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Discover the properties of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is also known as medicinal aloe, “lily of the desert” or “elephant’s gall” and it belongs to the family of succulent plants in the genus ‘Aloe’. Its origin is believed to be in Sudan and has been used for more than 6,000 years, being recognized by many civilizations including the Egyptians, Spanish, Persians, Greeks, Italians, Africans, Japanese, and Indians. It grows best in warm and dry climates and that is why it is densely found in those areas, but it can be easily grown both indoors and outdoors.

Aloe Vera plant is often a stemless or sometimes very short-stemmed juicy plant that grows around 60–100 cm in height and the offsets spread out wide. The leaves of this plant are thick and fleshy and the color varies from green to gray-green. Some varieties of this plant have white flecks on the upper and lower portions of the stem surfaces. The margin of the leaves is like saw-tooth and the flowers bloom during the summer. Each leaf is full of a slimy tissue that stores water, which makes the leaves thick.

This slimy, water-filled tissue is the “gel” we usually associate with Aloe Vera products, and it contains most of the bioactive compounds in the plant, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. This plant has also compounds such as mannans, polysaccharides, lectins, and anthraquinones that are extremely beneficial for human health. Let’s have a look at all the benefits of this amazing plant:

  • For skin care (wounds, sores, rashes, etc.)

The pure inner gel extracted from the Aloe leaf is the best natural remedy for skin abrasions and it also helps diminish the symptoms of aging skin conditions like wrinkles. Many skin care and personal care products, toiletries, and cosmetics include Aloe extracts. In fact, if you have its plant at home, simply tear a small part of the leaf, take the gel and apply it in the raw form on your face. The topical external use of this plant is the most commonly known and it has long been known as a treatment for sores, particularly burns, including sunburns. Some people prefer drinking its juice, which also enhances skin health, as the properties of the plant work internally. It also helps in curing stings, rashes, acne, and psoriasis.

  • For beauty (moisturizer, hair care, teeth care etc.)

Aloe Vera has proven to be an excellent option for promoting naturally hair growth and essential to retain voluminous and healthy hair. You can apply its gel to the entire scalp or use a shampoo, which stimultaing your scalp can improves blood circulation and keeps you away from stress and mental tiredness.

Dental and gum diseases can also be cured by Aloe Vera. You can try out this natural remedy at home: put some of its powder on your toothbrush, then brush normally. It will soothe your gums and cure any kind of infection or bruises.

  • For digestion

The adaptogenic properties of Aloe Vera are beneficial for a proper digestion. It ensures better nutrient absorption and also eliminates harmful elements through smooth excretion. Its compounds called polysaccharides have the ability to cure a host of digestive disorders and ulcers, which are one of the most prominent consequences of digestive problems. Many studies have proven that with its anti-inflamamtory qualities it improves issues like Crohn’s disease, peptic ulcers, and other digestive tract disorders, mainly driven by the inflammation of digestive organs.

  • For constipation

This time it is not the gel, but the latex, that provides the benefits. The latex is a sticky yellow residue found just under the skin of the leaf and the key compound responsible for this effect is called aloin, or barbaloin, which has well-established laxative and diuretic effects (however, some concerns have been raised about safety issues with frequent use).

  • For immunity

Aloe Vera gel, again, contains powerful antioxidants, which belong to a large family of substances known as polyphenols. These polyphenols, along with several other compounds in Aloe vera, can help inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that can cause infections in humans. Beverages made with aloe vera juice possess natural detoxifying properties that effectively cleanse the digestive system and the circulatory system. As the absorption level of nutrients accelerates, it results in better blood circulation and also improves health. Infact, when the blood is oxygen-rich, it automatically provides nutrients within the cells more proficiently. Zinc is also an important component in this fantastic plant and it’s essential to maintain a proper immune function.

  • For diabetes and general regulation of blood sugar

Some evidence in humans and animals suggested that Aloe Vera is able to alleviate the chronic hyperglycemia (high blood sugar level) and perturbed lipid (fat) profile that are common among people with diabetes and are major risk factors for cardiovascular complications.

  • For pain

The extract of Aloe Vera has shown to be an excellent stimulant of the uterus and intake of its juice is very beneficial during painful menstruation.

The anti-inflammatory properties of Aloe Vera help it to work efficiently on joints and muscle pains, caused by heavy physical acivity or diseases like gout or arthritis. Applying Aloe gel topically eases inflammation and swelling of the joints.

Aloe Vera Smoothie Recipe:


  • 1-2 cups of coconut water
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • lemon, if you like it
  • 1 cup of fresh mango (or any other fruit you like!)
  • 1 fresh banana (or any other fruit again!)
  • a handful of fresh mint
  • 1 medium Aloe Vera leaf filletted (1/2 cups)

How to fillet an Aloe Vera leaf:

  1. First, cut off any white parts close to the root of the leaf.
  2. Then trim the prickly sides by slicing them off entirely using a paring knife. When doing so, try to take off as little as possible.
  3. With the convex side facing up, use a potato peeler to remove the skin from the leaf. Alternatively, you can slice off the top skin with the knife.
  4. Then, slide the knife under the gel to separate it from the leaf skin, making sure there is no leftover skin on the gel.
  5. Dice the gel into smaller pieces. Refrigerate and cover your leftover Aloe.
  6. Add straight into your blender or juicer with the rest of the ingredients.
  7. Enjoy!

Chromotherapy in brief

Colour is a phenomenon which surrounds us and it is often taken for granted. Just think for one second about the wonder of the rainbow and the awe-inspiring spectacle of the nothern lights. Colours are the visual part of what is known as the electromagnetic spectrum, that comprises of different kinds of energy waves which range from radio waves (the longest) to cosmic energy waves (the shortest).

We also know that light is composed of colors. Along with colors, light also consists of chemical and emotional elements since it emits heat, electricity and magnetism. Light, along with its component colours, can be used for healing the mind, body and spirit. This is the basic principle behind Chromotherapy (=colour therapy). But the rediscovery of colour used as a therapy is still in its early states, as at the beginning of the Nineteenth Century Chromotherapy was temporarily replaced by allopathic medicine due to the discovery of new drugs and advances in surgery.

It is common knowledge that white light is made up of all the colours. One way of experiencing this is to shine light through a prism, which refracts the light, splitting it into the multi-coloured band known as the colour spectrum. This is because each of the colours has its own angle of refraction (they are red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, blue, indigo, violet and magenta). Each of these colours has its own wavelength and sound frequency ranging from the longest wavelength and lowest sound frequency of red, to the short wavelength and highest sound frequency of magenta.

All the colours of the spectrum have a complementary colour, which is their opposite in the colour wheel, and they are always used for a treatment, as they tend to look balanced and brighter when they are next to each other.

Following on from the electromagnetic spectrum we know that each colour has also its own vibration, so by using colour on its own or with another therapy, we can maintain or change the vibrations of the body to a frequency which stimulates health and harmony. This because the frequency changes in the case of disease.

There are many ways to use these colours, such as coloured gem stones but you can easily wear colourful cloths, paint your home in specific colours or use coloured lamps and furniture. It’s up to you!

Red is a primary colour, which means that it cannot be produced by mixing any other colours. It is the colour with the longest wavelength and lowest sound frequency and, like all the other colours, it ranges from a very deep to a very pale red. It is a powerful energizer and stimulant, related to the masculine energy. If it is used in excess, it can cause aggression and sometimes restlessness. Red is the symbol of life, strength and vitality and helps to ground us, as it is connected to the base chakra and the gonads and reproductive cycle (great for the treatment of infertility). It is the colour to increase energy, raise body temperature and improve circulation and is therefore a colour of choice to use in cases of low blood pressure, anaemia and iron deficiency. When used with turquoise, red can help counteract infections and pneumonia and alleviate constipation. When red is mixed with white, it produces rose pink, the colour of spiritual love. Rose pink can be used in conjunction with violet for a broken heart. Violet restores dignity and self-respect and rose pink fills the person with spiritual love. Red should NOT be used when there is anxiety, emotional stress, high blood pressure or asthma.

Orange is a combination of red and yellow, thereby influencing both physical vitality and intellect. Related to the adrenals glands, it is the symbol of the feminine energy of creation. This is the colour of joy, the colour of dance, and as such is good for treating depression. Its antispasmodic effect works in cases of muscles spasms and cramp. It is also used in cases of kidney stones, gall stones, or for colds, underactive thyroid and bronchitis, fatigue or exhaustion.

Gold is the colour of wisdom and is indicative of high spirituality. In healing, this colour is only used with its complementary colour indigo, and for energising the body at the end of the treatment.

Yellow is one of the three primary pigment colours and it is related to the solar plexus chakra which governs the pancreas, controls the digestive system and helps to purify the body through its eliminating action on both the liver and the intestines. The yellow rays carry positive, magnetic currents which are inspiring and stimulating. These rays strengthen the nerves, stimulate the intellect and activity the motor nerves in the physical body, thereby generating energy in the muscles. This colour is used to treat partial or complete paralysis, diabetes, indigestion, fractured or broken bones and all arthritic conditions. Yellow works on the skin by improving its texture, cleansing, healing scars, and helping conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Green is a combination of yellow and blue. Yellow being the last colour on the magnetic side of the spectrum and blue, the first on the electrical side, green is the colour of balance. It is the dominant colour of the heart chakra and has the power to harmonise the yin and yang in the body. It also has a harmonising effect on three aspects of a human being, namely body, mind and spirit. Green also possesses antiseptic properties, enabling it to be used in cases of infection. It also has the ability to detoxify, which makes it invaluable for use on a toxic liver and it is useful in constipation, shock and certain heart conditions.

Turquoise is a combination of blue and green. It is related to the thymus gland and located close to it. The thymus gland is part of our immune system, therefore turquoise is a good colour to use to strengthen this.  Turquoise has the ability to calm, making it an excellent colour to use for nervous tension.

Blue is the dominant colour of the throat chakra. Like red, it is a primary or pure colour. But unlike red, which acts as a stimulant, blue has a relaxing and expanding effect, and is used on asthmatics. This is because it is symbioses tranquillity, peace, inspiration and devotion. Blue is an excellent colour for healing and meditation. It is also a good colour to wear during pregnancy. The throat chakra is the centre of communication and creativity. Those people who communicate with difficulty, or work mainly with their intellect, will benefit from treatment with the blue ray. Other disorders which respond well to blue are tension, fear, insomnia, anxiety, jaundice, diarrhoea and mastitis. However an excess of blue can cause depression.

This colour is a combination of blue and violet and is related to the brow chakra. It is associated with the mind, eyes and ears, and therefore it is used for cataracts and sinus problems. It is a strong painkiller and has antiseptic properties. Indigo, applied with its complementary colour gold, is used for headaches, neuralgic pain, insomnia, eye strain, angina, muscular strains, hepatitis, inflammation and sciatica.

This colour is related to the crown chakra and pertains to spirituality, self-respect and dignity. It is very beneficial to psychological disorders such as schizophrenia and manic depression. It also helps sciatica, diseases of the scalp and all disorders connected with the nervous system.

Magenta is composed of red and violet and is associated with release or letting go. On a mental level infact, magenta enables us to let go of ideas and thought patterns which have become irrelevant. Emotionally, it helps us to let go of old feelings which are preventing us from moving forward. On the physical level, it leads us to relinquish physical activities which we have outgrown. Magenta is beneficial in tinnitus, benign cysts and detached retinas.


Focus on: The Crown Chakra

Sanskrit name: Sahasrara – thousand petal
Element: No element, or thought
Color: Violet or white
Shape: Round scullcap
Petals of the lotus: One thousand
Rights: To know and to learn
Endocrine gland: Pineal gland
Physical association: Central nervous system, cerebral cortex
Psychological function: Awareness, understanding
Challenge: Attachment
Plane: Truth, reality
Planets: Uramis
Incense: Myrrh
Herb: Gotu Kola

The Crown chakra, known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit, is the seventh chakra. It sits like a crown, at the top of the head or slightly above the head, radiating upwards, hence its name.

The meaning of its Sanskrit name is “thousand petals”, as its symbol is composed of a circle and a thousand petals of a lotus flower. This chakra is most commonly represented with the color white, although it can also be pictured as deep purple. The auric color of crown chakra energy can also be seen as gold, white, or clear light.

It is primarily associated to the pineal gland, and to the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, which work in pair to regulate the endocrine system. Because of its location, the crown chakra is closely associated with the brain and the whole nervous system. Also, because it is located centrally at the top of the head, Sahasrara gives us access to higher states of consciousness as we open to what is beyond our personal preoccupations and visions.

Infact, the function of the Crown chakra is driven by consciousness and gets us in touch with the universal. Its energy allows us to experience mystical oneness with everyone and everything in nature. The “way of the Crown chakra” is the way of going beyond the limits of your own ego, knowing that all of creation is interconnected at a fundamental level. The challenge of this chakra is to liberate the spirit, open to the divine, and at the same time stay firmly rooted deep in the ground, as energetically, it has a connection with the first chakra, as they both are at the extremities of the chakra system.

As we are immersed in the energy of Sahasrara, we feel a state of blissful union with all that is, of spiritual ecstasy, allowing us to access to the upmost clarity and enlightened wisdom. The quality of awareness that comes with it is universal, transcendent, and it makes us feel present, conscious, aware ofthe main connection and free from our limiting patterns.

A deficiency in the Crown chakra tends to cause subtle, systemic problems. These include: depression and mental fog, chronic fatigue, migraines and other chronic headaches, greed and materialism. On the other hand, an excess of energy in the seventh chakra can also cause problems including: sensitivity to light and sound, neurological or endocrine disorders, boredom and frustration, a sense of unearned accomplishment.

An unbalanced Crown chakra can also play a role in dementia, learning disabilities, comas, sleep disorders and mental illness.

But how can you open and rebalance Sahasrara again?

  • Meditate. Focus your attention on the top of the head and clearly set your intention of balancing the Chakra. Visualize the violet color when doing this. Thank the Universe and feel the connection to the Higher Being, since Gratitude and contentment are the simplest ways of strengthening this Chakra.
  • Aromatherapy. Floral essences such as Lotus, Angelica and white tulip when applied to the pulse points can aid the meditation process.
  • Yoga. Postures like Shavasana (corpse position) or Lotus position (Padmasana) are recommended for aiding the Crown Chakra. An advanced pose, the headstand or Shirshasan, also helps balance the Crown Chakra by increasing blood flow to the top of the head.
  • Practice silence. It is best for Crown chakra activation, because it does not distract from spiritual practice. The sound of Om and deep, tonal sounds can also be healing music for Sahasrara because of their universal nature.
  • Sunlight. The Crown chakra’s elements are thought and light, so spending time in the sunlight is good for opening it.
  • Work on these believes you may have consciously or subconsciously in order to figure out where they come from and solve them:

Crown Chakra Affirmations

I am part of the Divine.
I honor the Divine within me.
I seek to understand and to learn from my life experiences.
I cherish my spirit.
I seek experiences that nurture my spirit.
I listen to the wisdom of universe.
I trust my intuition.
I am open to letting go of my attachments.
I live in the present moment.
I am grateful for all the goodness in my life.
I love and accept myself.
I know that all is well in my world.
I am connected with the wisdom of the universe.
I am open to Divine wisdom.
My life moves with grace.
I am at peace.

The 5 Elements Chinese Theory

Based on observations of the natural world, ancient Chinese people recognized continuous patterns of transformation and change in the universe. Initially, these observations were interpreted using the Yin-Yang logic, but later these interpretations were expanded using a new theory called the “Wu Xing“. Wu Xing, also known as the Five Elements, is a conceptual scheme that many traditional Chinese fields used to explain and describe interactions and relationships between phenomena and grouping objects, from cosmic cycles to the interaction between internal organs, and from the succession of political regimes to the properties of medicinal drugs….the categories are limitless. The Five Elements reflect a deep understanding of natural law, the Universal order underlying all things in our world.

The theory assets substances can be divide into one of five basic elements: Wood (木 ), Fire (火 huǒ), Earth (土 ), Metal (金 jīn), and Water(水 shuǐ), which contain their own specific characteristics and properties.


So what does the Five Element theory say to us about the world we live in? First, it speaks about how all things are connected. Everything within each element is related. Let’s take the Water element as an example: when it is winter there is a cold essence, it relates to and impacts in some way the kidneys, the emotion fear is linked, though not always in an obvious, visible way.

Second, the Five Elements show us how the structures and systems in our bodies are connected to each other, how we are linked to our environment and the natural world, how our world is part of the greater universe. Many people today have lost this deep connection to nature and no longer are able to feel this truth resonate in their being.

These elements are five fundamental energies in nature in motion. There is a dynamism between them, they are not static. Within their structure there are two fundamental relationships: generation (the external circle) and overcoming (the internal arrows). Without the balancing nature of these two relationships, things would fall out of order in a flash:


The Five Elements are aspects of Qi. Also health is the result of a harmonious balance of all of them. The Qi of the elements waxes and wanes in daily and seasonal cycles. Each one of us is an unique and characteristic blend of the influences of all the elements.

People who have a strong energy of the Wood element have a clear vision and goals, and know how to bring them into being. They excel at planning and decision making and can be forceful in disagreements. When the Wood Qi is weak, people can be indecisive, without strong direction in life and stuck. When the Liver Qi is congested or stagnant, people can be arrogant, over controlling, and have angry disposition and digestive problems. They may have a tendency to be workaholics or have addictive personalities, including the possibility of abusing drugs and alcohol. When Liver Qi is imbalanced, sour and bitter flavours are said to benefit its meridian, while acid food the opposite. Common illnesses include migraines, eye and sinus problems. For women, menstrual problems are frequent.

People with strong Fire energy may be quite charismatic, excelling at comanding others to action. They may love talking and socializing. When the Fire Qi is weak, a person may be lackluster or bland. They may suffer from anxiety, restlessness and insomnia, be too excitable, easily stimulated to excess, or they may be emotionally cold and unfeeling. Common diseases include palpitation, high blood pressure, heart problems and sores on mouth and tongue. People strongly influenced by the Fire element may be vulnerable in very hot weather and usually are calmed down by walking. The bitter flavour favors the Fire Qi.

Someone with well developed Earth energy is well grounded, nurturing, compassionate person, sometimes perceived as the archtypical “earth mother”. Earth people like to bring others together and make good mediators or peacemakers and reliable friends. When people have weak Earth Qi, they can be worriers, prone to pensiveness and overwork. They are vulnerable to digestive problems and they may gain weight easily and lose it with difficulty. Their bodies have a tendency also to make excessive mucus. Those with weak Earth Qi often feel better when they limit cold, raw foods and dairy products. They usually crave sweet, but they should eat warming foods and grains to stay well grounded. Common illnesses include: fatigue, diarrhea, gas and bloating, food allergies and sensitivities, eating disorders, heartburn and canker sores.

A person with well balanced Metal energy is well organized, self disciplines and conscientious. They like structure and rules in their life. A person with Metal Qi imbalance may be grief-stricken, sad, overly critical, having trouble in letting go. When the Metal energy is weak, there can be diseases of the lungd and skin. This energy peaks in the fall. In the cool, crisp, clean air of the autumn, metal people feel they can accomplish anything. The color of Metal is white, and thats is why people strongly influenced by the Metal Qi usually look pale.

When the Water Qi is strong, a person is fearless, determined and can endure many hardships in following their dreams and goals. Longevity is also considered to be associated with healthy Kidney Qi. When it is weak, there can be problems with water metabolism, such as urination, fertility or sexuality. This type of person could be anxious, fearful and withdrawn, and in more severe cases phobic. There may be also diminished hearing or ringing in the ears. The Kidney Qi rules in the winter.


Pictures taken from:

What is Reiki?

The word Reiki is composed of two Japanese words: “rei” and “ki“. Translating Japanese into English is very difficult, especially if we are seeking a definition from a more spiritual context. In this case, Rei can be defined as the Higher Intelligence that guides the creation and functioning of the universe, both animate and inanimate things. It is available to help us in times of need and to act as a source of guidance in our lives. Ki is the non-physical energy that animates and flows in all living things, including plants, animals and humans. When a person’s Ki is high, they will feel strong, confident, and ready to enjoy life and take on it’s challenges. When it is low, they will feel weak and are more likely to get sick. We receive Ki from the environment and everything around us, like the air, light, etc.

So, Reiki can be defined as a non-physical healing technique made of life force energy that is guided by the Higher Intelligence. The source of health comes from the Ki that flows through and around the individual, rather than from the functional condition of organs and tissues. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvment that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and psychological issue and always creates a beneficial effect, such as a deep relaxation. It also works with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

To administer Reiki, a practitioner channels life force energy through his or her hands unto another. The spiritual guidance enables the Reiki to flow through the affected parts of the subject’s energy field and charges them with positive energy. It raises awareness in and around the physical body where negative thoughts and feelings are contained. This causes the negative energy, such as stress, anxiety, physical pain, sadness, confusion, etc. to loosen its grip, allowing the touch of the Reiki healer to swoop in and clarify the energy pathways. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. This healing technique cannot be guided by the mind, therefore it is not limited by the experience or ability of the practitioner. Neither can it be misused as it always creates a healing effect, the worst it can do is nothing.

Reiki is different from almost all other healing modalities. It’s actually transferred to each student from a Reiki master during what is called an “attunement” process. This process opens the crown, heart, and palm chakras and creates a unique connection between the student and the teacher. Once you have received a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the remainder of your life. It does not “wear off” and you can never lose it.

There are actually three or four levels of Reiki, depending on your teacher, for which one must be attuned before becoming a master:

  • Reiki Level 1: it is all about learning the history of Reiki, proper hand placements, the basics of how to use Reiki on others, and the practice of self-Reiki. This encourages students to use the technique on themselves in order to work through personal hardships.
  • Reiki Level 2: it is often defined by a focus on practicing Reiki on others, as well as an expanded opening of the energy channels. Additionally students receive the Reiki symbols and Level 2 attunement. The Reiki symbols allow the practitioner to connect more deeply to the universal energy, as well as draw on the qualities that the symbols represent. This includes the ability to provide distance in space and time treatments.
  • Reiki Level 3/Master: in many courses the Third Degree and Reiki Master are the same designation, because it is traditionally considered the teacher’s level.

Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion. It has no dogma, and there is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use it. Infact, Reiki is not dependent on belief at all and will work whether you believe in it or not.  Many people find that using Reiki puts them more in touch with the experience of their religion rather than having only an intellectual concept of it, but that is only up to you and your beliefs.

Most agree that Reiki has its origins back to the late 19th or early 20th centuries and the teachings of a Japanese monk named Mikao Usui. He had “rediscovered” this ancient concept of an inexhaustible energy source that can be harnessed for healing. Through attunements, a Reiki master (Usui was the first) can teach others to master this healing power as well. In 1937, a Japanese-American named Hawayo Takata brought the practice of Reiki to the West when she returned to her native Hawaii.

The secret art of inviting happiness,
The miraculous medicine of all diseases.
Just for today, do not anger,
Do not worry and be filled with gratitude.
Devote yourself to your work. Be kind to people.
Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer.
Pray these words to your heart
and chant these words with your mouth.
Usui Mikao, Reiki: Treatment for the improvement of body and mind


Dear Abundy's supporters and friends, It is with sadness that I have to announce the temporarily closure of Abundy Studio due to unexpected circumstances. During this time you can stay tuned and read the Abundy blog, but all the treatments will be suspended until further notice. Hopefully we won't stay close for long! Thank you for your understanding and support. With Love and Gratitude.