Focus on: The Heart Chakra

Sanskrit name: Anahata (unstruck)
Element: Air
Color: Green
Shape: Crescent moon
Petals of the lotus: Twelve
Rights: To love
Physical association: Heart, lungs, circulatory system, arms, hands
Psychological function: Love
Challenge: Grief
Plane: The plane of balance
Planets: Venus (lunar, feminine), Sun
Sense organ: Skin
Predominant sense: Touch
Incense: Jasmin, lavender, rose
Herb: Yarrow, meadowsweet, oris root

In Sanskrit Anahata means “sound produced without touching two parts” and at the same time “pure, clean” or “unstruck”. The name of this chakra signifies the state of freshness that appears when we are able to become detached and to look at the different and apparently contradictory experiences of life with a state of openness and expansion. Normally we are used that an effect is produced by the confrontation of the two opposite forces. At the level of Anahata chakra appears the possibility to integrate the two opposite forces and create an energy of cooperation and integration, which brings peace and a new perspective in the world.

The symbol for the Heart chakra is traditionally composed of a circle with twelve petals and a downward-pointing triangle interlaced with an upward-pointing triangle, forming a six-pointed star or hexagram. The twelve petals, often colored in red, match the disturbances of lust, fraud, indecision, repentance, hope, anxiety, longing, impartiality, arrogance, competence, discrimination and defiance, that can easily sneak in our heart and upset it. The intersecting triangles represent the air element and its all-encompassing quality. They also symbolize the union of seemingly opposite principles or types of energies, such as male and female, spirit and matter. The star that they form evokes the harmonious joining of forces and highlights the function of the heart chakra as a center of integration and connection.

The most commonly accepted location for the fourth chakra is at the center of the chest, between the breasts. It’s slightly to the left of the actual organ of the heart, from whom it takes its name. Because of its location, the heart chakra is associated to the cardiac system and the lungs, organs that are interdependent and rely on air and the “breathing of life” to function properly.

Anahata moves love through our life. It is the center of our deep bonds with other beings, our sense of caring and compassion, our feelings of self-love, altruism, generosity, kindness, and respect. The energy of Anahata allows us to recognize that we are part of something larger, that we are interconnected within an intricate web of relationships extending through life and the universe. This chakra allows us to recognize and get in touch with the sacred and fundamental truth that runs through all of life and connects everything together. It suggests us to live our life with loving kindness and compassion towards others, to keep our heart open and inspire kindness, to create a safe and supportive environment.

When Anahata is open and energy is flowing freely, you are not only loving to others, you are also loving to your self. You know when you need to say no and when you need care and self-nurturing. But when this chakra becomes imbalanced as a result of life experiences that have a strong emotional charge or significant changes in your environment, it may manifests as a blockage in the energy flow or, on the contrary, as a tendency to become overactive or have an excess of energy. You might feel overly defensive, closed down, jealous, relying on other’s approval and attention, trying to please at all cost, falling into victimization, antisocial and at the physical level, it can show up as respiratory ailments, such as lung infection, bronchitis or circulatory and heart-related issues.

But how can you open and rebalance your Anahata?

  • The best way to receive love is to give it! So give hugs and kisses, smile at everyone you see daily, try to forgive and move on (life is too short to hold grudges), give friends, family and co-workers positive affirmations and feedback. Do not criticize anyone or anything, including yourself. Focus on receiving if you are naturally inclined to be a giver, and on giving if you’re more inclined to receive all the time.
  • Express your gratitude, even if it’s in silence. You can be grateful for the presence of other people in your life or simply for good things that make your life happier. If you find easier, make a written or mental list in your mind before going to sleep.
  • Learn “empathy”. It will open your mind and implement your kindness and compassion towards others. Walking in another person’s shoes is not easy to do, but can be helpful in growing a sense of empathy and compassion. Try to play a game called, “the what if scenarios.” When encountering a person who is being unpleasant or who has treated me poorly in the past, ask yourself “What if that person is just having a bad day?” etc. And as you create these stories, of which the possibilities are endless, you begin to empathize with the other person and his or her situation. This method also takes you away from yourself and self-pity.
  • Cultivate your appreciation for beauty, whether it’s in nature, people or in the arts. Engage in activities that feed your heart.
  • Any yoga pose that opens the area of the chest will help to balance the heart chakra. Some poses include camel, standing bow pose, and cow face pose.
  • Work with the breath to balance your energy. Observe it, play with it with breathing exercises.
  • Work on these believes you may have consciously or subconsciously in order to figure out where they come from and solve them:

Heart Chakra Affirmations

I am open to love.
All love resides within my heart.
I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
I nurture my inner child. I am wanted and loved.
I live in balance, in a state of gracefulness and gratitude.
I love the beauty of nature and the animal world. I forgive myself.
I am open to love and kindness.
I am grateful for all the challenges that helped me to transform and open up to love.
I am connected with other human beings.
I feel a sense of unity with nature and animals.
I accept things as they are.
I am peaceful.

A spiritual life lesson from the Nodes of the Moon

Speaking just in astronomical terms, the moon’s Nodes are not physical planetary bodies but the points of intersection between the earth’s orbital path around the sun, the ecliptic, and the moon’s orbital path around the earth.

Rahu & Ketu

The symbols of these two astonomical points are: A36_153.gif (north node/ Rahu), called also “Caput Draconis” which means dragon’s head, and A37_153.gif (south node/ Ketu), know as “Cauda Draconis” or dragon’s tail. That’s because astrologers of the past envisioned the earth as surrounded by a cosmic dragon who swallowed the sun or the moon during an eclipse. This imagery also appears in Indian Astrology with Rahu, the dragon’s head, and Ketu, the dragon’s tail. Both parts of the serpent are immortal, however, and capable of concealing the light of the sun and moon.

In fact, the moon’s Nodes, as the points at which the paths of the sun and the moon cross, represent a symbolic merger of the sun and the moon, or the meeting of two (masculine and feminine) poles which are trying to find their respective balance. But this two opposite poles have even more symbolic sense and karmic purpose to give us.

A blast from the past

From an astrological point of view, your life purpose is encoded in the North Node and South Node of the moon. The first one represents our karmic paths and the lessons we came here to learn. It stands for the future or direction in which the person should develop, a direction that may be similar to the rest of the chart, or it may suggest new and unfamiliar territory. The South Node instead reveals the challenges and gifts we bring in from the past, whether in the sense of the influence of past lives in this incarnation or our past in the present life, such as one’s inherited traits and childhood.

It’s about balance

The main challenge we experience is not to leave behind the South Node but to achieve a balance between the two, whereby the experience gained at the South Node can be used to further the development of themes represented by the North Node. Working on these life lessons can bring us to increased happiness and fulfillment. However, if we over-emphasize and fall back on the qualities of our South Node, at the expense of developing our North Node, we may have a difficult time feeling personally successful.

If we over-focus on the future of the North Node without considering the lessons learnt from the past, we may make again the same mistake and being caught in a “karmic loop”, recalling to ourselves the same situations until we have learnt and improved. Anyway, it is important to understand that whether or not we consciously work on these lessons, events in our lives are likely to force us to confront them.

At the time of our birth both Nodes are in a specific astrological sign, obviously one the opposite of the other. For example, if your North Node is in Aries, then the South Node is in Libra, or the North Node in Cancer and the South Node in Capricorn, etc. It is easy to calculate your moon Nodes position online, following this link:

Find your North and South Nodes

Focus on: The Sacral Chakra

Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana (sweetness)
Element: Water
Color: Orange
Shape: Circle with crescent
Petals of the lotus: Six
Rights: To feel, to want
Physical association: Womb, genitals, kidney, bladder
Psychological function: Movement and connection
Challenge: Guilt
Plane: Astral plane
Planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Moon
Incense: Gardenia, damiana
Herb: Fennel, corriander

The most common Sanskrit name for the sacral chakra is “Svadhisthana”, which means “your own place”. This chakra is your passion and pleasure centre and it is located in the pelvic area. While the Root Chakra is satisfied with survival, the 2nd chakra seeks pleasure and enjoyment. The gift of this chakra is experiencing our lives through feelings and sensations.

The symbol of the Sacral Chakra is composed of a circle with six petals and a moon crescent. The circle represents the elements of water. Typically, the moon crescent is colored in silver and represents the connection of the energy of the moon with water. These symbols point to the close relationship between the phases of the moon and the fluctuations in the water and the emotions.

The energy of this chakra allows you to let go, to move, and to feel change and transformation occurring within your body. It allows you to experience this moment as it is, in its own fullness and it is also the centre of creativity. Motivated by pleasure, it’s the driving force for the enjoyment of life through the senses, through taste, touch, or sight. Opening your sacral chakra allows you to “feel” the world around and in us. For this reason, it’s an important chakra at the foundation of our feeling of well-being.

The main challenge for the second chakra is the conditioning of our society. We live in a society where feelings are not valued, where passion, and emotional reactions are being frowned upon. We are being taught not to “loose control”. And we get disconnected from our bodies, our feelings. That’s why we have so many issues with our passion centre, the wellspring of feelings, enjoyment, and sensuality.

But how can you open and rebalance your Svadhisthana?

  • Hip-opening yoga postures (as for example, “the cow”). This may directly connects you with your Sacral Chakra. While it’s ideal to do a few postures that stretch your hips through their full range of motion, holding one pose and focusing on completely letting go is a great place to start.
  • Dance like no one’s watching. One of the best and easiest way.
  • Tone up. While learning to let go of unnecessary muscular gripping and tension is ideal for chakra health throughout your body, it’s also important to take care of your body and keep your muscles strong and healthy. By the way, one of the main reasons to have a physical yoga practice is to create a fit body.
  • “Visualize orange”. Orange is the sacral chakra’s color. Imagine a bright, healing orange glow filling up your entire lower abdomen, keeping in mind that we’re three dimensional.
  • Learn how to “let go”of unhealthy emotions, people, and memories. This is so important. When we learn to let go of the baggage that we don’t need to carry, we create space and energy for new and better opportunities.
  • Work on these believes you may have consciously or subconsciously in order to figure out where they come from and solve them:

Sacral Chakra Affirmations

I love and enjoy my body.
I have healthy boundaries.
I am open to experiencing the present moment through my senses.
I am passionate.
I feel pleasure and abundance with every breath I take.
I nourish my body with healthy food and clean water.
I know how to take care of my needs.
I value and respect my body.
I am open to touch and closeness.
I allow myself to experience pleasure.
My sexuality is sacred.
Emotions are the language of my soul.
I take good care of my physical body.
I am in peace.

An interview with Brian Weiss

Brian Weiss (age 72) is an American psychiatrist, hypnotherapist, and author who specializes in past life regression. His research includes reincarnation, past life regression, future life progression, and survival of the human soul after death. He is the author of many best sellers, including “Same soul, many bodies”, “Many lives, many masters” and “Only Love Is Real: A Story of Soulmates Reunited”.

1. You have graduated from the University of Columbia and Yale and worked as a professor at the University of Miami. Tell us about the transition from a professor to a psychotherapist to an author. What made you take up psychotherapy?

I’ve always been interested in the brain and that is why I specialized in psychiatry after graduating from Yale University School of Medicine. I was interested in brain chemistry and I also published many papers in the field of psychopharmacology.

While I was Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and also Clinical Associate Professor, a patient came to me with phobias and panic attacks. While treating her with psychotherapy and hypnotherapy, she started describing past lives. Her therapy was so remarkable that a few years after her treatment ended I decided to write “Many Lives, Many Masters,” the story of her journey.

2. Being from a science background yourself, did the initial sessions of Past Life intrigue you? How difficult was it for you to believe in something that has not been proven scientifically?

I was very intrigued but my initial reaction was one of skepticism, because I didn’t believe in the concept of reincarnation. I considered the possibilities of metaphor, symbolism, fantasy or imagination, multiple personalities, etc. However, her symptoms disappeared, and I knew that imagination didn’t cure such life-long and profound problems.

Also, her recall was very detailed and emotional, and there was some validation to her ancient memories. Since that experience, I have used regression therapy to past lives with more than four thousand patients in my office over the past thirty-eight years, and I no longer doubt.

3. It is said that memories of past life are nothing but one’s imagination. Please clarify. In addition, there has been a lot of criticism about your thesis on Past Life Regression. What is the harshest criticism that came your way and how do you deal with that?

As a psychotherapist I know that imagination does not have a long-term curative effect by itself. I have had patients speaking foreign languages that they have never heard or studied. I have had patients who have found their families from past lives after therapy sessions in which they recalled specific validational information. Others have known detailed historical facts that they never studied. So it is much more than imagination.

The harshest criticism has come from other psychiatrists who never studied regression therapy, who never tried it with their patients, and who therefore have  uninformed opinions. These criticisms were worse in the 1980’s and 1990’s, but I find less of this resistance now.

4. How do you cure a person through Past Life Therapy and what is the relation between what you have learnt in the university and the therapy you impart?

The concept of past life therapy is very much related to traditional psychotherapy. The recall of emotionally important and often forgotten memories has a healing effect on present day symptoms. Past life therapy merely expands the arena beyond childhood and infancy into previous lives. The overall theory and therapeutic skills are the same.

5. According to Hinduism, a soul has to take more than 4,00,000 births to become a human and that the Karma of a person affects his next life. How does past life therapy take someone to the previous human birth and how does the previous birth affect one’s present birth?

I don’t know how many lives it takes to become human. My focus is on healing, and this seems more to be connected to previous lives as a human. There is a strong connection between the events in previous lives and the symptoms, talents, and relationships in the present life. Using techniques of hypnotherapy it is not overly difficult to remember past lives. About 75% of my patients have been able to access recall of previous lifetimes.

To me karma is not punishment but is an opportunity to learn our lessons. If the lessons have not been learned in a previous lifetime, we come back to work on them. The lessons are about love, compassion, non-violence, patience and understanding, non-prejudice, etc.

6. Is there continuity of the individual soul? Does the concept of Past Life provide evidence for reincarnation? Also, is it possible for one to attain moksha or salvation?

There does seem to be a continuity of the individual soul. That is how we learn our lessons here. However, at some higher level all souls are connected. The concept of past life therapy provides direct evidence for reincarnation since it is the same thing. The soul enters a new body to continue its journey of learning. When the learning is complete, then liberation or moksha is attained.

[Posted by hayhouseoz. https://hayhouseoz.wordpress.com/2011/02/07/an-intimate-interview-with-dr-brian-weiss-brian-l-weiss/]


Dear Abundy's supporters and friends, It is with sadness that I have to announce the temporarily closure of Abundy Studio due to unexpected circumstances. During this time you can stay tuned and read the Abundy blog, but all the treatments will be suspended until further notice. Hopefully we won't stay close for long! Thank you for your understanding and support. With Love and Gratitude.